If you have a fever, should you use a blanket?

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When having a fever, many people have cold symptoms and want to wear lots of clothes and blankets to dispel the cold. So if you have malaria, should you cover yourself with a blanket? What is the best way to reduce fever?

1. What is a fever?

Fever is a natural response of the body against harmful agents. A person has a fever when the oral temperature is above 37.5°C and the rectal temperature is above 38°C. The cause of fever is usually: viral infection, bacterial infection, drug allergy, teething fever or reaction after vaccination,...
When having a fever, the patient may experience symptoms such as: chills , chills, thirst, red skin, hot and moist skin, disorientation, delirium, convulsions, cold limbs, cyanosis,...

Sốt có thể đi kèm với triệu chứng rét run
Sốt có thể đi kèm với triệu chứng rét run

2. Should I wear a blanket if I have malaria?

The hypothalamus of the brain is the area that controls the body's temperature. When the body's temperature rises above normal (high fever), the hypothalamus kicks in the body's cooling system by increasing sweating, increasing blood flow under the skin. And at this time, the patient will feel chills, shivering.
People with fever often close the door, cover themselves with blankets, and wear lots of clothes to reduce the cold. However, this is a misconception that should be avoided.
In people who have a fever, covering a blanket will not help dispel the cold, but it will make it harder for the body to get rid of heat, leading to a prolonged fever. The more blankets are covered, the higher the body temperature and the colder the patient will feel. If a high fever does not lower body temperature in time, the central nervous system can be affected, causing serious complications such as febrile convulsions, cyanosis, and even death.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có phân biệt được chính xác cảm lạnh và cúm mùa?

Cảm cúm và cảm lạnh là hai khái niệm mà chúng ta thường đánh đồng nó giống nhau, không phân biệt rõ ràng. Dưới đây là một số câu hỏi trắc nghiệm, giúp bạn có thêm những kiến thức phân biệt cảm lạnh và cảm cúm. Từ đó, có những biện pháp điều trị bệnh phù hợp.

3. How to reduce fever for people with high fever

When the patient takes fever-reducing medicine, it will need to release heat to the outside of the body through the skin. Therefore, an important rule when having a fever is not to cover with a blanket and not to close the door, but to open the door to let the indoor air circulate (pay attention not to let the wind blow directly on the patient's body). Patients should not wear a lot of thick clothes or let the body get too cold, keep the body temperature stable. Doing so, just waiting for a while, the patient will gradually warm up the limbs and no longer reduce the feeling of shivering.
Besides, caregivers of fever patients should pay attention to apply warm towels to the sick or wipe warm towels all over the body, especially in the armpit and groin area to reduce body temperature. At the same time, people with fever should eat foods that are easy to digest, drink plenty of water, oresol can be rehydrated if they are too dehydrated. For children with fever who are breastfeeding, should increase the amount of suckling and feeding time to provide enough water and necessary nutrients for the baby.

Cần dùng thuốc hạ sốt khi sốt trên 38,5°C
Cần dùng thuốc hạ sốt khi sốt trên 38,5°C

When caring for someone with a fever, it is important to continuously monitor the patient's temperature (underarm, oral, or rectal temperature). For patients with fever above 38.5°C, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs and check the temperature again about 30-45 minutes after taking the medicine. Do not measure the temperature immediately after taking the medicine because it may not be effective at this time. At the same time, when using the drug, it is necessary to pay attention to the patient taking the correct medicine and the dose prescribed by the doctor.
In case the patient has a high fever above 39°C, taking antipyretic drugs does not help, the fever is more than 2 days, the child has a fever with symptoms of crying, lethargy, convulsions, shortness of breath, diarrhea, stools bloody mucus, ... should immediately bring the patient to the hospital for timely examination and treatment.
Pediatrics department at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children, .... With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.
If you have a need for consultation and examination at Vinmec Hospitals under the nationwide health system, please book an appointment on the website for service.

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