It is dangerous if asthmatics quit smoking on their own

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Asthma is a common non-communicable disease worldwide, currently in Vietnam this disease is on the rise, the control rate is only 40%. The use of asthma preventive medicine plays a very important role.

1. Things to know about asthma

Asthma or bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system in which the bronchial tubes swell, are susceptible to inflammation and irritation during an asthma attack, this will narrow the airways, causing the airways to narrow. Patient has difficulty breathing, wheezing is very uncomfortable.
The symptoms of asthma are diverse and easy to confuse with lung diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, COPD... However, the patient can still recognize the disease through some signs such as: following:
Coughing a lot at night Wheezing or shortness of breath Angina pectoris Rapid and rapid breathing Pale and sweaty face There are many different causes of asthma, including asthma triggers asthma such as pollen, mold in the air, physical activities, gastroesophageal reflux ... and risk factors such as family history, patients with atopic dermatitis, rhinitis allergies, smokers or contacts.
The subjects most susceptible to asthma are children, but this disease can still appear in the elderly or living and working in a polluted environment such as construction workers, mining workers.. Asthma has a certain influence on the daily life of the patient, the cough at night makes the patient not sleep well, the daytime fatigue leads to not focusing on work and study. Not only that, asthma can cause death or dangerous complications such as bronchitis, respiratory failure, atelectasis, pneumothorax ...

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Đối tượng dễ mắc bệnh hen suyễn nhất là trẻ em

2. How to treat asthma and prevent it?

Asthma is a chronic disease and currently there is no cure for asthma. Current asthma treatment is only for asthma control and patients must be continuously monitored and regularly treated.
Some drugs help relieve asthma quickly used for emergencies such as inhaled bronchodilators, oral and intravenous corticosteroids... In addition, patients will be prescribed some types of use. daily asthma prophylaxis, helping patients manage asthma such as inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene inhibitors, long-acting beta-agonists...
For asthmatics, patients need to use Use your medication as directed by your doctor, as certain medications such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or even eye drops can trigger an asthma attack. Patients should also avoid asthma triggers such as dog and cat hair, should wear a mask when going out, limit allergenic foods such as shrimp and crab, and should clean the house regularly. Patients should also create a habit of exercise to improve health, eat a lot of foods to help strengthen resistance and keep the body warm when it is cold.

3. Danger if asthmatics quit smoking on their own

Currently, the treatment of asthma is still based on the use of reliever drugs, asthma prevention drugs, but there is no way to completely cure this disease. That means asthma patients will have to live with the disease for most of their lives or until effective treatment is available.

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Bệnh nhân hen suyễn gần như phải sống chung với bệnh cả cuộc đời

However, in Vietnam, many asthma patients are not aware of the importance of using asthma preventive medicine, so they often ignore the doctor's advice and often only use reliever medication when having an asthma attack. . Regular use of reliever medication will make the patient more susceptible to becoming addicted to the drug, the amount of medicine used in the future will be more and more, if the patient has an acute asthma attack but the reliever does not work, it will be very dangerous to the patient. live.
Besides, the treatment of asthma is very expensive, especially the costs of hospitalization, emergency care and patient care are much higher than the use of asthma prophylaxis. Moreover, if the patient follows the doctor's treatment plan, using daily asthma preventive medicine will help to manage asthma most comprehensively and thoroughly, the patient can completely have a life like other people. normal if asthma is well controlled.
The purpose of using asthma preventive medicine includes:
Help the patient not develop asthma symptoms at rest Maintain normal lung function Help the patient relieve cough at night and get sleep Delicious Minimizing side effects of reliever medication Controls acute asthma attacks Minimizing airway damage

Thuốc dự phòng hen phế quản hằng ngày giúp quản lý bệnh hen toàn diện và triệt để nhất
Thuốc dự phòng hen phế quản hằng ngày giúp quản lý bệnh hen toàn diện và triệt để nhất

To help protect everyone's health from asthma, Vinmec International Hospital offers an Asthma Screening Package, the advantages of which include: Time to control and treat the disease Perform clinical examination, take medical history, measure respiratory function, otolaryngology examination and screening for bronchial asthma. In particular, Vinmec is not only equipped with the most modern and advanced equipment in the country as well as in the region. The department has 6 ultrasound rooms, 4 DR X-ray rooms (1 full-axis machine, 1 brightener, 1 synthesizer and 1 mammography machine), 2 DR mobile X-ray machines, 2 cutting rooms. multi-row computer class with receiver (1 128-series and 1 16-series), 2 Magnetic Resonance imaging rooms (1 3 Tesla machine and 1 1.5 Tesla machine), 1 interventional angiography room with 2 planes and 1 room measure bone mineral density...but also have a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors. When coming to Vinmec International General Hospital, patients do not need to wait long, have a quick examination time, and are carefully guided by a team of experienced medical staff on the use of medicines, different types of medicine, and other medicines. The specially designed nebulizer, which guides positive lifestyle changes, makes it easier for patients to adhere to their asthma management.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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