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Articles in Stomach supersonic

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Is intermittent abdominal pain appendicitis?
Hello doctor, I have a question for you. For a few days now, I have a pain in my lower abdomen that goes to my anus, 1 day and 1 night later, the condition in the anus is no longer there. Instead, I had pain in my entire stomach with cramps that went away and then continued for nearly a day. I don't know what's wrong with me? Am I suffering from appendicitis? Thank you doctor.
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Abdominal pain above the navel often appears in the morning, what is the risk of disease?
Hi doctor. I have abdominal pain on the left belly button below the ribs and the pain in the morning is very painful there. Present pain accompanied by urination. Doctor, what disease do you have? Thank you doctor for your advice.
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Should a colonoscopy be performed normally or under general anesthesia?
Hi doctor! I had a right colon tumor that was removed in 2017, I went for a routine check-up, and the doctor said the indicators were normal and no need for a colonoscopy. I feel worried because many times before, I have been examined and tested, but I can't find anything, but only after colonoscopy can I detect it. The strange thing for me is that when I have a test for surgery, the CEA index is still low. So I wonder if I should do a colonoscopy myself to check or not and should I do a regular colonoscopy or sedation? After 8 months of surgery, I had the endoscopy again and the results were normal (March 2018). What do I need to do if I want a gastroscopy with anaesthesia? What tests are needed and can I have them first? Please consult your doctor. Thank you!
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Are there drugs that inhibit the growth of gallbladder polyps? When is surgery indicated for gallbladder polyps?
Hello doctor, I have a gallbladder polyp of 4mm. Want to ask your doctor if there are medications that inhibit the growth of gallbladder polyps? When is surgery indicated for gallbladder polyps?
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What are the signs of stomach cramps accompanied by nausea?
A week ago, my wife suddenly had stomach cramps, accompanied by nausea, abdominal distension. My wife went for an ultrasound and found fluid in her abdomen. Now 1 day there is a cramping pain. Two months ago, I had a routine check-up and nothing abnormal was found. The doctor told me that my wife has abdominal cramps accompanied by nausea, what are the signs of the disease? What is the treatment, doctor?
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What is CRBC liver parenchyma?
The doctor asked me what is CRBC liver parenchyma? Is this disease serious and how is it treated, doctor? I thank you doctor. Please help me with your response.
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Right flank pain when working after gallbladder stone surgery more than 2 months has not yet healed?
After surgery for gallstones for 2 months and 10 days, I worked a little bit more, but I felt pain in the right side. The doctor asked me if the pain in the right flank when working after surgery for gallstones for more than 2 months has not yet healed?
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Diagnosis and treatment of steatorrhea of ​​the colon
Epiploic appendages are fat pockets on the outside of the colon. Usually each fatty mane is shaped like a little finger, grape or oval, and is nourished and supplied with blood by a small vein. and arteries. The number of fat pockets ranges from 50 to 100 extending from the cecum to the junction between the sigmoid colon and the rectum.
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If you have a bowel movement, a dull stomach ache 1 hour after eating is a sign of what disease?
I am 36 years old female and unmarried. For more than a week now, I have had symptoms that after eating for more than 1 hour, I have to go to the toilet (not diarrhea). After I finished walking, I had a dull pain in my stomach, if I lie down, it will go away after a while. The doctor asked me to go outside, dull stomach pain after 1 hour of eating, what is the sign of disease? Please advise me, thank you doctor.
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Ultrasound can't find gallbladder, what's wrong?
The doctor asked me if the ultrasound could not find the gallbladder, what's wrong? I thank the doctor.
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How to know hemangiomas in the liver?
I went for an ultrasound and they suspected a hemangioma in the liver. So the doctor asked me how to know hemangiomas in the liver? Thank you doctor.
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