How to cure colitis at home

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Is there any treatment for colitis, can it be treated at home, is the question of many patients, especially when colitis has just started. Here are some simple and easy home remedies for colitis.

1. What is inflammatory bowel disease?

When it comes to diseases of the digestive tract, we cannot fail to mention inflammatory bowel disease, a common disease in today's modern life. The main cause of the disease is an unhealthy diet, pressure from work and life, which makes patients often stressed.
In addition, the habit of eating out of restaurants does not guarantee food origin and food processing is also one of the causes of colitis.
In the early stages, colitis only causes abdominal pain, digestive disorders, diarrhea, ... However, the disease has a high chance of recurrence, especially when eating strange food, raw food, food. dirty, rancid, ...
If not detected and treated, acute colitis is easy to progress to chronic and seriously affect health. It is best that when sick, the patient needs to be proactive in treatment and prevention with medical measures combined with the following home remedies for colitis.

2. Diet and nutrition to help treat colitis at home

In addition to symptoms such as frequent abdominal pain, diarrhea, colitis patients are very susceptible to malnutrition due to indigestion, loss of appetite, ... Therefore, in treating colitis at home, patients need to Note to increase the addition of some of the following foods to both ensure nutrition and support the digestive system:
Foods containing a lot of Omega 3 : For people with colitis, Omega 3 has the effect of reducing inflammation and reducing inflammation. increase the number of beneficial bacteria. The foods rich in Omega 3 are mackerel, salmon, oysters, herring, flaxseeds... Foods high in protein: Increase protein to ensure that the patient still receives the necessary amount of protein for the body. Protein is abundant in lean meats, eggs, cereals, legumes, ... Probiotics, probiotics: When treating colitis at home, patients often forget to add probiotics and beneficial bacteria to their diet. Supports intestinal balance. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals: Fruit juices are a great source of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes to help promote gut health and support the digestive system. Foods high in fiber: When treating colitis at home, patients should not forget to add and enhance foods containing a lot of fiber such as avocados, squash, ... to reduce constipation. However, if you have diarrhea, you should reduce or abstain from fiber until the diarrhea stops. In addition to foods that need to be fortified, when treating colitis at home, patients should also pay attention to avoid some of the following foods:
Drinks containing gas, alcohol, caffeine, stimulants such as: Alcohol, beer, tobacco because it will make ulcerative colitis worse. Raw dishes such as raw vegetables, salad, blood pudding, spring rolls, ... These foods contain many bacteria, especially parasites, which are easy to cause infection when entering the intestinal tract. Milk and dairy products will make diarrhea symptoms worse. Therefore, when treating colitis at home, patients need to limit the use of this food group. Foods high in sugar, such as sweets and soft drinks, can cause symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, and diarrhea that don't go away. Foods high in fat, fat, spices (chili, pepper), fermented foods will increase pressure on the digestive system. A diet and nutrition to help treat colitis at home should also note the following information:
Prioritize soft and easy-to-digest foods to avoid putting pressure on the colon. Meals during the day should be broken down to reduce the load on the digestive system. Add enough water (from 1.5 - 2 liters of water / day) to support the colon to work. For patients with colitis, building and maintaining a diet according to the doctor's instructions is important to prevent the disease from progressing and reoccurring.

3. How to cure colitis at home with some herbs, herbal medicine

Along with medical treatment, patients can support the treatment of colitis at home with herbal teas, leaves or herbal remedies as follows:
Honey and turmeric: Both turmeric and honey have Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, helps restore colon mucosa. You can mix honey with turmeric powder to drink completely. Aloe vera: Aloe vera also has high anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is great for treating colitis at home. Before using, should remove the peel and then wash the aloe vera to reduce the mucus layer, then puree with warm water or honey to drink. Black Sesame: Black sesame has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, and is also rich in Omega 3, which is good for improving ulcerative colitis. Roasting black sesame seeds to eat with rice is the simplest home remedy for colitis that you can make and combine with medical treatment. Guava leaves: Guava leaves also have antibacterial properties, in addition to reducing pain, stopping diarrhea, astringent colon mucosa, ... Patients can cook fresh guava leaf juice or use leaf powder. Dried guava mixed with water to drink. Voi leaves: The leaves have a high antibacterial ability thanks to some components that are active ingredients similar to antibiotics. In addition, the leaves also have the effect of protecting the intestinal mucosa, stimulating digestion, reducing pain caused by colon spasms, ... To support the treatment of colitis at home, patients can stop the juice of the leaves of the leaves. Drink instead of water every day. Apricot leaves: Plum leaves are a cool and bitter herbal medicine. With antibacterial properties, apricot leaves have the effect of reducing symptoms of colitis such as flatulence, indigestion, ... Patients can use the leaves in the following way, wash them and then cut them into small pieces. apricot leaves are then mixed with egg yolks for frying or steaming. Galangal root: Galangal root is a spice, and also a warm medicine, so it is very good to be used in treating colitis at home. To use, wash galangal root and guava leaves, then cut galangal root and cook it with water and guise leaves to get water to drink during the day. Lotus root: Lotus root is a food that contains a lot of fiber, which helps stimulate digestion and strengthen intestinal bacteria. In addition, lotus root also helps prevent diarrhea or constipation very well. Studies have also found that the composition of lotus root is also effective in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Lotus root can be used when treating colitis at home by cooking lotus root porridge to eat about 2-3 times per week. Figs: Just like lotus root, figs are rich in fiber and help treat diarrhea, constipation, and colitis. Figs are used to treat colitis at home in the way that the figs are baked until they are slightly burned and then steeped with water to drink. Note that when applying herbs to treat colitis effectively, patients need to be persistent in using them because most of these leaves only have the effect of supporting treatment, not helping to cure the disease completely.

4. Exercise and living regimen to help treat colitis at home

Building and maintaining a regular exercise regimen is an effective way to cure colitis for patients with colitis in particular, many other patients in general. For people with colitis, regular exercise helps strengthen the function of the digestive system, regulate bowel movements, and the body absorbs nutrients better. In addition, exercise also helps improve mental health, limit pressure, stress, ...
People with colitis can choose some forms of sports below to practice, support the treatment of colitis. Colon at home :
Walking briskly: A brisk walk every day for 20-30 minutes will help the intestinal tract strengthen its contractions and limit constipation. Cycling: Every day cycling for 10-15 minutes helps to improve the digestive system. Yoga: Many yoga movements have a very good effect on the digestive system, helping to relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain caused by colon spasms, bloating, indigestion, ... such as breathing movements, conditioning, move around,...

5. Cure colitis at home with psychotherapy

One of the known causes of colitis is stress. People who are often stressed and anxious are more prone to colon diseases. Therefore, applying psychological improvement therapies to manage stress to support colitis treatment at home is a good thing to do.
Here are some ways to help patients with colitis improve psychological problems such as anxiety and stress:
Take time to rest, get enough sleep: In work and daily life, people Patients need to pay attention to rest and relaxation time, so there should be short periods of time for the body to relax. Besides, sleeping early and getting enough sleep helps limit headaches, dizziness, and enhances concentration. Work management: Along with medical treatment of colitis, effective work arrangement and management by scheduling work will help patients reduce pressure and limit stress on the colon. . Practice breathing, meditation: Meditation exercises or breathing movements are also one of the very good psychological improvement therapies. When the nervous system is relaxed and rested, it helps to improve the digestive system. Just practice deep breathing or meditate for 5-10 minutes after working for 1-2 hours, will help the brain to relax. There are many home remedies for colitis that patients can apply at the onset of the disease with mild symptoms. As the disease worsens and the patient is receiving medical treatment, home remedies can also help relieve symptoms and promote colon health.

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