How to make grilled chicken with salt and pepper

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Grilled chicken with salt and pepper is a favorite dish of many people because the grilled chicken is fragrant and chewy with the salty taste of salt, the spicy taste of chili is very rich and stimulates the taste buds. So how to make delicious salt and pepper grilled chicken?

Chicken is one of the healthiest sources of protein. Chicken does not contain fat, so chicken dishes that do not use oil for processing such as boiled chicken, grilled chicken are the right choice for people who are looking to lose weight or exercise to tone muscles.

1. What ingredients are needed for delicious salt and pepper grilled chicken?

To make grilled chicken with salt and pepper, you need the following ingredients:
1 chicken weighs about 0.8 - 1kg. With cleaned chicken, should choose chicken with small legs, light yellow skin, thin, narrow body, gently press to check the firmness of the chicken. Lemon, red onion, garlic, chili, ginger Chicken seasoning includes seasoning, five spices, seasoning, paprika, sugar, cashew color, and salt. Preliminary preparation of ingredients to make grilled chicken with salt and pepper as follows:
Cut off the oil glands in the chicken's tail, open the brake, press the two ribs of the chicken to the sides, then rub the whole chicken with ginger and salt to remove the smell. smell, wash and dry. Peel the onion and garlic and mince the chopped chillies SEE MORE: How to roast delicious chicken with ginger

2. How to make grilled chicken with salt and pepper

How to make grilled chicken with salt and pepper includes the following steps:
Step 1 - Prepare salt and pepper marinade for chicken: Add cashew color, seasoning to marinate grilled meat (1 tablespoon each), seasoning seeds, five spices, paprika , garlic, minced onion (1 teaspoon each), chopped chili, mix well until thickened. Use another cup for granulated salt, sugar, chopped chili peppers and pound until puree. Step 2 - Marinate the chicken: Cut a slice of lemon and rub it on the chicken skin to make the skin crispy and delicious when grilled. Using your hands or a spreader, spread the sauce evenly over the entire chicken and then rub the granulated salt with the next chili. Marinate the chicken in the refrigerator (cooler) for about 1 hour. Step 3: Bake chicken: You can use charcoal, an oven or an oil-free fryer to make grilled chicken with salt and pepper. With the oven, it is necessary to preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees, then put the chicken in the oven for about 50 minutes. With an air fryer, bake the chicken at 175 degrees for 30 minutes, then take it out to brush with oil and bake for another 2 minutes. Step 4 - Prepare grilled chicken dipping sauce: Add sugar, granulated salt, monosodium glutamate, chili pepper, bell pepper, lime leaves, condensed milk, and lemon juice into a puree until thick. This is the right dipping sauce to eat with grilled chicken with salt and pepper, both rich and flavorful.

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3. Grilled chicken with salt and pepper to eat with what dishes and notes

After the chicken is cooked, cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and decorate it on a tray, lined with banana leaves. Use laksa leaves, cucumbers to both decorate and eat with grilled chicken. Grilled chicken with salt and pepper is best served with sticky rice, or sticky rice or sticky rice, lam rice.
Depending on spicy taste, you can add chili when making chicken marinade and chicken dipping sauce. When grilling, pay attention when the chicken skin is dry, add more sauce to make the chicken skin shiny, crispy, have a nice color and absorb the spices.
If you don't grill whole chicken, you can use chicken thighs, wings or legs to make grilled chicken with salt and pepper. If you have leftovers, you can put them in an airtight container and keep them in the refrigerator. Before eating, you can put it in the oven or fry it with a little oil to heat it up.
One of the best ways to prepare chicken is grilled chicken with salt and pepper, served with sticky rice and dipping sauce, very suitable for parties or meeting friends, family gatherings.

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