Language and cognitive development of 17-month-old babies

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Almost all 17-month-old babies can speak and communicate in simple sentences with adults around them. In addition to language, they also develop cognitive, sensory, and distinct preferences.

1. Can a 17-month-old child talk yet?

It is characteristic of development at this age that all 17-month-old babies can talk. Watching a child learn to speak is one of the most enjoyable experiences of parenting. Some children babble with occasional alternations of recognizable words. Other children learn to say one word clearly and then add another, gradually building their own vocabulary. Other children may use a word for days or weeks and then suddenly stop using it. So in fact, can a 17-month-old really talk?
Labeling objects will help 17-month-olds learn words faster. Parents can label sensations, such as "Feeling hot on the sidewalk" or objects: "See an airplane?" When you push your baby in the stroller or go for a walk, take the time to point out the things around you that you see. You don't have to move on - just let your child know what's around. Try to use normal speech instead of deliberately speaking in a childish way. Soon your child will be bolder and point out familiar objects without your prompting.

Điều đặc trưng của sự phát triển ở lứa tuổi này là tất cả mọi trẻ 17 tháng tuổi đều biết nói
Điều đặc trưng của sự phát triển ở lứa tuổi này là tất cả mọi trẻ 17 tháng tuổi đều biết nói

2. What can parents do to promote the language and cognitive development of their 17-month-old babies?

When you're cooking dinner, take the three measuring cups out of the drawer and point them to the child: "Here's the big cup, here's the medium cup... and the small cup." Parents can turn any daily activity into a 17-month-old language lesson.
If your child doesn't talk much, try to speak in short sentences whenever possible, especially if your child seems confused when you ask questions or give directions. Just choosing one or two simple words can help your child understand. For example, say "Eat toast" instead of "Aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat toast?" It is possible that too many words in one communication will overwhelm children and the main message will be easily missed. Try to use positive communication ("Eat toast") instead of negative ("Don't throw toast on the floor"). Remember that listening is an essential part of language acquisition. So hearing problems can cause language delays. Talk to your pediatrician if you feel suspicious or notice any unusual signs in your baby.

Bố mẹ có thể tận dụng bất kỳ hoạt động nào thành một bài học ngôn ngữ cho trẻ
Bố mẹ có thể tận dụng bất kỳ hoạt động nào thành một bài học ngôn ngữ cho trẻ

3. What do 17-month-olds know?

In addition to language development, other developments such as play to learn, infatuation with textures are also among the important developmental milestones of 17-month-old babies. For adults, play is a way to relax - whether it's tennis or chess. But for children, play is learning. Through play, children learn about their senses, and they refine many gross and fine motor skills. Whether he's stacking blocks and banging in pots, or digging sand and throwing balls, a toddler is discovering what his or her body can do, the feel of different objects, as well as smell. and their taste.
Creating art is one of the favorite pastimes of toddlers. Do you remember the first time you showed your child how to use crayons, and he painted over and over, creating wavy lines all over the page? Your 17-month-old can now manipulate a pencil or crayon a bit and can start drawing circles. A few months ago, the child covered a piece of paper with scribbles; Children will now draw more deliberately, decorating different parts of the page with separate blocks of artwork. The job of parents is to give children many opportunities to perform.
Place your child with large thick sheets of paper; Stick it to the table so it stays in place. Give your child a few crayons (they will probably break the small ones) or eraser markers. If your child doesn't like drawing on paper, see if he or she wants to draw outside with chalk. Finger painting, or making handprints and footprints with paint, is often a popular activity with toddlers. Or, the next time you go for a walk, encourage your child to collect some leaves, pebbles, acorns, and the like. When you get home, make a collage to make a souvenir of your outing, sticking the items onto a piece of cardboard that your child can decorate with paint or markers.
Now that your child can chew and eat a variety of foods - from meat to pasta to spinach - expect him to express strong opinions about his likes and dislikes. Experts say that at this age food texture, not smell or taste, is an important factor in determining a child's eating preferences. Strawberries, pudding, Jell-O, a banana just past its "peak" - these are all foods your toddler will probably refuse, even if he's been enjoying them for a few months prior to.
Toddlers are also aware of other sensations. Some do not like to walk barefoot on sand, cement or grass, also for the same reason they refuse certain foods that they do not like the texture of. Some other 17-month-olds don't want to brush their hair.
If your child doesn't want to brush his teeth, try buying him a special toothbrush with his favorite character printed on it. If your child argues about brushing his hair, don't restrain him, it will only scare him more. You can try brushing or combing your child's hair when he's distracted, even offering him a snack. Using detangling combs can make children more comfortable, even with straight hair. Or take turns with the child: let the child comb or brush the parents' hair, then the parents brush the child's hair.

Sáng tạo nghệ thuật là một trong những trò tiêu khiển yêu thích của trẻ ở lứa tuổi mới biết đi
Sáng tạo nghệ thuật là một trong những trò tiêu khiển yêu thích của trẻ ở lứa tuổi mới biết đi
In addition, 17-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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Reference source: babycenter
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