How to use baby formula safely?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Huynh Bao Toan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Preparing baby formula doesn't have to be difficult, but it's important that you mix formula with water in the correct ratio so that your baby gets the right amount of nutrients.
Taking precautions to protect children from foodborne illnesses is also important because children do not have much immunity to germs, especially infants.
1. Check expiration dates The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires infant formula manufacturers to analyze each shipment to verify nutritional levels and to stamp each container with a "use by" date stamp. used by" - like the stamps found on milk, eggs and other perishables.
If your child is a lazy eater and doesn't like milk, you usually choose a certain type of milk, but take a few seconds to check the expiration date to ensure safety and quality. If you buy in bulk, check the expiration date before giving it to your baby.
If you have just had a baby, it may take a few months to establish your child's eating habits. That way, you can determine the needs of the baby, and at the same time determine the amount of milk that the mother needs to prepare for the baby.
Also make sure the milk carton is not chipped as this could mean the inner tin has broken. This causes the liquid to come into contact with the steel, potentially causing rust and even creating a hole, possibly damaging the milk inside.
If you accidentally buy expired formula, return the unopened box to the store and exchange it for another new one.

Người dùng cần kiểm tra ngày hết hạn trước khi mua và sử dụng
Người dùng cần kiểm tra ngày hết hạn trước khi mua và sử dụng
2. Storing milk at the right temperature Too hot or too cold temperatures can degrade the nutrients in powdered milk, so it's important to store powdered milk at the right temperature. The optimal storage temperature is between 13 and 23 degrees Celsius, however make sure that the milk is stored below 35 degrees and above freezing or 0 degrees.
Choose cabinets with multiple compartments or shelves located away from stoves, ovens, heat pipes or hot water pipes. Do not expose milk cartons to direct sunlight and do not place them in the refrigerator.
You need to follow the storage instructions on the box after opening the liquid milk carton. Most manufacturers recommend storing milk in a can, which is stored for 24 to 48 hours.
It's best not to keep formula in the refrigerator or a humid place as moisture can cause the powder to clump, which can lead to curdling.
Use powdered milk within one month of opening.
3. Steps to prepare baby formula To prepare baby formula, follow these steps:
3.1 Clean your utensils Scrub the bottle or nipple with a brush and warm soapy water and then Washing can also kill off germs. Some experts recommend sterilizing all bottles, teats, cups, and spoons. Others argue that this is not necessary, unless the safety of the water in your area is questionable. Still others recommend sterilizing the entire food supply if your baby is younger than 3 months old.
Ask your doctor whether to sterilize bottles and water supplies before first use and for advice on the best way to clean your baby's food supply in the future.

Cần vệ sinh sạch sẽ và khử trùng dụng cụ pha sữa cho bé
Cần vệ sinh sạch sẽ và khử trùng dụng cụ pha sữa cho bé
Always keep in mind that heat can release harmful chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA) from some plastics. If you use polycarbonate bottles or bottles marked with a recycling number 7 or "PC", do not boil them or put them in the dishwasher or microwave. Better yet, if you can, replace polycarbonate bottles with bottles made of different materials, such as BPA-free plastic, glass, or stainless steel.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) considers BPA-free plastic bottles and bottles made of polyethylene and polypropylene to be safe for babies, but some studies show that any type of plastic can be contaminated with chemicals. seep in.
If you really care do not put any kind of plastic bottles in boiling water, dishwasher, microwave or any appliance that uses heat as high heat can create many toxic chemicals harm from plastic. Plastic bottles should be washed by hand with warm soapy water, and then rinsed. Or use bottles made of glass or stainless steel as they are considered dishwasher safe.
You should wash the milk bottle immediately after each use so that the powdered milk has no chance to dry out and stick to the inside of the bottle. Disassemble all parts of the bottle so that the surface areas of the bottle are best cleaned.
When cleaning tools, simply place them in boiling water for about five minutes. You can also use another sterilization product. Also, washing the nipples with a mixture consisting of half water and half vinegar can help prevent fungal growth.
Let bottles and supplies dry on a rack or use a paper towel if you need them to dry right away. (Do not use dish towels as they can harbor bacteria.)
If you are using pacifiers that you were given at the hospital or clinic, those pacifiers are wrapped in a sterile package and contain Can be used directly after peeling. But they are only allowed to be used once, so throw them away after the first use.
3.2 Wash and dry the top of the milk carton before opening the lid. This removes dust and liquid that may have spilled onto the can. Use a clean can opener and rinse it before daily use.
3.3 Wash hands Before preparing formula, wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Dry your hands with a paper towel.

Rửa tay thường xuyên bằng xà phòng trước khi pha sữa cho trẻ
Rửa tay thường xuyên bằng xà phòng trước khi pha sữa cho trẻ
3.4 Follow the preparation instructions on the can exactly Mixing instructions vary by manufacturer and the ratio of water to formula depends on whether the formula is powdered or liquid, so read the label. carefully label.
Adding too little water can overwork your baby's kidneys and cause dehydration. Adding too much water dilutes the nutrients and calories in the milk, which can affect growth and stunt your baby's growth if it happens often.
For more accuracy, use a standard measuring cup instead of the lines on your baby's bottle.
3.5 Use safe, clean water If you are using powdered or liquid milk make sure it is mixed with safe and clean water. The AAP says it's fine to use tap water as long as the local health department ensures it's safe. Run tap water for a minute or two until it is cold to reduce lead or other contaminants. If you use a bore well, it is advisable to use tested water before using it to make baby formula.
To disinfect water, the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends letting the water boil gently for one minute, then letting it cool for no more than 30 minutes before mixing with milk. (Boiling water for a long time can deposit minerals and impurities.)
Note that bottled water is not necessarily sterilized, nor is it run through a filter. Filters (in the water tank or faucet) that are not changed often can also harbor bacteria. You can buy sterilized bottled water but make sure the labels are clearly indicated.
Also talk to your doctor about water quality in your area. Ask her if it is necessary to boil water when making baby formula.
Health professionals say to use fluoridated water to make milk. But keep in mind that babies who drink formula mixed with fluoridated water are at risk for fluorosis. This condition does not affect oral health but it can cause small white spots on your baby's teeth that are purely cosmetic. If you are concerned, talk to your baby's doctor or dentist.

Nên sử dụng nước sạch đảm bảo để pha sữa công thức cho trẻ
Nên sử dụng nước sạch đảm bảo để pha sữa công thức cho trẻ
4. Use milk within 24 hours Based on how much milk your baby needs, mix as much milk as you think your baby will need within the next 24 hours. Once you've made powdered or condensed milk, put it in the refrigerator immediately. Don't let the can of milk cool outside when refrigerated and use it within 24 hours.
If your baby doesn't finish a bottle within an hour, throw away the rest. Bacteria from the baby's mouth can seep into the bottle, contaminating the milk and making the baby sick if the milk is reused later.
To avoid waste and save time, you should use a large amount of milk in the morning and divide it into 3 or 4 small bottles to keep in the refrigerator and can be used throughout the day.
Room temperature is the perfect environment for the propagation of bacteria in milk, so give warm milk to your baby immediately. Do not overheat and discard any leftover milk that has been left at room temperature for an hour or more.
If you are going out and need to bring your baby's milk, wrap the bottle carefully, ideally adding an ice pack. If that's not possible, bring another product that's more convenient to use.
The most common symptoms when babies drink unsafe milk are vomiting and diarrhea. If your baby has these symptoms, call his doctor right away. Foodborne illnesses can be very serious in children, leading to dehydration, kidney failure and sometimes, even death.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
The period of baby eating solid foods is an extremely important period to help children develop comprehensively. Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiencies, causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption, etc. If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with supportive products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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