Learn about sexually transmitted diseases

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Article written by Doctor of Urology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), often caused by sexual contact. STDs can be transmitted from person to person in blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids.

1. What is a sexually transmitted disease?

Sexually transmitted diseases – STDs is the English name for sexually transmitted diseases. It is caused by the spread of pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites from one person to another through sexual contact.
Sometimes these organisms can transmit disease without sexual contact, such as from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or through blood transfusion or sharing needles.
An infected person can get a sexually transmitted infection from people who are completely healthy, or who have the infection without knowing it. STDs don't always have symptoms, which is one of the reasons experts prefer the term "sexually transmitted infection" to "sexually transmitted disease."

2. Sexually transmitted disease symptoms

STIs can have a wide range of signs and symptoms, some of which are asymptomatic. That's why they don't know they're infected until complications or a sexual partner is diagnosed. Signs and symptoms of STIs include:
Papules or sores on the genitals, mouth or anus area Painful or burning urine Discharge from the urethra Vaginal discharge with an unusual odor Unusual vaginal bleeding Pain during sex Painful, swollen glands, especially in the groin area but sometimes more widespread Lower abdominal pain Fever Fever Rash on trunk, hands or feet Signs and symptoms may appear for a few days after exposure, or it could be years, before you detect it, depending on the causative organism.

Chảy máu âm đạo có thể là dấu hiệu của bệnh lây qua đường tình dục
Chảy máu âm đạo có thể là dấu hiệu của bệnh lây qua đường tình dục

>> See also: Ureaplasma: one of the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases - Article written by BSCKII Nguyen Thu Hoai - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

3. When to see a doctor

You should see a doctor immediately if:
You have had sex and perhaps have been in contact with someone with an STI. If you have signs and symptoms of an STI, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. When you are about to begin sexual activity or when you are 21 years old, whichever comes first. Before you start having sex with a new partner.

4.Causes of sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted infections can be caused by:
Bacteria such as: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia Parasites: Trichomonas Virus: human papillomavirus (HPV), genital herpes, HIV Close sexual activity play an important role in disease transmission although these diseases can also be transmitted by other non-sexual routes: hepatitis A, B and C, shigella and Intestinalis Giardia.
Risk factors for STIs
Anyone who has ever had sex is at any risk of getting an STI (unsafe) at any rate. Factors that may increase risk include:
Unprotected sex: Vaginal or anal intercourse from an infected partner who is not wearing a condom significantly increases the risk of getting an STI . Incorrect or inappropriate use of condoms can also increase the risk of infection. Oral sex: may be less dangerous, but can still be transmitted by not using a condom or dental diaphragm. A dental diaphragm is a thin, square piece of rubber made from latex or silicone that prevents contact between the mucous membranes of the mouth and the skin. Having sex with multiple partners: The more sex partners you have, the higher your risk of infection. People who have had STIs: are more likely to get STIs. The person is forced to have sex or have sexual contact. Alcohol or substance use abuse: Substance abuse can cause you to lose control, making you more willing to engage in risky behaviors. Injecting drugs, sharing needles: spread many serious infections, including HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Youth: Half of STIs occur in men between the ages of 15 and 24. Men taking erectile dysfunction drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra): have a higher incidence of STIs. Mother-to-child transmission: Some STIs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis can be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy or birth. STIs in children can cause serious problems and can be fatal. All pregnant women should be screened for STIs and treated early.

Bệnh lây qua đường tình dục có thể do vi khuẩn lậu gây ra
Bệnh lây qua đường tình dục có thể do vi khuẩn lậu gây ra

5. Dangerous complications from sexually transmitted diseases

Because many people in the early stages of an STI may have no symptoms, screening for STIs is important in preventing complications. Complications can include:
Pelvic pain Pregnancy complications Eye inflammation Arthritis Pelvic inflammatory disease Infertility Heart disease Some cancers, such as cervical, rectal cancer, have been linked to HPV.

6. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases

If you have a history of sexual contact and are presently showing signs of STIs, testing can identify the cause and detect the infectious agent.
Blood test: A blood test can confirm HIV infection or syphilis. Urinalysis: Some STIs can be diagnosed with a urine sample. Discharge: If you have sores on your genitals, discharge and swabs from the sores can help diagnose other types of infection. Tests from a genital sore or discharge are used to diagnose some STIs.

Xét nghiệm máu giúp chẩn đoán bệnh lây qua đường tình dục
Xét nghiệm máu giúp chẩn đoán bệnh lây qua đường tình dục

7. Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening

Testing for someone who has no symptoms is called screening. Screening for STIs is not routine, but there are exceptions:
Everyone: A recommended STI test for everyone 13 to 64 is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test. ), the virus that causes AIDS is obtained from blood or saliva. People born between 1945 and 1965: people born between 1945 and 1965 have a high rate of hepatitis C. Because the disease often causes no symptoms, it is already advanced when detected. Experts recommend that everyone in this age group be screened for hepatitis C. Pregnant women: Screening for HIV, hepatitis B, chlamydia, and syphilis is usually done at the first prenatal visit for all pregnant women. Screening for gonorrhea and hepatitis C is recommended at least once during pregnancy for women at high risk for these infections. Women age 21 and older: Pap test abnormalities of the cervix, including: inflammation, precancerous changes, and cancer. It is usually caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Experts recommend that starting at age 21, women should have a Pap test at least every three years. After age 30, women are advised to have an HPV DNA test and Pap test every five years or a Pap test every three years. Women under 25 who are sexually active: All sexually active women under 25 should be tested for chlamydia. You can collect a urine or vaginal discharge sample yourself to test for chlamydia. Some experts recommend repeating the chlamydia test three months after you've had a positive test and received treatment. Second tests are needed to confirm that the infection is cured because reinfection from an untreated or improperly treated sex partner is common. A one-time chlamydia infection does not protect you from future exposure. You may have recurrent infections, so get tested again if you have a new sex partner. Screening for gonorrhea is also recommended in sexually active women under 25 years of age. Men who have sex with men: Compared with other groups, men who have sex with men have a higher risk of contracting STIs. Many health organizations recommend annual or more frequent STIs screening for these people. Regular testing for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea is especially important. Hepatitis B may also be recommended. People with HIV: HIV significantly increases the risk of getting another STI. Experts recommend getting tested for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes immediately after being diagnosed with HIV. People with HIV should also be screened for hepatitis C. Women with HIV can develop cervical cancer, so they should have a Pap test within a year of being diagnosed with HIV. and then again six months later. People with new sex partners: Before having vaginal or anal intercourse with new partners, be sure to be tested for all STIs. It should be noted that there is no human papillomavirus (HPV) screening for men, nor is there a good screening test for genital herpes in either sex. So a person may not know they are infected until they have symptoms. People infected with STIs in the early stages but not detected by testing.

8. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

STIs caused by bacteria are easier to treat than viruses. Viral infections can be controlled but not always cured. If you are pregnant and have an STI, prompt treatment can prevent or reduce the risk of infecting your baby. Treatment includes one of the following measures:

8.1. Antibiotic

Antibiotics, usually in a single dose, can cure many sexually transmitted bacterial and parasitic infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. Often, people will be treated for gonorrhea and chlamydia at the same time because the two infections often occur together. Once antibiotic treatment is started, it is important that the patient adhere to treatment. If the patient thinks that he or she will not be able to take the medication as prescribed, it is necessary to notify the doctor immediately so that a different, simpler and shorter treatment regimen can be changed. In addition, the patient must abstain from sexual intercourse until the treatment is complete and all wounds have healed.

Kháng sinh được dùng để điều trị bệnh lây qua đường tình dục
Kháng sinh được dùng để điều trị bệnh lây qua đường tình dục

8.2. Antiviral drugs

Herpes is less likely to recur if taken daily with an antiviral medication. Antiretroviral drugs reduce the risk of infection, but an infected person is still at risk of infecting a sexual partner. Antiretroviral drugs can control HIV infection for many years. But the virus persists and can still be passed on to others with low risk. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is. If the patient takes the medication exactly as directed, the viral load can drop to almost undetectable levels. Ask your doctor how often after treatment needs to be rechecked to make sure the treatment was done correctly and to avoid reinfection.

8.3. Notify sexual partners and provide preventive treatment

If the test results are positive for STIs, the patient's sexual partners including current sexual partners and sexual partners three months to one year ago must be notified so they can get tested and treated if infected. Notifying sexual partners can help limit the spread of STIs, especially syphilis and HIV. Persons at risk of infection should receive appropriate counseling and treatment. When infected with STIs more than once, informing and treating sexual partners reduces the risk of reinfection.

9. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

There are a number of measures that can be taken to avoid or reduce the risk of STIs, including:
Abstinence: The most effective way to avoid STIs is to abstain, having sex only with someone who is not infected. sick. Another reliable way to avoid STIs is to stay in a long-term monogamous relationship with a person who is not infected. Wait and verify: Avoid vaginal and anal intercourse with your new partner until you've both been tested for STIs. Oral sex carries a small risk of infection, but a condom or dental diaphragm (a thin square piece made of rubber or silicone) should also be used to avoid direct contact between the mucous membranes of the mouth and the genitals. genitals. Keep in mind that there is no single test that screens well for genital herpes for both sexes, and there is no trial to screen for human papillomavirus (HPV) for men. Immunizations: Immunizations given early, before sexual contact, are also effective in preventing certain types of STIs such as human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis A, and hepatitis B. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Disease Prevention (CDC) recommends that the HPV vaccine is given to girls and boys ages 11 and 12. If not fully vaccinated at ages 11 and 12, the CDC recommends that children be vaccinated. Girls and women up to age 26 as well as boys and men up to age 26 should be vaccinated. The hepatitis B vaccine is usually given to infants, and the hepatitis A vaccine is given to 1-year-olds. Both vaccines are also recommended for immunization in people who are not immune and for people at high risk, such as men who have sex with men and drug users. . Use condoms and dental diaphragms regularly and correctly: Use a new condom or dental diaphragm every time you have sex, whether oral, vaginal, or anal. Never use an oil-based lubricant, such as lubricating oil, with a condom or dental diaphragm. Condoms made from natural membranes are not recommended because they are not effective at preventing STIs. Remember that condoms not only reduce the risk of being exposed to most STIs, but also protect against STIs associated with genital ulcers such as human papillomavirus (HPV) or herpes. Birth control pills, or IUDs, do not protect against STIs. Don't drink alcohol or use drugs excessively: If you use too much, you're more likely to take sexual risks. Communication: Before having sex, talk to your partner about safe sex. Clear agreement on what is or is not allowed. Consider male circumcision: There is evidence that male circumcision can reduce the risk of getting HIV from an infected woman (heterosexual transmission) by 60%. Circumcision can also help prevent infection with genital HPV and genital herpes. Consider Truvada: In July 2012, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the combination emtricitabine-tenofovir (Truvada) to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted HIV infection in at-risk individuals. high. Truvada is also used to treat HIV along with other medications. When used to help prevent HIV infection, Truvada is only appropriate if the doctor knows for sure that the person has not been infected with HIV. In addition, you should also get tested for hepatitis B, if you are not infected, your doctor may recommend a hepatitis B vaccine if you have not already been vaccinated. If you have hepatitis B, your doctor should check your kidney function before prescribing Truvada. Truvada must be taken every day, exactly as prescribed, and HIV and kidney function should be checked every few months. Truvada should only be used in conjunction with other precautions such as using a condom every time you have sex. Above is knowledge about common sexually transmitted diseases. For whatever reason, sexually transmitted diseases also have potential health risks. Therefore, when the body appears strange signs, you should visit a reputable facility and quickly have an appropriate treatment regimen.
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