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Articles in Traditional medicine

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Be careful when taking kidney tonics
Vietnamese have more than 6 million people suffering from kidney-related problems and this number accounts for about 6.7% of the population. The number of people with kidney disease is increasing. Besides, kidney disease patients also self-study and kidney tonics to help improve the condition of the kidney, and at the same time help to enhance the function of the kidney. The article will provide more information related to kidney tonics
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Note when using brain tonic
Brain tonic is a supplement that is interested by many subjects. Especially a brain tonic for children to increase thinking ability. Is the truth behind it really?
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Are you using liver tonic correctly?
Liver disease has a significant impact on health. Therefore, liver tonics are interested and used by many people. But are you taking your liver tonic the right way?
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What are supplements? How to use it safely?
Supplements are a form of functional foods that provide nutrients that the body lacks. The most common forms of tonics are vitamins and mineral elements. In addition, tonics are divided into several groups to facilitate the use and purposes of each individual.
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Do psychoactive tonics cause dependence?
Nervous breakdown occurs when the patient works in environments with too much pressure. This disease has a great impact on the patient not only physically but also mentally changing the patient. Many of these people often use nerve tonics to improve their condition. However, improper use of the drug can cause negative health effects.
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What drugs do men take with fatty liver?
Using male medicine to treat fatty liver disease is also the choice of many people. Although male medicine has a slower effect than western medicine, it is quite benign and does not cause side effects. So, in case of fatty liver, what kind of medicinal plants do you drink?
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Cure ureteral stones with folk tips
How to cure ureteral stones by folk tips are applied by many people. This is a simple way, with easy-to-find ingredients, easy to make at home, but with sustainable effectiveness. Read the article below for more information on curing ureteral stones with folk tips.
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Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome according to traditional medicine
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the colon commonly seen in clinical practice, manifested through symptoms such as abdominal pain, abdominal distension, constipation alternating with diarrhea,... Currently, because of its safety Because of higher safety, more and more patients are choosing the methods of treating irritable bowel syndrome with Oriental medicine.
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Medicinal plants to treat cirrhosis and ascites
The number of people suffering from liver diseases is increasing, which includes cirrhosis ascites. Treatment of cirrhosis with ascites with medicinal plants is a safe, effective and inexpensive method. Let's learn about cirrhosis of the liver and ascites in the following article.
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Effectively treat neck and shoulder pain by impacting the spine
Đau mỏi vai gáy là hội chứng thường gặp làm ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khỏe, giấc ngủ và cả tâm lý người bệnh. Phương pháp tác động cột sống bằng xoa bóp, bấm huyệt đang được chú ý hơn cả vì không chỉ giúp giảm đau mà còn đem lại cảm giác thư thái.
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Effective treatment of headaches and migraines by impacting the spine
Thống kê cho thấy có tới 90% dân số thế giới mắc bệnh đau đầu, đau nửa đầu vào một thời điểm nào đó trong đời. Phương pháp chữa đau đầu bằng xoa bóp bấm huyệt tác động cột sống đang phát huy hiệu quả trị bệnh rất tốt.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics