How to treat grade 2 internal hemorrhoids and colon polyps?

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Hello doctor!
I have 2nd degree internal hemorrhoids and 5mm colon polyp, please ask the doctor how to treat grade 2 internal hemorrhoids and colon polyps? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Because polyps are considered a lesion with a high risk of becoming a tumor, even cancer later, so it needs to be treated early, so you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to have endoscopic polypectomy. colon for biopsy. Then, depending on the biopsy results, the doctor will advise specifically on the next treatment method and follow-up later.
As for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids grade 2, in the immediate future, only medical treatment is needed from 02-04 weeks. If there is no improvement, please visit a gastroenterology specialist for advice on surgical or surgical intervention.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System, looking forward to meeting you in person for more specific advice. Best regards!
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Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thai Binh - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
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