Liver CT scan technique: What you need to know

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thuc Vy - Doctor of Diagnostic Imaging - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Liver tomography has become an indispensable imaging tool when examining the condition of the liver as well as other organs in the body. In addition to the purpose of diagnosing chronic liver diseases, it also helps doctors to study liver anatomy with the most detailed and honest images.

1. What is a liver scan?

CT scan of the liver is to provide more detailed information about the liver and related structures than conventional X-ray methods. Therefore, the results will give more accurate information regarding injury and liver diseases.
Liver tomography may also be used to locate the needle during a liver biopsy or while aspirating fluid in areas of the liver. Liver computed tomography is useful in diagnosing obstructive and non-obstructive types of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes as a result of the liver).
However, liver scans also have some risk factors such as:
If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant, the radiation exposure during a liver scan can make your baby sick. children with birth defects.
● If contrast medicine is used, you may also be at risk of an allergic reaction to the medicine. You should talk to your doctor about this condition in advance.
● In case you have kidney failure or other kidney problems, using contrast medicine can cause kidney failure. People with kidney failure are more likely to have kidney damage after exposure to contrast agents.
● If you are taking metformin or glucophage you should tell your doctor so that you can be told to stop at least 48 hours after receiving the contrast agent. Because it can cause metabolic acidosis or change in blood pH.
● Possible (but very rare) leak of contrast agent from the intravenous line. When this happens, it causes swelling, stinging, or skin damage at the injection site.
Several factors affect the accuracy of liver scan results: Metallic objects in the abdomen (such as surgical clips), presence of barium in the intestines, prior use of oral contrast agents .

Chụp CT gan có thể bị rủi ro khi sử dụng thuốc cản quang
Chụp CT gan có thể bị rủi ro khi sử dụng thuốc cản quang

2. When is a liver scan needed?

Liver scan when the liver shows signs of disease, the organs in the liver are changed, leading to a change in the overall density of the liver (the appearance of a tumor or other lesions such as: trauma, bleeding, infection, liver abscess,...) or special conditions when other methods of examination such as conventional x-ray, physical examination and ultrasound are inconclusive. .
Images of the liver will be seen through the layers of the tomography technique, so that the difference between a normal liver and a diseased liver can be compared. Based on this principle, the doctor can most accurately diagnose liver-related diseases.

Tiến hành chụp cắt lớp khi phát hiện các tổn thương ở gan
Tiến hành chụp cắt lớp khi phát hiện các tổn thương ở gan

3. What should the patient prepare before the liver scan?

Matters to be aware of and prepare for before a liver scan:
● If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, you should check with your doctor before scheduling a liver scan. Your doctor will advise and help you choose the most optimal test method.
CT scans will be performed continuously with and without contrast. Contrast drugs help the radiologist to see clearly pictures of the inside of the body. Some patients are not allergic to iodinated contrast. If you have problems with kidney function, tell your doctor so you can have the scan done without contrast or have another imaging test instead.
● Before your liver scan you will be asked to sign a consent form that will detail the risks and side effects associated with intravenous contrast. However, in some cases, your doctor may ask you to take a contrast agent before the test. In case you need to take more contrast medicine to get a good picture so the doctor can see your digestive system.
You should notify the CT technician in advance if you have an allergic reaction to any contrast agent
When asked for a contrast scan, fast six hours before during liver scan. You may be encouraged to drink plenty of clear liquids. You may also take your prescribed medication before the test. If your doctor orders a CT scan of your liver without contrast, you can still eat, drink, and take your prescription medications before the test.
● During the liver scan, the patient needs to hold his breath to avoid the movement affecting the technique. Therefore, to get used to holding the breath, the patient should practice a few times before the test.

Bệnh nhân phải tập thở khi lớp cắt đi qua
Bệnh nhân phải tập thở khi lớp cắt đi qua

Liver tomography not only provides information about the external appearance of the liver, but also provides detailed images of the internal structure of the liver, including vascular and biliary components. Based on the anatomical landmarks that are checked by liver tomography to segment according to the anatomy as well as the functional segment to help the radiologist determine the location of the damaged liver in the most accurate way.
In order to help patients diagnose and promptly provide treatment options, Vinmec International General Hospital has put the most modern CT scanner into serving the imaging of the liver and many other diseases. other disease. With a team of good, qualified and well-trained medical doctors, they will give the best image to diagnose the right disease, thereby having the right and timely treatment, ensuring optimal health for you. liver disease and many other diseases.
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