How to avoid turning a meal into a "struggle"

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The act of forcing children to eat foods they do not like can adversely affect their eating habits. Moreover, these actions will create a big barrier between parents and children. So, how to guide children to choose foods and listen to parents' advice when using foods in children's meals.

1. How to avoid "struggles" during meals

For many families, eating together often means fighting over food or arguing over meals. Of course, if the child is a child who refuses to eat, then keeping the child on demand is not a small challenge for parents. Moreover, parents also need to pay attention to their children's eating habits to help them receive food better.
Moreover, parents need to make sure that they will provide their children with reasonable and healthy food choices, and should not push them during the eating process. Plus, parents should develop and decide on menus and mealtimes, and your kids decide what and how much to eat.
No matter how difficult it is, parents need to remember that it is important that you give your child control and choose foods according to their preferences. It may surprise you how well babies can self-regulate when it comes to food.
Nancy Hudson, a dietitian at the University of California at Davis, says: "Children decide whether or not to eat, what to eat from what is provided and how much to eat."

Dù khó đến mức nào đi chăng nữa thì cha mẹ cũng cần ghi nhớ điều quan trọng là bạn phải cho trẻ được kiểm soát và lựa chọn thức ăn theo sở thích của trẻ
Dù khó đến mức nào đi chăng nữa thì cha mẹ cũng cần ghi nhớ điều quan trọng là bạn phải cho trẻ được kiểm soát và lựa chọn thức ăn theo sở thích của trẻ

2. Some measures to help improve the situation of children with anorexia

2.1. Explain to your child why they should eat your way Children are very intelligent, so when it comes to a very strict diet to help your child avoid the symptoms of ADHD and Asperger's, you should explain it in detail. Show your child how poor food choices can affect his body.
You can even go so far as to explain about illnesses affected by food choices like leaky gut, which kids can totally understand and love to learn about. If the child does not understand all the details, you can simply explain it so that the child can understand. In addition, you should also start introducing your child to some foods that are good for brain development.
Furthermore, you should also encourage children to understand that food rules are for their own good and the health of their bodies. How much detail you give them or how you explain it is up to you.
2.2. Let your child plan meals and prepare food Children love to choose their own food. Sometimes you can ask your child if he or she would like you to make extra dishes when planning meals. So you can be sure that your child will have some favorites on the menu. Even if you have to follow a strict and curative diet, you can show your child cookbooks with you and choose meals that your child feels comfortable with. That makes them feel a lot less deprived and ensures that they actually eat the food that is prepared, because after all, they chose that food.
To get your child's attention even more, you can encourage your child to help prepare the food. This is probably how children are always satisfied, even on strict diets. No matter how strict the diet is, you should ensure that you can always serve your child and keep the foods he or she loves.

Để thu hút sự chú ý của trẻ hơn nữa, bạn có thể khuyến khích trẻ giúp chuẩn bạn bị đồ ăn
Để thu hút sự chú ý của trẻ hơn nữa, bạn có thể khuyến khích trẻ giúp chuẩn bạn bị đồ ăn
2.3. Compromise Making compromises between you and an anorexic is essential to letting your child know that you really want to do what's best for him. But don't be too rigid about what you're ready for. That, can make children often feel deprived and frankly a little angry.
2.4. Let your kids enjoy it. You never thought you'd let your kids enjoy authentic food again. It's like, once you know how toxic some food ingredients are, you can never be at ease with your kids eating them. But after years of going on restrictive, curative diets, it's time for kids to rebalance their diets. Not only has our bodies healed a lot, but has decided to no longer be afraid of food. This ultimately results in the child being deprived of the joy of choosing their favorite food.
Every family has different standards for what constitutes healthy food, and all have different dietary and health needs. But that doesn't mean we have to contradict our children about it. If we take the time to connect with our children and ensure that the needs of children who are difficult to eat are being met, we will be less likely to experience struggles making decisions on our own. and choose their favorite foods.
Try this instead: Serve at least one dish you know your child likes, don't discuss eating habits, and clear the table when the meal is over - even if your child doesn't finish the food eat your own. It's okay if the child is still hungry after dinner.
Don't let yourself be an a la carte chef, preparing special meals just to appease the kids. And don't give your child snacks near mealtimes, they'll be more likely to eat if they're hungry.
If your child wants dessert, offer it to him or her without overreacting, but consider serving fruit instead of sugary treats. Treat dessert as a reward for finishing off vegetables or other foods. Offering more nutritious desserts alongside occasional treats like ice cream encourages healthy habits.
Being a good role model is also important. If your child sees you enjoying your meal, chances are your child will like mine too.

Nếu trẻ muốn có món tráng miệng, hãy đưa món đó cho trẻ mà không cần biểu đạt hành động thái quá
Nếu trẻ muốn có món tráng miệng, hãy đưa món đó cho trẻ mà không cần biểu đạt hành động thái quá

3. How to tell if your child has eaten enough?

Remember that in the end, children are in control of what they put into their bodies. When you plan to feed your baby when he's hungry or when he's had enough, it's not a good idea. "Children won't learn to recognize when they're hungry and when they're done, and you're setting them up with eating problems, such as obesity, overeating or food control," says Hudson. Children can self-regulate and may eat almost nothing for a day and the next day they eat a ton of food."
If you watch what your baby eats over the course of a week or a month, you will find that babies do a pretty good job of getting what they need from different food groups (as long as you offer variety) so pull up a chair, relax, and try to enjoy the meal If you do this, children or babies who refuse to eat will also follow you
In particular, parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as lysine and essential vitamins. zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins help to fully meet the nutritional needs of children.At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and help improve the condition. Parents can also apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption by children. The improvement of the baby's symptoms must take place over a long period of time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really persistent with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.
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