Language and cognitive development of 14-month-old babies

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A 14-month-old baby can't talk yet is a question many people have. In fact, 14-month-old babies have the ability to use their meager vocabulary to express themselves. This means that the child can say simple words. In addition, children can also interact with people around them non-verbally, through gestures and eye contact.

1. Can a 14-month-old child talk yet?

New 14-month-old baby development: Say it again... and repeat it again
By 14 months, your baby understands more words than he can say. A child's speaking vocabulary may consist of about three to five words, typically "mom," "dad," and some other simple words like "ball" or "dog," but children learn the meanings of new words. everyday. As children begin to add words to their vocabulary, parents will likely notice that children are looking for opportunities to practice them. For example, once a child can say "dog," he will look for pictures of dogs everywhere - in books, outside in the yard, on videos - so he can point and say the word more times. .

Trẻ 14 tháng đã có thể sử dụng vốn từ ít ỏi để thể hiện ý muốn của bản thân
Trẻ 14 tháng đã có thể sử dụng vốn từ ít ỏi để thể hiện ý muốn của bản thân

2. What can parents do to promote the development of their 14-month-old baby?

Songs with rhymes, jingles and silly sounds are hits for toddlers. If your 14-month-old is already saying a few words, encourage her to be willing to repeat after you by singing silly or repetitive songs, such as "sparkling, twinkling little stars." ." As your child becomes familiar with the chorus, he'll chime in word by word and before you know it, he'll sing the whole song along with you.
If your 14-month-old is not saying many words at this time, you can help your child do two other factors in language acquisition. When talking to your child, change your tone of voice, facial expressions, and hand gestures, all of which will help your child understand the meaning of words. Maintain eye contact when talking to your child so that he or she learns to listen to the other person. And don't rush when your child is trying to use words - wait patiently, listen and look him straight in the eye.

Khuyến khích trẻ tập nói bằng cách hát những bài đơn giản và lặp đi lặp lại
Khuyến khích trẻ tập nói bằng cách hát những bài đơn giản và lặp đi lặp lại

3. What does a 14-month-old baby know besides language?

Other developmental features: Gesture communication, hide and seek
Now that your child can indicate his or her needs with actions and a few words, expect him to use "tools" to help children communicate. Your child will bring you his coat to let you know he wants to go outside. Or they will point to a CD they want to listen to. Children are trying very hard to make their parents understand what they want. And parents can expect children to repeat many words they hear even though they don't know what they mean. So starting now, parents need to pay attention to what they say, lest the "little parrot in the house" can repeat any swear words!
Hide and seek is still fun, especially if your 14-month-old can do the seek. Here's a variation that's sure to bring lots of laughs: Show your child a toy, then put it in a bag and ask him where it went. Children have the cognitive ability to realize that just because a toy is out of sight doesn't mean it's gone. Children will giggle as they rummage through your pocket, purse or backpack to see where you've hidden the toys. You can also hide small toys in their own pockets and see how much fun they have when trying to get them out.
14-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

Reference source: babycenter
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