Is intermittent abdominal pain appendicitis?

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Hello doctor, I have a question for you. For a few days now, I have a pain in my lower abdomen that goes to the anus, 1 day and 1 night later, the condition in the anus is no longer there. Instead, I had pain in my whole stomach with cramps that went away and then continued for nearly a day. I don't know what's wrong with me? Am I suffering from appendicitis? Thank you doctor.
Nguyen An (1990)
Hello doctor. Doctor please tell me the symptoms of appendicitis. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hi, if you have appendicitis, you will usually have pain in the right iliac fossa, dull pain, rarely intermittent cramps and often have a fever. From the moment you ask the question to the time you receive an answer and you still have abdominal pain as described, you certainly do not have appendicitis. Because appendicitis is an acute disease and rarely lasts more than 5-7 days. Dull pain with contractions as described may be in spastic colon pathology. However, this is a diagnosis of exclusion, (i.e., after colonoscopy, there is no inflammation, ulceration, and no tumor). Therefore, you should go for a colonoscopy, as well as an abdominal ultrasound, to make sure that you do not have any physical diseases, from which to be more secure. Hello there
Ths. Dr. Vu Tan Phuc - Gastroenterologist - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
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