Language and cognitive development of 24-month-old babies

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Your child turning second is an important milestone. Now your baby can happily share his play space with friends or siblings. At this stage, toddlers can use things the way they intended such as walking around with a phone near their ear or using a proper hairbrush. In this article, we will provide useful information for parents to understand about the language development and cognitive development of their 24-month-old baby. This article also explains the normal stages of language and cognitive development, helping you understand the stage in which your child is active and the activities you can do to stimulate and encourage development. further development in children 24 months of age.

1. Language and cognitive characteristics of 24-month-old children

24-month-olds already know how to ask questions and ask their parents or caregivers to explain the answers clearly and specifically.
2 year olds may have developed into a chatty person. Children may ask questions simply to try to keep the conversation going and also enjoy answering simple questions. A 24-month-old can feel like a growing individual and will take advantage of any opportunity to tell their parents what they like and don't like. Children can add one or more words to their vocabulary each day. A typical 2-year-old has a vocabulary of about 50 words, although some may have much more. A 24-month-old baby can also name dozens of things he sees frequently, including objects around the house (bed, door, chair), animals, (dog, cat, bird, fish) and familiar people. Children may request specific foods and drinks, such as milk, crackers, bananas, etc. In addition, children have also been more attentive to the absence of things that are common at this age, such as "out of milk". Children also better understand the concept of "more" and can ask for "more milk".

Những đứa trẻ 2 tuổi có thể đã phát triển thành một người thích trò chuyện
Những đứa trẻ 2 tuổi có thể đã phát triển thành một người thích trò chuyện

When children are 2 years old, parents will start to see their children create imaginative games and combine activities together into a more complex sequence instead of just carrying toys from here to another place or from one activity to another. These are signs that a child's perception is gaining more connection and is beginning to understand relationships between different objects or ideas.
While children develop at different rates, most toddlers speak at least 50 words fluently by the time they pass their 2nd birthday. Boys' language skills can develop at a slower rate than girls. But by their third birthday, most 2-year-olds can put together sentences of at least three words.

2. What parents should do to develop language and cognition of their 24-month-old baby

Experts recommend that at this stage, children should continue to listen to nursery rhymes and other forms of word play. Children this age especially love repetition, especially now that they can repeat some words along with their parents. Parents should also read books to their children every day. Choose a variety of picture books that feature activities your child would normally do, such as riding in the car, going to the zoo or market, and playing in the park. Be sure to ask questions about these books and how these activities relate to your child's own life. Children's responses will give them more opportunities to use their vocabulary from day to day, thereby increasing their vocabulary and giving them the opportunity to share their likes and dislikes as well as personal experiences. own.

Cha mẹ nên đọc sách cho con nghe hàng ngày để phát triển ngôn ngữ và nhận thức
Cha mẹ nên đọc sách cho con nghe hàng ngày để phát triển ngôn ngữ và nhận thức

3. Other features of language and cognitive development of 24-month-old children

For 24-month-olds, most of them already have some understanding of their surroundings. If kids start using words like "going up" and "going out," that's a good sign that they're beginning to understand the concept. When drawing, children as young as 24 months old can make a "V", a circle and vertical and horizontal lines, although their drawings may not be as clear. Children are still using their senses to explore objects, but their parents may notice more complex observations and comparisons, such as a child's favorite cat or dog. Some 24-month-olds also recognize colors at this age and can count to five or ten.
To record interesting moments and become a great conversation starter for your child, create an album with photos that capture all the lovely moments in your child's life. All a young parent needs is a small photo album and pictures of the child doing various things at home and outside. Look at the book together and talk about the pictures. "This is when I'm climbing the slide at the park," or "This is when I'm rolling on the lawn at the park with my dog." Then, ask your child questions like, "What are you doing in this picture?" 24-month-olds will love answering their parents' questions and starring in a "memory album". And their parents will be able to make wonderful memories of this special time in their child's life.

Hãy tạo một cuốn album ghi lại những khoảnh khắc đáng yêu trong cuộc sống của trẻ
Hãy tạo một cuốn album ghi lại những khoảnh khắc đáng yêu trong cuộc sống của trẻ

The American Academy of Pediatrics has compiled a list of cognitive and language skills "milestones" that most children reach by their second birthday. 2-year-olds will be able to:
Point to an object that a parent or caregiver calls names Recognize the names of familiar people, objects and body parts Use short phrases and sentences two to four words Follows some simple instructions Repeats words the child hears Finds objects even when a parent or caregiver hides them under two or three blankets Sort toys or objects by shape or color Children are already confident to play alone. If a child is unable to do these things by the age of 2, parents should not be too concerned but should also consult a doctor.
When children turn 2 years old, their parents are likely to see some big changes in their child almost every month. 24-month-old babies are capable of functioning relatively independently as they are trying to begin to regulate their surroundings. Children this age are also trying to do more things on their own without the help of their parents.
In addition, 24-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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