Is the appearance of lesions on the legs due to complications of diabetes?

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Hello doctor!
I have type 2 diabetes since 2011. I took medication for the first 2 years and then stopped taking it, but only exercised, walked, adjusted my diet properly. I have a general check-up every 6 months, the blood and blood sugar indicators are good. Now the soles of my feet are itchy and calloused. The doctor asked me if the appearance of a leg lesion is a vascular complication of diabetes? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you.
Le Van Quang (1964)
Patients diagnosed with diabetes, as a rule, must be treated including taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor, diet, and exercise. When a patient stops taking the drug, a doctor's prescription is also required.
The doctor must see the lesion on your leg as well as do a thorough examination to accurately answer whether it is due to diabetes complications or not. You need to see a specialist soon so that he can be consulted and have the right treatment for you.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec Health System, looking forward to meeting you directly for more detailed advice. Best regards!
Consulted by Master, Doctor La Thi Thuy - Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
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