How to cook egg porridge for babies

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Egg porridge is a simple dish but contains many nutrients. This dish is suitable for sick people, children, especially children who are in the process of weaning. This is a very easy dish to cook and the ingredients are also easy to find in markets or supermarkets.

1. Source of micronutrients in eggs

Eggs are a common food source in the family's diet, and are one of the foods that provide a lot of protein with high biological value and are easily absorbed. In addition, experts have found that egg yolks also provide a lot of fat, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the development of children such as: Iron, vitamin A, zinc ... Average in one fruit Raw eggs (about 50g) contain the following nutrients:
Calories: 72 Protein: 6g Fat: 5g Folate: 6% RDI Vitamin A: 9% RDI Phosphorus: 10% RDI Selenium: 22% RDI Vitamin B5 : 8% RDI Vitamin B2 : 13% RDI Vitamin B12 : 7% RDI

Cháo trứng chứa nhiều thành phần dinh dưỡng nhờ trứng gà
Cháo trứng chứa nhiều thành phần dinh dưỡng nhờ trứng gà

Where RDI (Reference Daily Intake) is defined as the daily intake of a nutrient. Nutrition in eggs is good for both adults and children. The benefits that eggs bring to human health are enormous. When the body is regularly supplemented with eggs in the daily menu, it can help children develop their brains completely, help supplement calcium for children's bones to be strong. Besides, eggs contain a large amount of selenium, which is a nutrient that helps strengthen the immune system and balance thyroid hormones. We can eat 1-2 eggs for breakfast, which can help the body fight infection, help the child's immune system be healthier, and avoid common diseases.

2. At what age can children eat eggs?

Young children have weak digestive systems, so choosing foods for babies to eat is something that many mothers care about. Experts recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life. When the child is 6 months old (180 days), in addition to breastfeeding, the child needs to add their own solid food menu in the diet. When starting to let children get used to solid foods, mothers need to give them a thin powder first and then gradually thicken it. Note that a child's bowl of flour needs 4 main food groups: flour, protein, fat and vitamins. Protein or protein can be obtained from many food sources such as eggs, fish, meat of all kinds or milk (monosodium glutamate). In particular, eggs are one of the foods with high nutritional value and are easy to process. Eggs are full of protein, fat, mineral salts and are concentrated in the yolk, especially the protein of the egg. The yolk is full of 10 essential amino acids for children. In particular, some studies have shown that the protein of chicken eggs is better than the protein of meat, fish, ... However, when using eggs with cereals, it is not recommended because at that time an excess of lysine will appear. . On the contrary, methilin, which is abundant in eggs, will support meat, fish, and beans, which are very good for children's health.
Normally, families often use 3 types of eggs that are popular, easy to buy and cheap, which are chicken, duck, and quail eggs, in which ingredients are: Energy, protein, lipid, glucide, calcium. Ca), iron (Fe) are approximately the same. Therefore, depending on the condition of the family, which type of egg should be used. However, pediatricians have recommended that children under 1 year old should not be given whites, should only eat yolks, and should give them 3 to 4 times a week. Eating a lot of eggs easily makes children full of stomach, indigestion.
Experts have given the principles of feeding children and advised parents to follow the following sequence:
Children aged 0-6 months should only breastfeed exclusively. After 6 months or more, it is recommended to combine breastfeeding for babies and practice giving them 1-2 meals a day of diluted powder, then gradually thickening. Children should eat 4-6 spoons each meal (equivalent to 20-30ml).

Cháo trứng cho trẻ sơ sinh từ 0-6 tháng tuổi
Cháo trứng cho trẻ sơ sinh từ 0-6 tháng tuổi
Children from 7-8 months, combine breastfeeding with 3 meals of solid powder. From 9-11 months, combine breastfeeding with 3 meals of powder or porridge (3/4 bowls of each meal) and add 1 extra meal in between sessions. From 12-24 months: Mothers continue to breastfeed their babies, but the amount of milk at this time may be less and not enough for the baby. At this time, children can already eat 3 meals of porridge or crushed rice with the amount of 1 bowl for each meal, parents can add 2 extra meals to the children's sessions. As for the use of eggs in meals for children, mothers should also consider carefully before proceeding. Depending on the age of the child, mothers give the child a different number of eggs as follows:
For a child from 6 to 7 months old, mothers should only give the child 1/2 egg yolk/meal and give eat 2-3 times/week Children 8-12 months old can eat 1 yolk/meal and feed 3-4 meals in 1 week. Children aged 1-2 years should be fed 3-4 eggs/week by their parents. At this point, the child can eat the whole white without being affected. When children are 2 years old or older, if they like eggs, they can give 1 egg/day.

3. 8 ways to cook egg porridge for babies to eat eye-catching and delicious weaning

From chicken eggs can be processed a lot of delicious and diverse dishes, but because some mothers cannot spend a lot of time on cooking rice, they can choose dishes that are both delicious and nutritious and simple to save. save them time. Among them, egg porridge is an attractive and delicious dish. With a simple cooking method, housewives can transform dishes into a variety of colors, attract the attention of children, and help them eat porridge more delicious. Here is how to cook egg porridge commonly used by mothers:

3.1. Regular egg porridge

Cooking ingredients include: Egg (2 eggs), white porridge (1 part), onions, perilla, olive oil, cooking spices.
How to do it as follows:
Step 1: Measure 1 portion of rice just enough, pour in water. There is a small tip for you to mix 3 parts of plain rice and 1 part of glutinous rice. The porridge will be much more supple. Put the rice and pressure cooker and cook until the rice is full.
Step 2: Wash and finely chop the perilla green onions. For babies who can't smell perilla, mothers reduce the amount of perilla in the diet.
Step 3: Then proceed to seasoning the porridge, leave the hot porridge pot intact and beat the chicken eggs, olive oil and stir with your hands
Step 4: Scoop out the porridge and add the scallions and it's done. .

Cách nấu cháo trứng gà thông thường
Cách nấu cháo trứng gà thông thường

3.2. How to cook sweet potato chicken egg porridge

Ingredients: Egg (1 fruit), sweet potato (2 tubers), white porridge (1 serving), fresh milk (1 small glass), spices.
How to make:
Step 1: Cook porridge with a pressure cooker
Step 2: Wash, steam, and puree sweet potatoes
Step 3: Mix hot sweet potatoes with 1 cup of fresh milk
Step 4: Boil porridge On the stove, seasoning, add sweet potatoes and stir well. After the porridge and potatoes are mixed together, add the egg yolks. Cook on low heat to avoid burning the bottom of the pot for about 1-2 minutes, then take it out and feed it to your baby. This dish is really very effective for improving constipation of children.

3.3. How to cook egg and vegetable porridge

Ingredients: Chicken eggs (2 fruits), white porridge (1 part), hot vegetables (select young leaves, not old ones) and spices, Gac oil.
How to make
Step 1: Cook porridge with a pressure cooker
Step 2: Wash and puree the spinach
Step 3: When the porridge boils, add vegetables and spices to stir
Step 4: Finally crack the eggs and Cook with low heat for 1-2 minutes until the eggs are cooked, then take them out for the children to eat.

3.4. How to cook pumpkin chicken egg porridge

Ingredients: Chicken eggs (1 egg), white porridge (1 part), pumpkin (200 grams), green onions, spices, olive oil.
How to do
Step 1: Cook white porridge with a pressure cooker
Step 2: Peel the pumpkin, wash it, boil or steam it until soft, then beat fine
Step 3: Porridge after boiling and softening, season to taste Just enough flavor, add the mashed pumpkin and stir well.
Step 4: Quickly put the eggs into the porridge and beat it over low heat for about 1-2 minutes and it's done.

3.5. How to cook egg porridge with lotus seeds and carrots

Ingredients include: Egg (1 fruit), white porridge (1 part), carrot (1 tuber), lotus seeds (200 grams), olive oil and spices.
How to do
Step 1: Cook porridge with a pressure cooker
Step 2: Wash and soften the lotus, remove the heart, and crush it
Step 3: Wash, boil and cut the carrots
Step 4: Porridge boil on the stove, season to taste just enough, add eggs and beat quickly to blend.
Step 5: Add the mashed lotus seeds and carrots to the porridge and cook for another 2-3 minutes, then you can scoop it out for the kids to eat.

3.6. How to cook cabbage chicken egg porridge

Ingredients include: Chicken eggs (2 eggs), white porridge (1 part), cabbage (100 grams) and spices, Gac oil.
How to do this:
Step 1: White porridge will cook with a pressure cooker
Step 2: Break the eggs into a bowl, then beat them
Step 3: Wash, boil and puree the cabbage
Step 4: Put porridge and pureed cabbage into the pot, season to taste just enough, cook on low heat and stir well. When the porridge boils, add the eggs and cook for about 1-2 minutes.
Step 5: Finally, add the gac oil and scoop it out for the baby to eat.

3.7. How to cook chicken egg porridge with beef and mushrooms

Ingredients: Chicken eggs (1 egg), white porridge (1 part), beef (200 grams), shiitake mushrooms (100 grams), olive oil and spices.
How to make:
Step 1: Cook porridge with pressure cooker
Step 2: Wash and minced beef. Similar to beef and shiitake, you should also wash and finely chop it.
Step 3: When the porridge is boiling, add the beef and shiitake mushrooms to cook together
Step 4: When the beef and shiitake are soft with the porridge, Quickly add eggs and olive oil, beat well, you can scoop it out for the kids to eat.

Cách nấu món cháo trứng gà thịt bò nấm hương
Cách nấu món cháo trứng gà thịt bò nấm hương

3.8. How to cook egg and tomato porridge

Ingredients: Chicken eggs (2 fruits), white porridge (parts), tomatoes (1 fruit),
spices and Gac oil.
How to do:
Step 1: Cook porridge with a pressure cooker
Step 2: Boil tomatoes, remove skins, puree
Step 3: Add tomatoes to boiling porridge, seasoning to taste
Step 4: Quickly add eggs and beat well, add 1 tablespoon of Gac oil and it's done.
Thus, mothers were able to realize the nutritional value of white fruits eaten daily. Mothers should get enough nutrients from food sources, especially from eggs. In the article, 8 ways to prepare porridge in different ways but still give the child's body full nutrition.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills. Parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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