How to improve your baby's digestive system

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The digestive system is in the process of developing and maturing, so babies often have problems absorbing food. Building a scientific diet is essential to improve the baby's digestive tract, helping them to fully absorb nutrients from food.

1. Avoid eating too much at once

Parents feeding children too much at once will make the digestive tract and small stomach have to work at full capacity to absorb all the nutrients. If this condition is prolonged, it will affect the functions of the digestive system and stomach of the child. Therefore, parents should divide each meal, let the baby eat many meals with a little food, avoid letting the baby eat too much at one time. At the same time, children should practice eating slower, chewing food thoroughly will be very good for the digestive system, avoiding the digestive system to work overload.

2. When eating, do not drink water

During feeding, mothers often let babies hold a bottle of water to drink. In fact, this is a bad habit, which can interrupt the baby's eating process, cause food in the stomach to be diluted, leading to slower digestion. Parents can let their children drink a little water before eating about 15-20 minutes and after eating for 30-40 minutes to improve the digestive system for a healthier baby.

3. Don't use processed foods

Processed foods or fast foods contain a large amount of preservatives and fats, causing many problems for the child's digestive system. At the same time, some types of fast food may also contain disease-causing substances, but are low in nutrients, causing serious nutritional deficiencies in children, affecting the child's development. Moreover, the processing of outside food is not guaranteed in terms of food hygiene and safety, which can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, etc. Therefore, parents should discard the food. fast food, ready-to-eat foods on your child's menu.
Watch now: The reason why the baby's digestive system is underdeveloped

Thiết kế thực đơn khoa học giúp cải thiện hệ tiêu hóa cho bé
Thiết kế thực đơn khoa học giúp cải thiện hệ tiêu hóa cho bé

4. Limit hard-to-digest foods

Indigestible foods such as meat or dairy products make the intestines work a lot if the child eats continuously for a week. Therefore, parents should supplement their children with eating more vegetables and fruits - such as ripe bananas or broccoli, which help reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and avoid constipation, absorb nutrients well and strengthen immunity. Note, children under 6 months old should not eat bananas and eat too much broccoli because it can lead to flatulence.
If possible, parents should give their children 1-2 vegetarian meals per week to improve the digestive system, help the intestinal tract to rest after a week of work. However, for infants, breast milk is the safest and ideal source of nutrition for babies under 6 months of age. Because the infant's digestive system is not yet developed, mothers with babies under 6 months old should give their babies a lot of milk to supplement and improve the digestive system for babies.

5. Scientific menu design

To improve the digestive system for children, parents should also keep in mind when designing their child's daily menu. There are foods that, if combined, will negatively affect the digestive tract. For example, you should not combine beef with potatoes or bread to avoid making the digestive process slow and weak. Parents can consult a nutritionist to design a clear and effective menu for their children.

6. Concentrate while eating

Good habits should be established and practiced from an early age. Many parents often let their children eat while watching TV or phones so that their children can eat more. But this is only a short-term benefit, this bad habit will affect the digestive process because the body is not focused on the task of food. Therefore, you should cultivate the habit of children not doing other things while eating so that they can eat slowly, slowly and feel the taste of the food, thereby improving the baby's digestive system better.
Watch now: How to take care of your child's digestive system

Ăn nhiều sữa chua giúp cải thiện hệ tiêu hóa cho bé
Ăn nhiều sữa chua giúp cải thiện hệ tiêu hóa cho bé

7. Eat a lot of yogurt

In yogurt contains many beneficial bacteria that are very good for the baby's small intestine. If the child has vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, eating yogurt can overcome the above symptoms. However, children under 6 months old should not eat yogurt, children under 1 year old should eat unsweetened yogurt exclusively for young children, for children over 1 year old, parents can give their children a variety of milk to try. suitable sour.
Digestive system plays a very important role because young children need nutrients to function and develop. The digestive system must work at full capacity to receive and absorb food to nourish the body. Therefore, in order to have a tall and healthy child, parents need to pay more attention to the issue of improving the baby's digestive tract.
In addition, parents also need to pay attention to supplementing necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc Selenium, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, help children eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standards, have a good immune system, strengthen resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
Also according to leading nutrition experts, parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods. Besides, nutrition experts also emphasized on the role of biological zinc; Parents should learn and supplement zinc for children properly at the appropriate time, to avoid zinc deficiency affecting the comprehensive development of children.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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