Mumps is caused by what virus?

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Currently, there is no specific treatment for mumps, the main treatment method is to treat the symptoms, increase nutrition to improve the body's resistance against the virus, detect and treat it early. dangerous complications (if any) of the disease.

1. What is mumps?

The causative agent of mumps is the Paramyxovirus. This family of viruses includes many different pathogens in terms of their ability to cause disease; the size of this virus family is usually from 150 - 700 nm; Molecular weight 5 - 7,106 daltons, small coiled nucleocapsids 12 to 18 nm in diameter.
Mumps occurs only in humans and is most common in children under the age of 15, especially those between 6 and 10 years old. The disease usually occurs in the winter and spring, when the weather begins to turn cold.
This is a disease that is spread mainly through the respiratory tract due to infected saliva when:
People infected with mumps virus sneeze or cough when not covering their mouth. Sharing utensils with an infected person. Kissing. The disease will spread to contacts one week before the patient shows symptoms and can continue to infect 2 weeks later, the most contagious time is about 2 days before symptoms of parotitis appear.

Virus Paramyxovirus gây ra bệnh quai bị
Virus Paramyxovirus gây ra bệnh quai bị

2. Symptoms of mumps

Mumps symptoms usually appear within two weeks of being exposed to the mumps virus. The first symptoms that appear may resemble those of a common cold. Specifically:
Incubation period:
Mumps virus incubation for 14-24 days in the body of the patient Usually does not cause clinical symptoms. Period of illness onset:
The patient has poor appetite leading to weakness; Body fatigue, irritability; Headache and mild fever, not accompanied by chills; Sore throat, jaw angle, mastoid process, temporomandibular joint and lower angle of the jawbone. Full-blown period:
Parotid gland is swollen and painful on one side and then spreads to the opposite side and other salivary glands. High fever 38-40 degrees Celsius in the first 3 days of illness. Because of the pain, the patient often loses his appetite. Recovery period:
After 1 week, the swollen parotid glands reduce pain and become smaller; Symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing decrease and gradually disappear.

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Bệnh quai bị làm tuyến mang tai sưng to

3. Complications of mumps

The most common complications of mumps are:
Orchitis : The testicles will swell and become painful; edematous epididymis; inflammation and fever may persist; testicular atrophy and can lead to infertility later in life. Cystitis: Swollen and painful ovaries, which can leave behind infertility in women (rare). Viral meningitis: When a virus spreads through the bloodstream and infects the body's central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The mumps virus travels to the brain and causes an infection there, leading to encephalitis. This condition can be life-threatening. The person may experience sudden severe headaches, may lose consciousness or convulsions. Pancreatitis: This is a serious complication of mumps, the patient has severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, possibly low blood pressure. Miscarriage: If a pregnant woman gets mumps in the first 3 months of pregnancy, there is a very high risk of miscarriage or having a baby with a birth defect; and if a pregnant woman gets mumps in the last 3 months of pregnancy, she can give birth prematurely or stillbirth. Hearing loss: The mumps virus can invade the cochlea leading to hearing loss.

Quai bị gây biến chứng viêm tinh hoàn
Quai bị gây biến chứng viêm tinh hoàn

4. Treatment of mumps

Currently, there is no specific treatment for mumps, the main treatment is symptomatic treatment, nutrition enhancement to improve resistance against the virus, early detection and treatment of complications. danger of disease. Specifically:
Quarantine for at least 2 weeks for people with mumps and ask patients to rest in bed. Replenish water for the body (drink 2 liters of water a day). Absolutely do not drink sour fruit juice because it contains acidic components, so it stimulates the parotid glands, producing more saliva and causing pain. Limit foods containing sticky ingredients such as sticky rice or banh chung... because it will make the jaw area become swollen and painful. Should choose to eat liquid foods, soft, easy to swallow so as not to use jaw muscles, avoid pain; Vitamin C supplements to improve immunity. Do not use cold water and wind to avoid making the mumps area bigger and heavier. Clean body, clean teeth; Reduce pain and swelling by applying warmth to the swollen area. In case of orchitis, the patient should wear underwear to lift the testicles to relieve pain, rest and limit movement. Surgical decompression is required when the testicle is too compressed. Use the correct dose of corticosteroids, the most important is a large dose initially (60mg Prednisolone), then tapered over 7-10 days. Use pain relievers and fever reducers containing Paracetamol when there are symptoms of high fever over 38.5 degrees Celsius or when the pain is severe, affecting the ability to eat and sleep. It is possible to use folk remedies such as: use gac seed wine to apply to the swollen area to reduce swelling and pain symptoms.

Uống thuốc điều trị quai bị cần đúng theo chỉ định của bác sĩ
Uống thuốc điều trị quai bị cần đúng theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

5. Prevention of mumps

Vaccinate against mumps : This is the recommended method in the vaccination program. For effective prevention, children need to complete the full course of vaccinations to be able to protect against the disease.
Limit contact with people with mumps, if you must, wear a mask; Do not eat or drink or share personal items with someone who has mumps.
In case you have been in contact with someone with mumps and you have not been vaccinated against mumps or have no protection, you need to get vaccinated immediately to avoid contracting mumps. Note: The mumps vaccine should be given no later than 72 hours after being exposed to a person with mumps.
Improve nutrition, strengthen the body's resistance daily; Maintain body hygiene, especially respiratory tract to prevent viruses from entering.
Vinmec International General Hospital is currently providing a Package Immunization Program with a variety of vaccines for different audiences, from infants, young children, adults, women before and during pregnant.
To register for vaccination, please contact directly to Vinmec Health System nationwide or make an appointment HERE.
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