Injections of lung maturation drugs in babies at risk of premature birth

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The article was professionally consulted by resident Doctor Ho Thi Hong Tho - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
In many cases, the doctor suggested that the doctor should inject the lung maturation drug to the fetus to prevent the risk of respiratory failure if there is a premature birth, to reduce the rate of neonatal mortality and other diseases.

1. What is a lung maturation injection?

Lung maturation drugs are Betamethasone and Dexamethasone. These are 2 drugs belonging to the Corticosteroid group, which help promote lung maturation of the fetus. Injecting lung maturation drugs for the fetus helps to prevent the risk of respiratory failure in the baby if there is a premature birth. This is a very important indication for babies in cases of premature birth or babies born at full term but malnourished,...
Thanks to lung maturation injections, children reduce the risk of complications of premature birth such as mortality, acute respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocolitis, low cerebral hemorrhage, systemic infection and growth retardation,...

2. Mechanism of action of lung maturation drugs

When a pregnant woman is given an injection to mature the lungs, the drug will travel through the blood vessels, transfer to the fetus and act in many ways. Specifically:
Increases the ability of the lung to convert pneumocytes I into pneumocytes II; Increases the ability to synthesize and release surfactant (the substance is only available after 32 weeks of pregnancy) into the alveoli. Surfactant has the role of reducing the surface tension of the alveolar fluid layer, helping to resist the elastic force of the lungs. If the required amount of surfactant is not produced, the premature baby's lungs are at risk of collapsing, leading to respiratory failure; Increase the volume of the lungs; Reduce the amount of fluid inside the lungs. As a result, injections of lung maturation drugs help reduce the risk of respiratory failure in premature babies.

Với nhiều tác dụng, tiêm thuốc trưởng thành phổi giúp ngăn ngừa suy hô hấp ở trẻ
Với nhiều tác dụng, tiêm thuốc trưởng thành phổi giúp ngăn ngừa suy hô hấp ở trẻ

3. When should lung maturation shots be given?

Usually, full-term pregnancy is over 37 weeks gestation - this time the fetal organs have matured and are ready to adapt to the outside world. Premature birth is a baby born between 22 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. In premature babies, many organs are not fully functional, especially the lungs, so there is a great risk of respiratory failure. In the case of pregnant women at risk of premature delivery, the doctor will recommend lung maturation injections.
Lung maturation nasal injection is usually indicated from week 28 to 34 when the pregnant woman has signs of threatened miscarriage or is at risk of premature birth within 7 days. If not, then after 7 days consider re-vaccination (if there is still a risk of preterm birth in the next 7 days).

3.1 Signs of threat of premature birth

Signs of threatened preterm birth include:
Appears painful uterine contractions, at least 2 contractions/hour; Amniotic fluid rupture ; Cramps accompanied by lower back pain; Bleeding or pink vaginal discharge; Heaviness in the abdomen, abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea; Cervical changes detected on examination.

3.2 Cases at risk of preterm birth

The risk of preterm birth is high in the following cases:
Pregnant women: Having cleft uterus, short cervix, cervical stitches, uterine fibroids, uterine malformations (double uterus), history of cone incision cervix, history of premature birth,...; Fetal: Fetal growth retardation, placenta previa, preeclampsia, end of amniotic fluid, rupture of membranes, amniotic fluid infection,... Cases of IVF pregnancy, multiple births at term (from 37 weeks onwards) not necessarily must be injected with lung maturation.

Mẹ bầu có nguy cơ sinh non khi có tiền sử sinh non
Mẹ bầu có nguy cơ sinh non khi có tiền sử sinh non

4. Lung maturation drugs and dosage

Betamethasone 12mg (Diprospan (5+2)mg), indicated for intramuscular injection 2 times, each dose is 24 hours apart; Dexamethasone 6mg is indicated for intramuscular injection 4 times, each dose is 12 hours apart. After the fetus is 34 weeks old, the injection of lung maturation has no effect on the fetal lungs, so it is no longer necessary. Recently, the duration of use of lung maturation drugs can be extended to the fetuses of 26 - 27 weeks of age or to the fetuses of less than 39 weeks of age if elective caesarean section is required.
When detecting one of the signs of premature birth, pregnant women should quickly go to the doctor and get advice from a doctor. The doctor can give pregnant women drugs to reduce uterine contractions or inject drugs to mature the fetus's lungs. At the same time, pregnant women also need more rest to reduce contractions of the uterus.
Lung maturation injection is very important in reducing complications of premature babies, especially respiratory failure. The drug used to inject lung maturation has certain side effects, so before injecting, pregnant women should consult a doctor.
The best way to take care of both mother and baby during pregnancy, start choosing a prenatal care package as soon as possible.
The Maternity Package at Vinmec International General Hospital helps customers complete antenatal check-ups and necessary tests during pregnancy, in order to minimize the risk of preterm birth. Customers registered for Maternity Package are fully cared for and checked for health of mother and baby before birth - during childbirth and after birth, fully and conscientiously.
Doctor Ho Thi Hong Tho has 10 years of experience in the field of pediatrics, neonatology, with strengths in child nutrition, pediatric emergency resuscitation, treatment of pediatric diseases from basic to advanced . Doctor Tho is a former lecturer in Pediatrics at Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy. During his work, Dr. Tho regularly participates in training courses to improve his expertise. Currently, Dr. Tho is working and working at the Department of Pediatrics - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Customers who need advice and contact to register for an appointment can contact Vinmec Hospital and clinic system HERE
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