Drinking celery juice and eating celery has become a trend in recent years. This is because celery has many health benefits, including improving men's sexual health.
1. Improve male fertility
Is celery juice good for men? In fact, celery is rich in vitamin C and phytonutrients. These are antioxidants proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants can reduce the risk of disease and improve men's sexual health.
More specifically, selected human studies have shown that high levels of antioxidants can help improve sperm count and motility - two important factors in male fertility. An animal study also showed that supplementing with celery leaf extract increased sperm production. In addition, celery also helps reduce blood pressure, supporting the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. However, further research in humans is needed to determine the specific benefits of celery for male fertility.

2. Other benefits of celery for men
2.1 Lower blood pressure
Eating celery and drinking celery juice both help control blood pressure. This is because the natural nitrates in celery can promote cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure. Furthermore, persistent high blood pressure is associated with erectile dysfunction in men. Thus, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, including celery, can improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
At the same time, depending on the severity of hypertension, the doctor may prescribe medication to the patient.. Therefore, patients should consult the doctor about using celery and taking medication to ensure their health.
2.2 Protect bones and support the blood coagulation process
Celery has high levels of vitamin K. 124g of celery provides about 30% of the daily vitamin K requirement for men. Vitamin K is an important nutrient for the blood clotting process and bone health..
The daily vitamin K requirement for men is about 120mcg. Accordingly, regularly eating celery is a great way to maintain vitamin K levels in the body, thereby improving bone health and supporting the blood clotting process.
Although data on the effects of celery on men's sexual health is limited, it also provides some benefits such as promoting fertility, regulating blood pressure, protecting bones, etc. Therefore, you can add celery and celery juice to your diet to reap the benefits of the antioxidants found in this vegetable.
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Reference source: healthline.com