Impaired blood circulation: Causes, symptoms and treatment

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Huy Nhat - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. Doctor Nguyen Huy Nhat has many years of experience in the field of respiratory disease treatment.
Impaired blood circulation is a disorder of blood circulation that occurs in every organ in the body. The disease manifests a variety of symptoms in organs with lack of blood supply, reducing function and causing many dangerous complications.

1. What is impaired blood circulation?

Blood is composed of red blood cells (carrying O2 and CO2), white blood cells (supporting immunity), platelets (clotting) and plasma. Plasma contains many components including water, proteins, clotting factors, immune cells, hormones, electrolytes and waste products. Blood circulates throughout the body with important functions:
Respiration: Blood helps transport O2 and CO2 between the alveoli and cells Nutrition: Blood helps transport nutrients from the small intestine to the Digestive cells. Elimination: Blood helps transport waste products to excretory organs such as kidneys, lungs, intestines, sweat glands Regulates organ activities: Blood contains hormones that increase and decrease the activity of organs. Body temperature, body protection: Blood contains all kinds of white blood cells, immune cells, active ingredients, medicine to help destroy bacteria and pathogens Blood circulatory failure is a disease caused by blood in the body Not having good circulation leads to circulatory disorders including cerebral circulation disorders, circulatory disorders to the extremities and other parts of the body. This is a common disease in the elderly. According to statistics, up to one-third of the elderly have the disease. More and more young people are also experiencing circulatory disorders with manifestations of fatigue, headache, dizziness, loss of balance, dizziness, insomnia, memory loss, nervous breakdown, or numbness. Numbness in the limbs, stiff neck.

2. Causes of impaired blood circulation

Hút thuốc lá có thể làm tăng nguy cơ suy giảm tuần hoàn máu
Hút thuốc lá có thể làm tăng nguy cơ suy giảm tuần hoàn máu
For young people, the cause of impaired blood circulation can be due to lack of exercise, too much brain work, not paying attention to rest, exercise, and adequate sleep, especially in workers. Office work, work pressure makes the disease rate higher. In the elderly, the walls of blood vessels are fibrous, easy to form atherosclerotic plaques, causing blockages, causing stagnant blood circulation. Some other causes stem from disease problems such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, blood fat, obesity, smoking, stress all increase the risk of blood circulation disorders.
Symptoms of blood circulation disorders reduce the patient's quality of life. If not treated, the disease will progress more seriously, causing dangerous complications, especially for people who already have risk diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

3. Symptoms of impaired blood circulation

Circulatory failure leads to poor blood circulation causing a variety of disease symptoms at many levels as follows:
Brain: Lack of blood to the brain causes a variety of symptoms including headaches, vestibular disorders, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, chronic insomnia, memory loss, neurasthenia, mental inefficiency, dementia, confusion. A stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident, is one of the most dangerous complications of blood circulation disorders.
Eyes: Anemia to the eyes can cause some symptoms such as difficulty seeing, blurred vision, long-term can lead to retinopathy. The retina is nourished by a system of small capillaries. In cases of anemia due to damage to these blood vessels, especially in hyperglycemia, will cause diseases such as macular degeneration, blurred vision, cataracts and blindness.
Heart: Myocardial ischemia causes symptoms such as angina, pain on exertion, pain just behind the sternum, sharp pain, tightness, spreading to the left shoulder, arm and left hand, reducing function myocardial contractility, causing ischemic heart disease leading to heart failure, arrhythmia, risk of myocardial infarction and myocardial necrosis (acute myocardial infarction).
Liver: Anemia to the liver causes the liver to be poorly nourished, chronically impaired, thereby causing symptoms such as thinness, weight loss, loss of appetite, decreased digestion due to decreased bile secretion, fatigue, and weakness. body.
Kidney: Anemia to the kidney due to systemic anemia or renal artery stenosis is often manifested by increased blood pressure, increased urea, creatinine leading to cytotoxicity, fatigue and coma due to infection. brain cell toxicity. Chronic renal ischemia increases the risk of renal atrophy and impaired renal function.
Lungs: Lack of blood to the lungs causes shortness of breath, cyanosis of the extremities, gradually leading to respiratory failure, reducing oxygen absorption and reducing CO2 excretion. Lack of blood supply to the lung parenchyma can cause infarction, necrosis of the lung parenchyma, atelectasis and superinfection - pneumonia.

Thiếu máu nuôi dưỡng nhu mô phổi có thể gây nhồi máu, hoại tử nhu mô phổi, xẹp phổi và bội nhiễm - viêm phổi
Thiếu máu nuôi dưỡng nhu mô phổi có thể gây nhồi máu, hoại tử nhu mô phổi, xẹp phổi và bội nhiễm - viêm phổi
Pancreas: The main function of the pancreas is to produce insulin (which regulates sugar and fat metabolism) and to produce digestive enzymes. The lack of blood supply to the pancreas reduces both of these functions, causing disturbances in sugar metabolism (diabetes mellitus) with symptoms of frequent thirst, frequent defecation, weight gain or loss, dizziness, etc. , patients are also at risk of blood fat and deficiency of digestive enzymes. Severe anemia leads to pancreatic necrosis causing acute pancreatitis, releasing digestive enzymes to destroy the surrounding parenchyma.
Stomach, small intestine, large intestine: Anemia to the stomach, small intestine, large intestine causes bloating, belching, indigestion, digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation, raw stool, crushed, are the Common symptoms in reduced absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.. Chronic anemia can cause atrophy of the intestinal mucosa, intestinal infarction, intestinal necrosis, intestinal perforation leading to sepsis.
Joints of hands, feet, spine: Lack of blood to joints of hands, feet, spine reduces nutrients to create joint fluid, making joints dry, long-term leading to joint adhesion and degeneration. Chronic anemia makes the bone system brittle and easy to break, and the appearance of blood-forming foci in the bones reduces bone density, which can cause subsidence and collapse of the vertebrae.
Muscles and limbs: Lack of blood to the muscles and limbs makes the muscles not supplied with enough blood, quickly fatigued during physical activity, accumulation of lactic acid, causing cramps, numbness, and tingling. In the long run, it can be pasty, muscle atrophy, and muscle necrosis.
Shoulder and neck area: Lack of blood to the shoulder and neck area causes symptoms such as neck pain, neck stiffness, difficulty in movement, pain increases when turning, tilting the head, raising the arm.

4. Treatment of impaired blood circulation

Bệnh nhân có thể được chỉ định một số loại thuốc làm giãn mạch não, giúp tăng cung cấp oxy não hoặc giúp lưu thông mạch máu
Bệnh nhân có thể được chỉ định một số loại thuốc làm giãn mạch não, giúp tăng cung cấp oxy não hoặc giúp lưu thông mạch máu
Impaired blood circulation, especially reduced blood flow to the brain can cause consequences. Therefore, doctors mainly focus on the treatment methods of cerebral circulatory insufficiency. Some drugs are suggested to treat such as tanganil, sibelium, betaserc, stugeron to dilate brain vessels, duxil to increase brain oxygen supply, piracetam to increase blood circulation. Indications for surgery are applied on patients with ruptured internal carotid artery or basilar vertebrae.
For impaired blood circulation in other organs, functional herbal medicines are the preferred choice. There are still no studies that can demonstrate the ability to recover from disease in many different types of subjects. However, this is still considered a safe choice and has little impact on the patient's health.
Vinmec International General Hospital is fully invested with modern equipment and machinery and is the place to gather a team of highly qualified doctors and nurses with many years of experience. This will be a reliable address to examine and advise on treatment methods for impaired blood circulation for every home, minimizing dangerous complications caused by the disease.

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