How to cook shrimp porridge for lazy kids

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Shrimp is the food that mothers need to add to the daily nutritional menu for children when entering the weaning phase. Here are some ways to cook shrimp porridge for lazy babies that mothers should learn.

1. Note when cooking shrimp porridge for lazy baby

Shrimp is one of the low calorie seafood but very rich in nutrients, contains many vitamins as well as minerals. It is estimated that an average of 100g of cooked shrimp contains: 99 calories; 0.3 grams of fat; 0.2 grams of Carbs; 189 milligrams of cholesterol; 111 milligrams of sodium and 24 grams of protein.
For children, shrimp food provides a lot of essential nutrients. However, when cooking shrimp porridge for lazy children, parents still need to note a few basic things:
Although very nutritious, shrimp also contain a large amount of sodium, 1 serving made from shrimp can can provide about 75% of the recommended sodium for infants under 12 months of age. Therefore, when feeding your baby solid foods, you should not add too much sodium from shrimp. The amount of calcium, phosphorus, fatty acids ... in shrimp, if given too much, will easily cause diarrhea and bloating. Shrimp can easily cause seafood allergies, so when you first start feeding your baby with shrimp, parents should only try a few small pieces and wait to see the child's reaction for about 1 hour. After that, if the child does not have any abnormal signs, the number of shrimps can be gradually increased at the following meals. Shrimp is a type of seafood that can contain a lot of bacteria, so when cooking shrimp porridge or preparing other dishes from shrimp for babies, parents need to cook it thoroughly so that bacteria do not have a chance to enter. baby's body. Shrimp should not be combined with foods rich in vitamin C during weaning, because it will easily cause poisoning or cause indigestion.

2. How to choose fresh shrimp to cook porridge for lazy children

To cook the most delicious and attractive shrimp porridge for lazy babies, it is necessary to choose fresh and delicious shrimp, give priority to choose to buy live shrimp and have some characteristics such as:
Shrimps have a straight shape or slightly curved; The shrimp legs must be attached to the body, not separated, the meat is still firm but the legs do not turn black; Do not buy shrimps that have melted: To know if the shrimp is slimy or not, parents can use their fingers to press on the shell of the shrimp, then move their fingers a few times from front to back and reverse. On the other hand, if you notice that there is a feeling of grit under your fingers or that the shrimp is slimy and sticky, you should not buy it. In case you have to buy frozen shrimp, parents should carefully read the information on the packaging and choose products from reputable and quality sources. At the same time, check the expiration date before buying to ensure food safety when giving baby solids.

Nấu cháo tôm giúp cung cấp rất nhiều chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho trẻ
Nấu cháo tôm giúp cung cấp rất nhiều chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho trẻ

3. Some ways to cook shrimp porridge for lazy babies

For children who are lazy to eat, parents need to build a menu for their children based on their interests, age and developmental stage. Do not force children to eat, but spend time preparing new foods in terms of taste and color to stimulate the baby's appetite. Here are some recipes for shrimp porridge for lazy children that parents can refer to.
3.1 Cooking Moringa Shrimp Porridge As a nutrient-rich vegetable, moringa can be used to make daily dishes for children. However, when combining moringa to cook shrimp porridge, you should only feed your baby 2-3 times per week to ensure nutritional balance.
How to cook moringa shrimp porridge is very simple: First, parents need to prepare 20g of moringa, 20g of delicious rice, 20g of black tiger shrimp, 200ml of broth and spices such as olive oil, dried onions... When the ingredients are ready, wash the rice and put it in the pressure cooker to simmer. As for the shrimp, it is necessary to peel, remove the head and sugar on the back, then chop, marinate with a little fish sauce and put oil in the pan, fry the onions and then stir-fry the shrimp.
Moringa leaves are washed and chopped or pureed, when the porridge is cooked, add the fried shrimp and cook for about 5 minutes. Finally, put the moringa into the porridge pot and cook for another 3-5 minutes until the vegetables are just cooked. Scoop out to cool and let your baby enjoy while the porridge is still warm.
3.1 How to cook fresh shrimp oat porridge As one of the commonly recommended foods, oats contain a large amount of protein, soluble fiber, essential vitamins and minerals, help improve the immune system and support digestive system of children.
How to cook oat shrimp porridge as follows:
First, parents need to prepare 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 50g of fresh shrimp meat and 3-4 leaves of kohlrabi. When ready, wash shrimp and vegetables, chop or puree depending on the age of the baby. When finished, add shrimp meat and cook with 200ml of water, bring to a boil and pour in oatmeal. Cook with low heat for about 5-7 minutes, then add sweet cabbage, season to taste. Finally, turn off the stove and add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil and then let the baby enjoy while the porridge is still warm. 3.3 How to cook lotus seed shrimp porridge Fresh shrimp and lotus seeds both have a natural sweetness, cooking shrimp porridge cooked with lotus seeds not only stimulates the taste buds but also helps children develop both physically and intellectually.
Regarding ingredients, parents need to prepare 20g of sticky rice and mixed rice, 10g of black tiger shrimp, 20g of dried/fresh lotus seeds, 250ml of water and necessary spices. How to cook: Put rice in water to soak for 1-2 hours; Shrimp are washed, peeled, removed the head and only the back and then minced. As for the lotus seeds, if fresh, the lotus heart should be removed, if dry, it should be soaked in water for about 1 hour to soften the seeds. When the preparation is complete, add water to simmer the lotus seeds for about 10 minutes, then pour in the rice and simmer. Wait until the porridge is cooked, then add the shrimp meat, stir for about 5 minutes and then turn off the heat. Finally, seasoning to taste and let the baby enjoy while the porridge is still warm.

Cách nấu cháo tôm bông bí cho trẻ rất dễ
Cách nấu cháo tôm bông bí cho trẻ rất dễ

3.4 Cooking amaranth shrimp porridge for babies In amaranth, it contains a lot of iron, vitamin A and calcium to help babies grow healthy. Shrimp porridge with amaranth is one of the most attractive and nutritious baby food dishes, prepared by many parents.
To cook amaranth shrimp porridge for children, parents need to prepare 40g of rice flour, 20g of amaranth, 20g of fresh shrimp and necessary spices such as olive oil, fish sauce,...
How to cook: Wash shrimp, Peel, remove the black sugar on the back and then puree or mince (depending on the appropriate age of the baby). Amaranth must also be washed, drained and minced. After preparing the ingredients, stir the porridge until it thickens, then add the shrimp, then the chopped amaranth, be sure to stir well so that the porridge does not clump. About 5 minutes later, turn off the stove and add a little olive oil, feed the baby while the porridge is still warm.
3.5 Pumpkin shrimp porridge for lazy kids Pumpkin squash has many health benefits, for young children, squash can help protect blood vessels, clear heat as well as support the treatment and prevention of cough lengthen.
With this porridge for babies, parents need to prepare 20g of rice, 20g of peeled shrimp, 20g of pumpkin cotton, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 300ml of water. After you have prepared the necessary ingredients, wash the rice and put it in the pot, add water and cook it into porridge. Shrimp washed, peeled, removed the black sugar on and finely chopped. Pumpkin cotton needs to remove the pistil, remove the calyx, remove the stem, then wash and mince it finely (should choose the pumpkin flower with dark yellow color, large cotton)
When the porridge is cooked, add the shrimp and stir well, when the shrimp changes color If red, put the chopped squash in the porridge pot, cook for about 3-5 minutes, then turn off the heat, scoop the porridge into a bowl, wait until the porridge cools, then add a small spoon of olive oil, mix well and let the baby enjoy porridge is still warm.
Above are some simple and strange ways to cook shrimp porridge for lazy children. Although shrimp is a very healthy food, parents should also note that children should not eat too much to avoid counterproductive effects. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.
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