How to distinguish cough caused by pneumonia and caused by gastroesophageal reflux?

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Hello doctor. My baby is 3 months old now. At 1 month old, the baby had pneumonia. From the time of pneumonia until now, the baby recurred 3 times and coughed continuously for 2 months. I took her to the doctor and was diagnosed with pneumonia and gastroesophageal reflux disease. I want to ask the doctor, how to distinguish when it is a wheezing cough due to pneumonia and when it is due to reflux? Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Thi Thuy Vy (Nha Trang)
Hello. To distinguish between cough due to pneumonia and gastroesophageal reflux disease requires clinical and some supportive tests.
For cough caused by pneumonia, in addition to cough, you will find that the child is often accompanied by fever, wheezing, rapid breathing, listening to the lungs will often have moist rales, large and small particles, chest X-ray will show pneumonia ...
For cough due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, often children cough without fever, do not have symptoms of pneumonia as mentioned above, often children cough while sleeping, eating or vomiting, can do more abdominal ultrasound , measure the pH of the esophagus to further aid in the diagnosis.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System.
Answered by doctors at Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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