Is it good to eat cabbage?

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Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale and broccoli are well known for being packed with beneficial, healthy nutrients. The same goes for cabbage, which may help protect against radiation, prevent cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease.

1. Fast facts about cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable of the cruciferous family. Cabbage can range in color from green to red and purple, and the leaves can be smooth or wrinkled. There are many cabbage products available with less than 20 calories per half cup cooked, making it a worthy vegetable to add to your daily diet.
Ingredients in cabbage contain chemicals that have a protective effect against the negative effects of radiation. Among them, the compound sulforaphane found in cabbage may help protect against cancer.

2. The benefits of cabbage

Fruit and vegetable consumption has long been associated with a reduced risk of many harmful diseases. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant-based foods like cabbage reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and overall mortality. It can also help promote a healthy complexion, increase energy, and reduce overall weight.
2.1. Protection from radiation A compound found in cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables called 3,3′-diindolylmethane (DIM) has been shown to increase short-term survival rates in several studies on radiation animals.
In a study performed on rats injected with a lethal dose of radiation. This study group of mice was divided into two groups: some mice were untreated, and others were treated with daily injections of DIM for 2 weeks. The results obtained showed that all untreated mice died, but more than 50% of the mice that received DIM were still alive after 30 days.
The researchers were able to determine that the mice treated with DIM had higher numbers of red and white blood cells and platelets in the blood, which radiation therapy usually reduces. At the same time, the researchers also suggest that DIM has a protective effect against cancer. These studies offer hope of using it as a shield to protect healthy tissues during future cancer treatments.

Rau bắp cải có tác dụng bảo vệ các mô khỏe mạnh trong quá trình điều trị ung thư
Rau bắp cải có tác dụng bảo vệ các mô khỏe mạnh trong quá trình điều trị ung thư
2. 2. Cancer Prevention Another potential anti-cancer compound found in cabbage is sulforaphane. Research over the past 30 years has consistently shown that consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of cancer.
In recent times, researchers have been able to determine that the sulfur-containing compound that gives cruciferous vegetables their bitter taste, sulforaphane is also what seems to give them their cancer-fighting powers.
Researchers are currently testing sulforaphane's ability to delay or prevent cancer. Promising results at the molecular level have been seen with a variety of cancers, including melanoma, esophageal, prostate and pancreatic .
Researchers have found that sulforaphane has the ability to inhibit the harmful enzyme histone deacetylase (HDAC), which is known to be involved in cancer cell progression. The ability to block HDAC enzymes could make sulforaphane-containing foods a potential part of cancer treatment.
Another study, done at the University of Missouri, looked at another chemical found in cabbage, parsley, and celery, called apigenin. The substance was able to reduce tumor size when cells from an aggressive form of breast cancer were transplanted into mice. The researchers state that their findings suggest that apigenin has the potential to be used as a future nontoxic cancer treatment.
Red cabbage contains the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin, the same compound that gives other red and purple vegetables their vibrant color.
In the laboratory, anthocyanins have been shown to slow the proliferation of cancer cells, destroy already formed cancer cells, and prevent the growth of new tumors. It is not yet known whether these effects translate to cancer prevention or treatment in humans.

3. Apply a diet with cabbage vegetables

Is it good to eat boiled cabbage? Cabbage can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, sautéed or stuffed. The sulfur smell commonly associated with cabbage only develops when the cabbage is overcooked. The longer the cabbage is cooked, the stronger the smell.
Or you can use cabbage to add to salads or coleslaw. You should be careful when choosing cabbage to make sure the leaves are tight and firm because loose leaves indicate older cabbage. Store cabbage in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Quick Tip to Eat More Cabbage:
Simplify Roasted Shredded Cabbage with Olive Oil, Black Pepper and Minced Garlic Add shredded cabbage to a fresh green salad or to any dish any soup or stew near the end of the cooking process Or try these simple and healthy recipes developed by registered dietitian nutritionists: Easy Cabbage and White Bean Soup Ice tequila fish tacos grated peach jalapeno Kimchi cake Fermented cabbage aka sauerkraut. When cabbage ferments, it produces natural probiotics that feed the bacteria in your gut. These bacteria help your body fight germs, absorb nutrients, digest food, and manage anxiety.

Cải bắp nấu canh là món ăn nhiều dinh dưỡng
Cải bắp nấu canh là món ăn nhiều dinh dưỡng

4. Some possible risks when using cabbage

The cabbage soup diet appeared in the 1950s and is still popular today. And the question is often interested by many people: eat cabbage to lose weight? This diet focuses on consuming unlimited amounts of cabbage soup and is considered a quick weight loss method.
However, the weight you lose with this diet will quickly return once you start eating normally again. Instead, focus on eating plenty of whole, unprocessed foods and a variety of fruits and vegetables, including cabbage. If you are taking a blood thinner, such as Coumadin (warfarin), it is important that you do not suddenly start eating more or less foods containing vitamin K, which plays an important role in blood clotting. blood.
To enhance the health benefits of cabbage, eat small portions of cabbage and cook it thoroughly. Total diet is most important for preventing disease and maintaining good health. You're better off eating a diet with a wide variety of foods than focusing on single foods.
Reality has also shown that applying a healthy, scientific diet will bring you many significant health benefits, instead of just using a certain type of food regularly.

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