Medicinal plants to treat diabetes

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Diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, the patient must take medication for life. However, to avoid dependence and abuse of modern drugs, herbal medicinal plants for diabetes are also used to support better blood sugar control.

1. The truth about the medicinal plants cure diabetes?

Currently, the cure of diabetes is a major medical challenge, diabetics still have to take medication for life. The male medicinal plants for diabetes are only aimed at stabilizing blood sugar, helping patients better control the disease.
The male medicinal plants for diabetes because of their natural origin, the effect will be slower than that of modern drugs. In addition, patients should consult their doctor to know for sure whether taking male diabetes medication is appropriate for their specific condition.
When applying medicinal plants for diabetes, patients should persevere in taking the drug regularly every day in accordance with the dosage instructions, depending on the location of each patient, the results will be different. Care should be taken when combining medicinal plants for diabetes with western medicines because they can interact and increase the side effects of the new drugs.

2. Male medicinal plants for diabetes treatment

2.1. Ganoderma lucidum is considered a "panacea" to treat many diseases. Among them, diabetes, thanks to the polysaccharide component, has the effect of reducing blood sugar markedly, stabilizing blood sugar, eliminating the possibility of infection and limiting complications (blood pressure, heart disease, stroke). glycorrhea patient. Polysaccharide also has the effect of restoring pancreatic islet cells, thereby promoting insulin production.
Ganoderma can also prevent alloxan damage to pancreatic beta cells. In addition, Ganoderma lucidum also has the effect of reducing the progression of kidney disease, reducing blood sugar and Triglyceride levels. Ganoderma lucidum is used in the form of decoction, soup or tea to drink daily.
2.2. Many countries in the world such as India and China have used fenugreek to treat diabetes, to help control and stabilize blood sugar. Besides, tallow also helps to reverse cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, help clear heat and detoxify due to its coolness, mild taste, easy to drink.
Fenugreek regulates blood sugar by blocking the absorption of sugar in the intestines, stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin. This use is due to the active substance gymnemic acid in the fenugreek seeds, which helps to increase the secretion of pancreatic juice, effectively reducing blood sugar when persistently used for a long time.
2.3. Bitter melon (bitter gourd) Bitter melon is effective in the treatment of diabetes thanks to its charantin and momordicin components that help increase metabolic activity, help reduce glucose and stabilize blood sugar. Active ingredients in bitter melon can also inhibit enzymes involved in breaking down monosaccharides and disaccharides, helping to better digest carbohydrates in food, stimulating insulin production, and maintaining blood sugar levels. In addition, bitter melon also enhances glucose transport, preventing sudden blood sugar spikes. Active ingredients Oleanolic acid glycosides in bitter melon help improve glucose tolerance, improve insulin resistance. Bitter melon contains antioxidants, supports the recovery of damaged cells, prevents diabetes complications. 2.4. Garlic and onions, these two familiar spices have the effect of lowering blood sugar and improving insulin resistance in the body, helping to increase insulin sensitivity, stabilize blood sugar, reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent other diseases. dangerous complications such as blood pressure, blood fat, heart disease...
2.5. Basil Basil is both a herb and a medicine that helps to lower blood sugar very well. Patients should eat a moderate amount of basil, using too much can cause sudden and dangerous hypoglycemia.
2.6. Cinnamon bark Cinnamon is known to be a plant that brings many health benefits, including antioxidant capacity, protecting blood vessels from free radicals, controlling blood cholesterol... Besides, cinnamon is also one of the medicinal plants that treat diabetes thanks to the effect of increasing sugar metabolism and stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin. Remedies to support diabetes treatment from cinnamon:
Prepare 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder, 1⁄2 teaspoons of oatmeal; Mix 2 ingredients with 500ml of warm water; The patient divided the above mixture and drank 2 times in the morning and in the evening for 15 consecutive days. When the blood sugar level has decreased, the patient needs to stop taking the medicine for a few days and then can take cinnamon powder for a while to stabilize the blood sugar level and improve the immune system.
2.7. Angiosperm tree List of medicinal plants for diabetes can not lack mondo. The plant is often grown mainly for its tubers and used in many medicines to treat many different diseases. The active ingredients in mondo rhubarb have the effect of reducing insulin resistance, increasing insulin levels in the blood thanks to the ability to stimulate the regeneration of pancreatic cells, thereby supporting better blood glucose control. .
Besides, mondo rhizome has a number of other effects such as protecting glomerular blood vessels and preventing kidney complications related to diabetes.
2.8. Durian leaves are known to be one of the effective diabetes treatment leaves, when used properly will help reduce glucose absorption after eating, stimulate the regeneration of pancreatic beta cells. responsible for the production of insulin. Besides, durian leaves also support diabetic patients to reduce stress and fatigue.
2.9. Plantain is a herbaceous plant that grows wild, perennial in moist and well-lit soil areas. Plantain is a medicinal plant with cool, sweet taste, diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory, treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, sore throat, urinary tract infection. In particular, plantain is also known as one of the medicinal plants that cure diabetes through parts such as leaves and seeds.
2.10. Guava Besides being an edible fruit, guava also helps support the treatment of diabetes. According to some studies, diabetics who drink guava juice can effectively control blood sugar levels. In addition, guava is on the list of medicinal plants for diabetes due to its rich fiber content in leaves and fruits, so when taken, it will reduce the glycemic index, thereby preventing a sudden rise in blood sugar.
2.11. White Mulberry The medicinal plants for diabetes will include white mulberry, the scientific name is Morus alba, and there are other names such as chi sang, Egyptian strawberry, morin, morus indica. Parts often used to support diabetes treatment are the leaves and fruits.
Besides, white berries also bring some health benefits such as:
Control blood cholesterol levels; Support to control high blood pressure; Cure the common cold, muscle pain, joint pain in other joint diseases such as arthritis; Cure constipation; Reduce dizziness, tinnitus, hair loss or premature graying of hair.. 2.12. Ginger (Ginger) Ginger is both a familiar cooking spice and a popular herb used in traditional medicine. The use of ginger is well known to treat digestive problems and reduce inflammation. However, a 2015 study showed that ginger can help with diabetes by lowering blood sugar without affecting insulin levels in the blood.
According to researchers, ginger has the ability to help reduce insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes. However, the exact mechanism is still unclear, requiring more in-depth studies on its ability Antidiabetic potential of ginger.

3. Note when using medicinal plants for diabetes

Herbal medicines for diabetes are said to be safe and have fewer side effects than Western medicines. However, when using it, patients still have to be very careful and pay attention to the following issues:
Do not arbitrarily use medicinal plants for diabetes according to experience, especially when the origin and ingredients are unknown. active ingredients inside; Especially stay away from male remedies that are said to be able to completely or completely cure diabetes...; Regularly check blood sugar during the use of diabetic leaves; When there are unusual symptoms such as extreme hunger, cravings, trembling hands and feet, sweating, rapid weight loss, dizziness, etc., patients need to quickly go to medical facilities for examination and treatment. treatment; Absolutely do not arbitrarily give up diabetes medications prescribed by your doctor, besides maintaining a suitable diet and exercise regimen for diabetics according to the instructions..

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