Is spinach good for children?

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Bitter gourd is considered a very good food for human health, because it contains beta carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C and protein. Therefore, mothers often use spinach to include in the baby's weaning menu. So, is it good for children to eat a lot of spinach?

1. Components of nutritional value in water spinach

As a common and popular vegetable in meals, rhubarb is easy to grow. Spinach also often grows quickly, is less damaged by pests and diseases, so there is almost no need to use pesticides. Therefore, the use of hot vegetables in family meals is very healthy and safe.
About the nutritional value of Kale, in 100g of Kale will provide the body with 35 kcal; 5.3g protein; 2.7mg iron; 123mg magnesium; 3.4g of glucose; 2.5g cellulose; 169mg calcium; 2,400mg of manganese; 457mg potassium; 65 mg phosphorus; 25mg sodium; 0.94mg zinc; copper 190μg; 185mg vitamin C and vitamin A 6,650μg.
Therefore, the fact that water spinach contains a lot of protein, micronutrients such as fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins... The nutritional values ​​contained in water spinach should be used by most ages. For example, feeding babies with water spinach, postpartum women treat constipation and push the secretions out of the uterus faster.
The content of vitamin A and vitamin C in water spinach plays an important role in the production of collagen, regulates cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system and transports fats, helps to improve brain function as well as essential for growth, vision process of the eye.

Rau ngót chứa rất nhiều protein, vi chất dinh dưỡng như chất xơ, canxi, sắt, vitamin
Rau ngót chứa rất nhiều protein, vi chất dinh dưỡng như chất xơ, canxi, sắt, vitamin

2. Is spinach good for children?

With the above nutritional values, is it good for children to eat spinach? Accordingly, the vegetable is very benign and has high nutrition, so most ages can use it, including children. Mothers can give their children weaning food with spinach to strengthen the baby's immune system, fully supplement vitamin A (to help bright eyes, prevent night blindness, and rickets in children), to help the baby develop better.
Because this is a benign vegetable, for children who are just getting used to eating solids, this is the most suitable and ideal vegetable. The mother should first process it in a dilute form, then increase the coarseness according to the baby's development cycle. Mothers can process spinach with pork, chicken or beef to feed the baby to fully supplement micronutrients for the baby.
Besides, in addition to giving children solid food with water spinach, the mother can use it in some cases as follows:
Spinach to treat thrush in young children: For some breastfed babies, Children can have thrush due to milk residue on the tongue, this condition causes pain, makes it difficult to suckle and stop sucking, affecting the baby's health. Therefore, in folklore, it is often used to treat thrush in children. Take a few fresh coriander leaves, pound and squeeze to get the water, then use cotton or soft gauze to absorb and then beat on the baby's tongue, gums and palate, after 2 days, the child will reduce the symptoms. Cure nosebleeds for babies: When your baby has nosebleeds, you should wash a handful of fresh spinach leaves, then crush the vegetables and take the pounded water to drink, the vegetable residue should be applied to the nose to stop the bleeding. Spinach can be used to treat bed-wetting in children: Spinach can be used to treat bed-wetting in children. How to do it as follows: Take about 40g of fresh water spinach, wash it, and crush it. After the coriander has been pounded, add a little boiled water to cool it, stir well, let it settle and decant for drinking water. After a short time, bedwetting in children is also overcome. Using hot vegetables to reduce fever for children: In cases where children have a fever and have signs of hyperthermia, hot water spinach is a folk remedy that helps children reduce fever. Take some fresh water spinach leaves, wash, crush, filter water for children to drink, and put on the fontanelles to reduce fever. With the above useful uses, spinach is very good for children as well as for everyone. Therefore, using spinach in the family's daily meals is a good thing to do, but it is necessary to have a suitable level of eating, not to eat too much.

Hầu các lứa tuổi đều có thể sử dụng rau ngót, trong đó có trẻ em
Hầu các lứa tuổi đều có thể sử dụng rau ngót, trong đó có trẻ em

3. Is it good for children to eat a lot of spinach?

Is a vegetable with high nutritional value as well as good for health, clearing heat, detoxifying and curing some diseases. Therefore, the addition of water spinach to the meals of children and families is very nutritious and safe for health. However, is it good for children to eat a lot of spinach? This is an issue that also needs to be taken into account.
The feeding of children with good quality vegetables ensures nutritional value and helps children to cure some common diseases. However, any kind of food is the same, eating too much and abuse will not be good, on the contrary, it will also cause the opposite reaction to the child's body. Therefore, when using water spinach for children as well as for the family, mothers should consider and supplement appropriately, avoiding overeating, which is not good for health.
In addition to nutrition, parents should supplement children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet nutritional needs. substances in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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