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Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which plays a very important role in human health, especially in aesthetics and appearance. So can vitamin E be used for babies?
1. Is vitamin E safe for babies?
Maybe vitamin E is not one of the most important vitamins, but it is still extremely necessary when supplementing for children, especially babies. Vitamin E contains many antioxidants and essential nutrients, so mothers should not ignore the wonderful uses of this nutrient.
2. Effects of vitamin E on babies
2.1. Newborns are often susceptible to atopic dermatitis due to factors such as waste in the air, toxins from viruses, bacteria or allergies to breast milk. This is an inflammatory skin disease that damages the skin barrier, causing the skin to become dry, dehydrated, and appear red, itchy blisters. However, mothers do not need to worry too much because applying vitamin E to babies can help improve this condition.
Currently vitamin E is used in the treatment of many skin diseases such as eczema, allergies, urticaria, ringworm, atopic dermatitis ... Vitamin E can help the epidermal organs grow rapidly, develop and regenerate damaged epithelium, help heal dry skin, peeling and reduce rashes, inflammation on baby's skin... Vitamin E along with other vitamins and minerals will participate. in the liver detoxification process and support to enhance the function of organs in the body. The addition of vitamins and minerals is also an effective, safe and benign method.
2.2. Keeping the skin moisturized At birth, your baby's skin will be covered with a white wax called vernix caseosa, which will begin to dry out and peel off after a few days. This waxy layer helps prevent water loss and retains moisture, making baby's skin smoother. So when this wax layer comes off, dryness and dehydration will happen to your baby's skin within a few weeks.
At this time, can vitamin E cream be used for babies to improve this condition? The answer is yes. Vitamin E not only helps to moisturize your baby's skin, but also has the ability to protect the skin against irritating factors that cause dry, rough or flaky skin. When there is a deficiency of vitamin E, the surface of the baby's skin will become dry, flaky, and scaly. Applying vitamin E to babies will help retain water, increase skin moisture, and help baby's skin keep its inherent smoothness.
2.3. Prevents skin cancer Vitamin E helps protect the skin from the attack of free radicals and helps heal cell damage when your baby's skin is exposed to sunlight. Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays, which transform skin cells into cancerous cells. Although babies are not exposed to much sun, mothers should also get adequate amounts of vitamin E through their diet or by applying vitamin E to babies.
2.4. Wound healing For minor burns in children, manifested by the damage of the superficial layer of skin, reddening, and no scalding, the use of vitamin E is very effective. Vitamin E helps accelerate the healing process of skin lesions, helping burns heal faster after healing.
Applying vitamin E to babies helps heal wounds by stimulating collagen synthesis, controlling inflammation. Vitamin E also helps to clean up waste products such as dead germs and dead cells, making the skin smoother. So if in some cases the child has a minor burn, the mother can use vitamin E to apply it to the burn daily to limit the blistering of the burn, help the burn quickly dry, on young skin and not leave a scar. .
3. Ways to supplement vitamin E for babies
3.1. Choose moisturizers containing vitamin E Many mothers will also wonder if vitamin E cream can be used for babies? Currently on the market there are many brands of baby lotions, it is important for mothers to choose products that are both effective and safe for their children. Because the baby's skin is very sensitive, if the product is not suitable, it can also cause allergies and damage on the baby's skin. It is best to choose from big, reputable brands in the market.
Applying vitamin E to babies will help your baby's skin increase moisture to fight the factors that dry the skin. Before using a moisturizer containing vitamin E all over your baby's body, you can test a small amount on the back of your hand to check if the product causes irritation on your baby's skin.
3.2. Massage for babies with essential oils containing vitamin E Using essential oils containing vitamin E to massage the skin is a great solution for soft, healthy skin at all ages, including babies. . You can massage your baby with essential oils containing vitamin E every day after the baby has been washed clean. Gentle massage will help the nutrients from essential oils, including vitamin E, penetrate deeply into the baby's skin. After the massage, the mother should use a soft cloth to wipe the baby's skin so that the baby's skin is not greasy, wet, uncomfortable.
3.3. Add foods containing vitamin E to the mother's diet When a baby is breastfed, most of the nutrients absorbed by the mother through daily meals will continue to pass through the baby's body. Therefore, to provide enough nutrients for the baby, besides applying vitamin E for babies, mothers can also increase the intake of foods containing this much vitamin E such as sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach. , avocado, squash, kiwi fruit, salmon, shrimp, olive oil, wheat germ oil, broccoli, ... in the mother's meal during breastfeeding.
3.4. Choose diapers that have been fortified with vitamin E Diapers are indispensable items for babies during the newborn period. Therefore, when choosing diapers, mothers need to prioritize choosing a type that ensures enough safety, cleanliness, good for the baby's delicate and sensitive skin, and at the same time must be convenient for the mother or the caregiver.
On the market today, there are many diapers with added vitamin E, helping to protect baby's skin all day long. The vitamin E content in these products not only softens the baby's skin, but also creates a protective film that separates the baby's skin from bacteria, limiting the risk of diaper rash caused by dirt. out.
Vitamin E has many benefits for baby's skin care. Besides supplementing by applying vitamin E to babies, this nutrient is also abundant in baby foods and utensils. Therefore, the mother should pay attention to adjust the reasonable diet, choose utensils for the baby so that the baby can easily enjoy the benefits from this nutrient.
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