How to prevent malaria

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Malaria is transmitted from person to person through an intermediate host, a mosquito. To prevent malaria, people need to take measures to avoid mosquito bites, clean the environment around where they live, and propagate to the community on how to prevent malaria.

1. Measures to prevent malaria

1.1. Propaganda and education on how to prevent malaria Malaria is endemic mainly in tropical and subtropical climates. The number of cases usually increases at the beginning and end of the rainy season, when the weather conditions are humid. Malaria can become a major epidemic if widespread prevention measures are not taken. Therefore, participation in malaria control of the whole community and mass organizations is extremely important. Prevention of mosquito-borne diseases is considered the most effective way to prevent malaria.
Raising awareness and changing people's behavior on how to prevent malaria focuses on the following main contents:
Malaria is spread by mosquitoes, so mosquitoes and parasites need to be eradicated. pathogens. Sleep under a mosquito net, even at home, especially if your home is close to upland fields or in the woods. Wear long clothes in the evening. Build a house far from the forest and far from water sources. Kill mosquitoes by residual spraying and impregnating chemical nets, applying mosquito repellent cream, spraying mosquito repellent. Eliminate mosquito habitats by clearing bushes and clearing drains around the house, .. When a fever is suspected to be caused by a mosquito bite, immediately go to a medical facility for timely malaria examination and treatment. 1.2. Using chemicals Using insecticides impregnated with existing curtains and blinds in the house:
Lamda cyhalothrin (ICON 2.5CS; 10CS): Use an impregnation dose of 20 mg/m2 of nets. Alpha cypermethrin (Fendona 10SC): Use an impregnated dose of 25 mg/m2. Spray insecticide on the inside of the wall with a height of up to 2 meters from the floor (if the house has a low roof, spray it on the inside of the roof for 2 meters):
Lamda cyhalothrin (ICON 10WP; ICON10CS): Use a spray dose of 30 mg/m2 wall. Alpha cypermethrin (Fendona 10 SC): Use a spray dose of 30 mg/m2 wall. Indications for local spraying and impregnating: Spraying or impregnating should only be done once a year before the rainy season (which is the peak season for malaria transmission). Indications for spraying or impregnating bed nets depend on local malaria developments.
1.3. Limit mosquito bites To minimize the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes, you should take the following precautions:
Kill mosquitoes with folk measures such as slamming mosquitoes, using electric rackets, and catching mosquito lights. Wear long-sleeved clothes and socks when it is dark or when working in the forest. Go to bed early at 8pm to avoid the peak activity of Anopheles mosquitoes, it is best to sleep in a mosquito net impregnated with anti-malaria chemicals. Use essential oils to repel mosquitoes and smoke. Use a plant with a scent that repels mosquitoes, such as camphor leaves. Use mosquito repellant cream when living or working at night in the forest or field.

Sử dụng tinh dầu đuổi muỗi để hạn chế muỗi đốt, từ đó có thể phòng chống bệnh sốt rét
Sử dụng tinh dầu đuổi muỗi để hạn chế muỗi đốt, từ đó có thể phòng chống bệnh sốt rét

1.4. Removing mosquito habitat is an effective way to prevent malaria. Follow these steps to prevent mosquitoes from hiding and breeding:
Clean the environment around the house, clear bushes, clear drains. trenches to drain all the water, fill in puddles of standing water, cover jars and jars, pick up grass on both sides of the stream so that the beetles have no place to hide. Regular personal hygiene, arrange furniture, clothes neatly and neatly. Move livestock and poultry cages away from home, live in a place far from the forest, far from water sources so that mosquitoes do not fly into the house to bite people. 1.5. Taking preventive drugs and early treatment In countries with severe malaria epidemics, it is necessary to implement the policy of taking preventive drugs for people who have just entered malaria areas, pregnant women in malaria areas, people from outside areas. settled. In our country, we are currently providing drugs for the above subjects to self-treat when suffering from malaria. People going to the forest and fields at the peak of malaria epidemic should go to medical facilities to get medicine and be instructed by the doctor on how to recognize the typical signs of a malaria attack and properly treat it when suffering from malaria. For example, when you see signs of chills, fever, sweating and thirst, you should immediately take the medicine you brought, then immediately return home and go to a medical facility for examination, blood tests and treatment. Early treatment at the beginning, to avoid prolonged illness that can turn into severe malaria or severe debilitation that can easily lead to death. In addition, safety measures when blood transfusion must be taken and strictly controlled, especially for people with a history of malaria or who have lived in malaria-endemic areas.

Loại bỏ nơi sinh sống của muỗi là cách phòng tránh bệnh sốt rét hữu hiệu
Loại bỏ nơi sinh sống của muỗi là cách phòng tránh bệnh sốt rét hữu hiệu

2. Measures to prevent malaria

2.1. Local organizations need to report urgently to higher levels when seeing the number of malaria cases skyrocket. After that, immediately set up an anti-epidemic team, prepare medicines and chemicals to prevent mosquitoes, etc. to go to the place where malaria is happening to investigate the cause, take measures to control the epidemic and propagate prevention methods. avoid malaria for people.
2.2. On the professional side, Isolating and treating patients: Diagnose and detect the disease by blood smear or rapid diagnostic test for the entire population in the epidemic area. Malaria patients do not need to be isolated but need to be hospitalized for treatment to ensure timely treatment, correct regimen and transfer the patient to a higher level as soon as there are signs of premalignancy or malignancy. Strict management of malaria carriers: Cold carriers should be managed and treated similarly to confirmed cases. Take preventive measures for high-risk subjects. Investigate and closely monitor the species composition and density of disease-transmitting mosquitoes in the place where the epidemic is occurring. Malaria epidemiological surveillance during epidemic control. When a patient has a fever and suspected malaria, the patient should immediately go to a medical facility to be examined, tested for malaria parasites and thoroughly treated by taking anti-malarial drugs in full doses and for a full day according to instructions. doctor. Good implementation of malaria prevention methods will limit the risk of local disease.
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