Treatment of complicated influenza in children

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Posted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Dinh - Pediatrician - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Influenza is an acute respiratory disease and leaves many dangerous complications to the health of patients, especially children. Therefore, the treatment of complications caused by influenza needs to be implemented quickly and promptly.

1. Dangerous complications of flu

Influenza is an acute respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses (rarely influenza C viruses). Accordingly, young children are frequent subjects of influenza as well as easily encounter disease complications caused by their immature immune systems, especially children with asthma, with developmental abnormalities. neuropsychiatric, children with chronic diseases, children with cardiovascular diseases, children with blood, endocrine, kidney, liver, or metabolic disorders, obese children, children who must use corticosteroids, aspirin or long-term chemotherapy, HIV-infected children are often at higher risk of complications.
Some complications that can occur in children with influenza are as follows:
Otitis media Pneumonia Respiratory failure laryngotracheobronchitis Initiation of asthma attacks in children with asthma Secondary bacterial infection Meningitis Myositis (rarely) common) Myocarditis Some complications caused by flu, if not examined and treated promptly, can seriously affect the health of children.

Bệnh cúm không được điều trị có thể gây biến chứng viêm tai giữa ở trẻ nhỏ
Bệnh cúm không được điều trị có thể gây biến chứng viêm tai giữa ở trẻ nhỏ

2. How to treat flu complications in children?

Children with flu complications need to be monitored and treated at medical facilities. Depending on the complications caused, the doctor will have specific measures for each complication such as: respiratory support, antibiotics, heart failure treatment, brain edema...
Besides compliance For treatment, when children have flu, they need to stay home from school, isolate themselves, limit close contact, and at the same time instruct children to wash their hands often with soap, wear a mask to avoid infecting others and family members.
Most children with the flu recover in one to two weeks without treatment. However, flu in children can present with serious symptoms that need to be monitored, including:
The child is breathing fast or has difficulty breathing Cyanotic skin Pain in the chest or abdomen Convulsions Vomiting a lot or not drinking fluids The child is very irritable agitated or lethargic difficult to wake Crying without tears Showing signs of dehydration such as dizziness when standing or urinating a little Fever accompanied by a rash To minimize complications caused by the flu, when the child has one of the following signs: Above, parents need to take their children to a medical facility for timely treatment.

Although it is a dangerous disease and can have many dangerous complications, it can be prevented and controlled with an annual flu shot. Therefore, parents need to pay attention and get all the vaccinations to ensure the health of their children.
Vinmec International General Hospital has been deploying immunization services with a variety of vaccines for different audiences, from infants, young children, adults, and women before and during pregnancy pregnancy, including the flu vaccine. The advantages of vaccination at Vinmec include:
Customers will be fully examined and screened for physical and health problems, advice on preventive vaccines and injection regimens, how to follow Monitor and take care of children after vaccination before giving vaccination according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health & World Health Organization. A team of experienced and professional doctors and nurses, understand children's psychology and apply effective pain relief methods for children during the vaccination process. When children are vaccinated at Vinmec, they will be monitored for 30 minutes after the injection and reassessed their health before leaving. In the vaccination system of Vinmec, there is always an emergency team ready to coordinate with the vaccination department to handle cases of anaphylaxis, respiratory failure - circulatory arrest, ensuring timely handling when there is an incident. happen.

Trước khi tiêm chủng tại vinmec, trẻ sẽ được thăm khám sàng lọc đầy đủ về tình trạng sức khỏe hiện tại
Trước khi tiêm chủng tại vinmec, trẻ sẽ được thăm khám sàng lọc đầy đủ về tình trạng sức khỏe hiện tại

Vaccination room at Vinmec is airy, with a play area for children before and after vaccination. Vaccines are imported and stored in a modern cold storage system, with a cold chain that meets GSP standards, keeping vaccines in the best conditions to ensure quality. Customers using the vaccination service will receive a reminder message before the injection date and the vaccination information is synchronized with the national vaccination information system.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Immunization Program with a variety of vaccines for different audiences. To register for vaccination, please contact directly to Vinmec Health System nationwide or make an appointment HERE.
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