Is it harmful to eat a lot of kimchi?

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Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from root vegetables such as cabbage, ginger, and chili peppers. All kinds of vegetables can be used to salt kimchi based on the principle of fermentation. The question is, will kimchi spoil quickly and how to preserve it for a long time?

1. How long can kimchi be preserved?

How to make kimchi is quite similar to how to make Vietnamese pickles. Vegetables will be submerged in salt water, then sealed in a glass jar to prevent air from entering. Some people like to salt kimchi along with some rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar. You should wash kimchi before salting, because this is a very important step to prevent the growth of E.coli bacteria, Salmonella and other pathogens that can cause food poisoning.
Kimchi will ferment for 3-4 days at room temperature or 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator. This process will promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria or some other beneficial bacteria.

Những nguyên liệu cơ bản cần có để làm kim chi
Những nguyên liệu cơ bản cần có để làm kim chi

Once salted, kimchi can be stored for 1 week at room temperature. If you store them in the refrigerator, the kimchi will keep for longer, about 3 to 6 months. During that time, the kimchi will continue to ferment. As a result, kimchi stored for a long time in the refrigerator may have a sourer and spicier taste. If you choose to store your kimchi in the refrigerator, make sure it's stored below 4 degrees Celsius, because warmer temperatures can make it easier to spoil quickly.
If your preference is to eat kimchi that is crispy and not too spicy, then you should use this kimchi within 3 months. After this time, the taste and texture of salted kimchi can change dramatically. However, kimchi may still be safe to eat for up to 6 months. As long as you don't observe mold in the kimchi.
In case you don't want to throw away the kimchi but don't like its too sour and too spicy taste. You can try making them with other dishes or eat them with fried rice to reduce the acidity and spiciness.

2. How to know if kimchi has gone bad?

If your kimchi looks normal, has no musty smell and no visible mold, then they are perfectly fine to eat.
While good kimchi has a natural pungent taste, spoiled kimchi can smell like burning like they're more sour than usual or even smell of alcohol.
Molds usually grow at warm temperatures, but they can still grow in food that has been left in the cold for too long, for example in the refrigerator. Especially if food is not stored properly.
Mold is very dangerous because it not only rots food, but it can also harbor bacteria that can cause food poisoning or cause allergic reactions due to mold. If you observe mold in your kimchi, do not submit it, as inhaling fungal spores can also cause respiratory problems.
If you are not sure if your kimchi is still safe to eat, you should choose to throw it in the trash.

Kim chi bị hỏng có thể ngửi thấy mùi khét thậm chí là mùi cồn.
Kim chi bị hỏng có thể ngửi thấy mùi khét thậm chí là mùi cồn.

3. It's dangerous to eat spoiled kimchi

Eating spoiled kimchi can lead to many foodborne illnesses. In particular, toxins in mold can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. People with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to food poisoning from molds.
Certain ingredients commonly used in kimchi, such as cabbage or shellfish (salted with kimchi) are often associated with food poisoning. Food that accompanies this dish, such as sprouts, can also cause food poisoning.
To limit the risks mentioned above, you should always remember to always wash ingredients thoroughly and practice proper food preparation techniques during kimchi salting. If you're not buying kimchi to eat, make sure you buy it from a vendor you trust.

Tiêu chảy có thể xảy ra khi bạn ăn phải kim chi hỏng
Tiêu chảy có thể xảy ra khi bạn ăn phải kim chi hỏng

4. Proper storage

If you buy kimchi from the supermarket, after opening the lid, you should store kimchi in a cold environment to prolong the freshness of the dish.
Kimchi contains a lot of fermenting bacteria, so to keep kimchi for a long time, you should store it at a constant temperature below 4° C.
Some tips on preserving kimchi:
You should compress kimchi Submerge them in salted water before placing them in the refrigerator to help preserve the kimchi longer. Use clean chopsticks and a clean spoon to take out a small amount of kimchi from the jar and only take a small amount. If chopsticks or unclean cooking utensils come into contact with the kimchi jar, unwanted bacteria will grow, leading to spoilage of the kimchi. You should also not open the lid of the kimchi jar too many times. If kimchi is exposed to the air, it will make it easier for microorganisms to also enter the kimchi dish. So, if you make 1 large jar of kimchi, you can divide it into many small boxes to store in the refrigerator and use it gradually. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. and hospital treatment.
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