Measurement of Aldosterone levels in blood and urine

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Aldosteron hormone is one of the hormones produced in the adrenal gland, keeping the function of maintaining normal blood sodium and potassium levels in order to create a balance in blood volume as well as arterial blood pressure. Therefore, measuring the concentration of Aldosteron in the blood as well as in the urine is extremely necessary, helping to monitor and detect some abnormal medical conditions.

1. Hormone Aldosterone

Hormone Aldosterone is a type of corticosteroid responsible for the function of salt and water metabolism in the body, produced in the adrenal gland, more precisely the adrenal cortex. In order to achieve the release of the hormone aldosterone, it is necessary to be regulated by the Renin - Angiotensin - Aldosterone system. The physiology of the Renin - Angiotensin - Aldosteron system is explained as follows: Renin is a hydrolytic enzyme, produced by the kidneys and responsible for regulating and controlling the hormone Aldosterone. The kidney will produce Renin enzyme when the body's blood pressure index drops, or in case the sodium chloride salt concentration is reduced, then Renin will start the process of hydrolyzing Angiotensinogen protein in the blood, creating Angiotensin I and converted to Angiotensin II through the ACE-metabolizing enzyme. Angiotensin II is a stimulant to produce the hormone Aldosteron, which increases blood pressure and keeps blood potassium and sodium ion levels stable. Renin - Angiotensin system can be present in the kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, blood vessels, nervous system ...
The hormone Aldosterone works to increase blood pressure and balance potassium and sodium in the blood through the distal convoluted tubules and Nephron collecting ducts. , occurs the process of reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions and in parallel increases the excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions. The effect of this process is that the body will increase the ability to store water as well as the extracellular fluid volume will increase, ensuring normal blood sodium and potassium levels, controlling blood pressure of the body.

Cấu trúc hoá học của Aldosterone
Cấu trúc hoá học của Aldosterone

In clinical practice, for some patients, there is often a condition that produces too much of this hormone, called Aldosterone, or produces too little, so it is necessary to perform some tests to measure the concentration of Aldosteron and Aldosteron. Renin is present in the body to find the cause of this abnormal physiological condition. These types of tests are done with both blood and urine of the patient, are valuable in detecting and diagnosing some diseases such as primary hyperaldosteronism, secondary hyperaldosteronism for appropriate treatment. .

2. Aldosterone concentration measurement

Measure Aldosteron levels and measure Renin levels to survey the production of Aldosteron hormone in the adrenal glands of patients, find out the cause of excess or lack of this hormone in the body to diagnose some related diseases. For measurement of Aldosterone levels, the patient usually has a blood or urine sample taken for testing within 24 hours, while measuring Renin levels will be taken from a blood sample. If the concentration of the hormone Aldosteron in the patient's body is high, it may be thought that primary aldosteronism, also scientifically known as Conn's syndrome, causes the patient to have high blood pressure. After measuring the concentration of Aldosteron, if the results are positive, the patient will be prescribed additional tests to stimulate and inhibit the hormone Aldosteron to contribute to the diagnosis.
An important thing to keep in mind when measuring Aldosterone or Renin levels is that both of these can change during the day, peak values ​​are seen in the morning, can change even when the patient is sick. changes in posture, stress, or is affected by certain medications the patient is taking. Therefore, when doing the test, you must pay attention to these factors and follow the correct procedure to get the most accurate test results.

Người bệnh được lấy mẫu máu để làm xét nghiệm đo nồng độ Aldosteron trong 24 giờ
Người bệnh được lấy mẫu máu để làm xét nghiệm đo nồng độ Aldosteron trong 24 giờ

Indications for measuring Aldosterone levels include:
Patients with high blood pressure, especially those with low potassium levels Patients with high blood pressure, normal potassium levels but using drugs Unresponsive or early hypertension, patients with primary hyperaldosteronism and secondary hyperaldosteronism, primary and secondary hypoaldosteronism. Patient has symptoms of adrenal insufficiency
How to take a specimen to measure Aldosterone concentration in blood and urine and store it as follows:
For blood specimens, venous blood should be drawn when the patient is standing upright or lying on his back. Before the time of blood collection, the patient needs to rest for 30 minutes, then lie on his back and start drawing blood. When taking blood in a standing position, have the patient stand upright, or walk for 30 minutes and then sit down and take a blood sample immediately. Blood samples are not exposed to direct sunlight, can be stored for 24 hours at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, longer for about 4 days at a temperature between 2-8°C, can even be stored for 2 months when the storage temperature reaches -20°C. For urine specimens, the patient needs to collect urine within 24 hours, in a sterile bottle containing 50% Acetic Acid. Preservation of urine samples is at a temperature of 20-25°C, it can be kept for 8 hours, for a temperature of 2-8°C, urine can be stored for 24 hours, if you want to store it for a long time. For longer than about 2 months, it is necessary to keep the temperature at -20°C.

Nước tiểu có thể được sử dụng trong xét nghiệm đo nồng độ Aldosteron
Nước tiểu có thể được sử dụng trong xét nghiệm đo nồng độ Aldosteron

Measuring the concentration of Aldosterone in the blood and urine is an essential test in investigating the concentration of the hormone Aldosterone in the body, whether it is overproduced or deficient, from which there is a basis to diagnose a condition. some diseases such as primary or secondary hyperaldosteronism, primary or secondary aldosteronism or some adrenal gland related diseases.
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