Is it good for children to eat eel?

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Eel is classified as a favorite food group of many people because of its delicious and nutritious taste. The nutritional value of eel is ranked first with other fish. So some parents are very concerned about whether it is good for children to eat eel? To know the most accurate answer, parents need to have basic knowledge about eels.

1. Eel is rich in nutrition, protects children's health

Eels belong to long-bodied animals, living in ponds, lakes, rivers and canals. Eel meat is cool and contains a high nutritional content. In 100 grams of edible eel meat, there are 12.7 grams of protein, 25.6 grams of fat, 285 calories and a fairly low cholesterol content of 0.05 grams. In addition, eel meat also contains vitamins such as 2000 IU vitamin A, 2000 IU beta carotene, 0.15 mg vitamin B1, 0.31 mg riboflavin...
Especially in the composition of eel contains omega 3 and 6 acids which are quite abundant. , necessary for the brain development of children.

2. Is it good for children to eat eel?

Nutritionists also believe that using eel meat in children's diets has a positive impact on children's health status as well as better growth and development. Specifically:
Eels have the ability to provide enough energy for children to be able to play and be active during the day. Adding eel to the child's diet helps to improve muscle function to cater to the child's hyperactivity. Eel also helps build blood cells in the body of children. Eels help children have sharp eyes and better explore the world around them. Eel helps children develop bones and tissues of the body better. Eel added to children's diet helps children increase their ability to concentrate. Eel also has the effect of enhancing the resistance of children. Supplementing children with a rich content of vitamin B12. However, eels live in dirty muddy environments and are omnivores, so there is a high risk of infection with parasites. Moreover, in eel meat can also be infected with some types of parasitic larvae that are very tough and can withstand high temperatures. Therefore, eel should not be used uncooked.

Vấn đề trẻ em ăn lươn có tốt không được nhiều bà mẹ quan tâm
Vấn đề trẻ em ăn lươn có tốt không được nhiều bà mẹ quan tâm

3. So is it good for children to eat a lot of eel?

With the benefits that eel can bring to health, the rational use of eel is also quite important. Therefore, "is it good for children to eat a lot of eel?" is concerned by many parents.
There is no denying the benefits that eels bring, but parents should not feed their children too much eel. Because any food is the same, eating too much or too little is not good for health.
However, in the case of sick children, parents should consult a doctor before adding eel to their child's diet.

4. How to choose and prepare eel for children?

To have delicious food for children from eel, the selection and preparation of eel is equally important. When doing this, parents should note:
Choose a yellow eel with a long tail, especially the eel must be alive. Because if the eel dies, it may produce histamine, which is toxic to the children's body. When preparing eel, put it in a pot with a handful of salt or vinegar to remove the slime from the surface of the eel. Filter out the bones and intestines then cut the meat into pieces or boil the eel with ginger and turmeric until the eel is cooked, the bones and intestines can be removed. Some dishes made from eel:
Food from salary to help treat anorexia in children or children with indigestion, children sweating secretly : Use 1 eel weighing about 250 grams to 300 grams, 6 grams of gizzards. chicken with some spices such as onion, ginger, soy sauce, salt. Eels will be cleaned to remove viscera and viscous. Then cut into pieces and put in a bowl with chicken gizzard, ginger onion, wine and a little salt, soy sauce, then simmer until the eel is cooked and mix well. Dishes to treat diarrhea in children: When children have frequent bowel movements and sour or rotten stools, dishes from eel can be used to improve the child's condition. Use 125g of eel, 5g of chicken gizzard, 10g of Hoai Son with 2 slices of ginger. The eel is cleaned to remove the intestines and slime, then cut into pieces and stir-fried with ginger, maybe a little more wine. Add in the chicken gizzards and paint, and simmer for an hour. Using water of this mixture for children to drink will help children stop diarrhea symptoms. Dishes from eel to treat malnourished, emaciated, anorexic children: Use 300 grams of meat, 15 grams of dong quai, 15 grams of ginseng, 25 grams of onions, 15 grams of ginger and enough salt to eat. Prep and clean the eel to remove the intestines and slime. Cut the eel into the pot and cook with dong quai and ginseng and cook for 1 hour, then add onion and ginger with a little salt to be used. Meat and eel juice are very nutritious, when eaten, they also have the effect of curing nerves and physical weakness due to long-term illness.

Lươn cần được sơ chế cẩn thận để đảm bảo vệ sinh thực phẩm
Lươn cần được sơ chế cẩn thận để đảm bảo vệ sinh thực phẩm

5. Notes to know when preparing dishes from eel for children

When preparing dishes from eel for children, parents should note the following:
When children turn 1 year old, parents prepare dishes from eel for children without adding any spices; Safe processing, ensuring food hygiene and safety will help children absorb nutrients from eel better; Parents should not use pepper, sugar or honey in children's dishes, because it can cause negative side effects to children's health. Some children may be allergic to eel. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to practice for children to gradually get used to the dish of eel and monitor the children's expressions after using the dish to be able to promptly detect abnormalities. In summary, the nutritional value of eel is ranked first with other fish. Therefore, nutritionists encourage the use of eel meat in children's diets to help them develop physically and intellectually. Although it is a very good food, parents should only feed children with eel in moderation, do not abuse eel because it will bring some unwanted side effects.

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