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Articles in Premature babies

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Massaging a newborn is a way to enjoy quality time with your baby, and it also helps parents bond with their child. Before newborns can understand language, they often communicate and feel cared for through touch, such as feeling more secure when being held, cuddled, or stroked by their parents. Accordingly, massaging a newborn at home is a natural part of forming this bond.
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Is it difficult to raise a 7-month premature baby?
When your baby demands to come out early at just the 7th month of pregnancy, this makes you worry about the baby's health as well as how to take care of a premature baby. The immune system and resistance of premature babies will be weaker compared to those born full-term.
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Bilirubin index of jaundice in newborns
The bilirubin index in the blood of newborns is the basis for assessing the level of jaundice in children. Combining the high bilirubin index in newborns with age, health status, and clinical manifestations, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Let's learn about the causes and consequences when the bilirubin index in the blood of newborns increases through the article below.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics