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Articles in Blood

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Simvastatin drug: Uses, indications and precautions when using
The drug simvastatin, a class of drugs called statins, works to lower blood cholesterol levels. When excess cholesterol builds up in the walls of blood vessels, this increases your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Simvastatin, when taken into the body, blocks an enzyme that produces cholesterol in the liver and slows down the production of cholesterol in the body.
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Cerezyme drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Cerezyme (Imiglucerase) is used to treat certain rare genetic problems (such as Gaucher disease). Imiglucerase replaces a certain natural substance (an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase) that is missing in people with Gaucher disease. This medicine helps to improve blood, bone, liver and spleen problems caused by Gaucher disease. Imiglucerase does not correct the genetic problem and must be continued for life.
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Uses of Hemastop
Hemastop drug is used in hemostasis, anti-hemorrhagic postpartum. Hemastop contains Carboprost as the main ingredient. So how effective is Hemastop? Things to note when using Hemastop will be shared through the article below.
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Uses of Atelec Tablets
Atelec Tablets belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, used to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. The active ingredient Cilnidipine in the drug helps to inhibit calcium ions from entering the blood vessel walls, reducing vasoconstriction, reducing blood pumping pressure at the heart.
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Causes of high cholesterol
High blood cholesterol promotes atherosclerosis. This is a serious medical condition that can lead to many life-threatening complications such as stroke, myocardial infarction, angina, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension.
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Do you know how to choose foods that are good for your heart?
According to statistics, cardiovascular diseases account for nearly a third of all deaths worldwide. In particular, diet plays an important role that directly affects the health of the cardiovascular system. Knowing how to use foods that are good for the heart will reduce the risk of these dangerous diseases.
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Foods that are bad for the heart
Improving your diet will help reduce your risk of heart disease in many ways, including: Lowering blood cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, lowering sugar levels, and increasing the effectiveness of insulin in the blood. A good diet will help prevent obesity and improve the function of the heart and blood vessels.
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Coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction: A guide to patient care
Coronary intervention is one of the important solutions in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. How to make the patient recover quickly, care is extremely important. In the article below, we will bring you useful knowledge about how to care for patients during coronary intervention.
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What are the components of blood, what is the normal amount of blood in the human body?
Máu không phải là cơ quan nội tạng, mà là một tổ chức di động có vai trò cực kỳ quan trọng đối với con người. Vậy máu có những thành phần gì và vai trò cụ thể của máu là gì, hãy cùng tìm hiểu trong bài viết dưới đây.
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What does high cholesterol - high blood cholesterol mean?
Rối loạn Cholesterol máu gây ra nhiều bệnh lý nặng nề, đặc biệt là các bệnh lý tim mạch như nhồi máu cơ tim, đột quỵ.... Chỉ số cao của LDL-Cholesterol (Cholesterol tỉ trọng thấp hay còn gọi là mỡ xấu) đã được biết đến rộng rãi là không tốt, trong khi nhiều người vẫn chưa hiểu biết đầy đủ về HDL-Cholesterol, vậy chỉ số HDL-Cholesterol trong máu cao có ý nghĩa gì?
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What you need to know about the blood count test
Xét nghiệm công thức máu là xét nghiệm cơ bản nhất trong những khảo sát về huyết học. Hầu như khi cần xét nghiệm máu, các chỉ số trên công thức máu luôn là mối quan tâm đầu tiên, có khả năng phản ánh gần như toàn diện chức năng của các hệ cơ quan. Tuy nhiên, không phải ai cũng hiểu được nội dung trên tờ giấy trả kết quả xét nghiệm này.
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