Influenza virus A B rapid test to diagnose influenza

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Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Because of its easy human-to-human transmission, rapid influenza A B tests help diagnose influenza, so that appropriate and earliest treatment and isolation measures can be given.

1. Influenza in Vietnam

Currently in the world there are 3 strains of influenza virus (A, B and C), but the most common in Vietnam are influenza A and influenza B. The flu is often confused with the common cold, but its symptoms are often more severe.
Influenza B virus (influenza type B): Usually only found in humans but is less likely to cause epidemics than influenza A virus. Influenza C virus (influenza type C): People infected with influenza C virus may show symptoms in light form. Influenza C virus does not cause epidemics. Influenza viruses can survive for hours outdoors, especially in cold weather and low humidity. At 0 degrees C to 4 degrees C live for several weeks, at -200C and freeze-dried live for years.

Not only spreading from person to person, influenza A virus is capable of infecting mammals (such as pigs and horses), birds and poultry.
Usually the incubation period will be short, usually 1-5 days, the average is 2 days. The infectious period consists of the patient shedding the virus about 1-2 days before the onset and 3-5 days after the clinical symptoms.

Hình ảnh virus cúm A gây bệnh ở người
Hình ảnh virus cúm A gây bệnh ở người

2. What is influenza virus a b rapid test?

Influenza virus A B test aims to qualitatively detect anti-Hemagglutinin antibodies, helping to directly detect antigens of influenza virus strains with high accuracy.
The specimen for influenza testing is a serum sample. Plasma should not be used. Samples must be preserved to avoid hemolysis and contamination. Serum samples can be stored at 2-8°C. If you want to store it longer, keep the sample at -20 C.

3. When should the influenza test be done?

You should go to get tested for influenza as soon as:
Suspected influenza infection with symptoms of high fever, chills, respiratory tract inflammation, possibly complications of pneumonia, respiratory failure. As women who are planning to become pregnant, it is necessary to check their immune status. If you do not have immunity (not yet infected can be prevented by vaccine).

Người bệnh có triệu chứng sốt cao, gai rét nên đi xét nghiệm cúm
Người bệnh có triệu chứng sốt cao, gai rét nên đi xét nghiệm cúm

4. Meaning of influenza test results

Negative result: On the result window, only 1 purple line "control" appears on the result window, indicating that the result is negative. A negative result means that there is no presence of antibodies against TB bacilli in the sample. Positive result: On the result window appears ≥2 purple lines: “control line” and “test line”, regardless of which line appears first, the result is positive. A positive result means in the sample the result is invalid : If the colored line does not appear or only 1 “test line” appears on the results window after testing, the result is considered invalid. treat. The test procedure instructions are not followed closely or the test is broken. The sample needs to be retested with another test bar.

Kết quả xét nghiệm influenza test nhanh
Kết quả xét nghiệm influenza test nhanh

If you have a need for in-patient testing at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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