Note when using Doxycycline 100mg for acne treatment

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Acne is a common dermatological disease, almost all people experience this disease during puberty. Some patients have to use Doxycycline 100mg to treat acne. So what is Doxycycline drug, and what should be noted when using Doxycycline 100mg for acne?

1. A few basic features of acne

Acne is a common dermatological disease, scientifically known as Acne vulgaris, the main manifestation of the disease is inflammation in the hair follicle system and sebaceous glands. The disease is common in adolescents - teenagers, most cases of the disease usually go away spontaneously, men last until about the age of 25 and women about before the age of 30.
Acne develops when your body's sebaceous glands Overproduction of sebum, this oil combines with the cells of the sebaceous glands to clog pores.
Today, scientists have proven that acne is a result of the body producing too much sebum, but it is still not clear why the body produces so much sebum. . The reasons are given to explain this condition that can be due to hormones, genetic factors or bacteria ...
Acne does not arise on its own due to the foods that the patient consumes. , but foods can be favorable factors for acne to develop such as: Foods high in sugar and fat such as cakes, tea, chocolate, durian, mango..
Some other factors can cause acne such as stress, acne before menstruation, exam anxiety, staying up late...; or by chemicals such as petroleum, minerals, iodine, bromine...; or due to some drugs such as corticosteroids, anti-tuberculosis drugs INH, vitamin B12, oral contraceptives ...
The treatment of acne depends on the degree and depending on the patient, the specialist doctor will give a regimen. suitable treatment. In some cases, patients need to take antibiotics. A commonly used antibiotic to treat acne is Doxycycline 100mg.

2. Note when using Doxycycline for acne

Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic (of the tetracycline group), used in the treatment of many bacterial infections, including acne.
However, Doxycycline 100mg drug can cause gastrointestinal irritation to different degrees, more commonly after using oral drugs with manifestations such as inflammation and ulceration of the esophagus.
However, most of the causes of this condition are due to the incorrect way of taking Doxycycline 100mg, such as: Drinking too little water or just lying down after taking the medicine, or taking the medicine in a position ... making the medicine not It goes into the stomach right away but gets stuck in the esophagus causing ulcers.
Doxycycline 100mg esophageal irritation and ulcer can be overcome by taking the drug with plenty of water (about 150-200ml) in a sitting or standing position. Do not lie down immediately after taking Doxycycline.
In addition, the drug Doxycycline can cause gastrointestinal irritation with manifestations such as digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting... Can take doxycycline 100mg with food or milk to overcome this situation.
In people taking Doxycycline 100mg capsules placed under the tongue may experience side effects such as headache, gum pain, toothache, common cold syndrome, teeth increased sensitivity to heat, bleeding gums, secretions. many translations.
Doxycycline 100mg drug can cause skin rash, make the skin sensitive to light ... so it is necessary to avoid sunlight, avoid ultraviolet rays when using the drug. If the skin is red, stop taking Doxycycline 100mg immediately.
Like tetracycline, Doxycycline 100mg drug can cause permanent tooth discoloration, enamel hypoplasia and slow bone growth. Therefore, do not use Doxycycline 100mg for children under 8 years old.
In addition to the above notes, if in the process of taking Doxycycline 100mg for acne, users have any more questions, they can ask their doctor directly for advice on how to use them appropriately.

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