How not to damage your liver?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Tan Phuc - Gastroenterologist - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. So many different factors can directly damage the liver, so how not to damage the liver?

1. Why is it important to protect a healthy liver?

Many of us don't realize that the liver is an important key in the digestive system. Anything that a person eats or drinks (including medication) is metabolized in the liver. The liver is an extremely vulnerable organ if not taken care of, and once damaged too much, the liver will not be able to recover to its original state. For that reason, we need to pay attention to keeping the liver healthy and functioning properly.
The liver is about the size of a football and is located in the right lower quadrant (in the lower right part of the ribcage). The liver performs many important functions. The first is the detoxification function, the liver will remove harmful substances in the blood created by the body. The next liver function is the production of bile (bile is an indispensable component in the digestion of fats). Energy storage is also a role of the liver, when the body lacks energy, the liver will quickly release and supply the missing part.
Keeping the liver healthy is nothing special or difficult. All it takes is just maintaining a healthy lifestyle practice. It is not enough to eat foods that are good for the liver, but most importantly, to avoid things that are harmful to the liver.

2. Methods to protect a healthy liver

Lạm dụng rượu và đồ uống có cồn gây tổn thương nghiêm trọng cho tế bào gan
Lạm dụng rượu và đồ uống có cồn gây tổn thương nghiêm trọng cho tế bào gan
To protect a healthy liver is not difficult, try to follow the following tips:
Don't drink too much alcohol: abuse of alcohol and alcoholic beverages causes serious damage to liver cells and leads to serious consequences. life-threatening results such as decompensated cirrhosis. After drinking, part of the alcohol in alcohol is broken down by the digestive system, the rest will be metabolized in the liver. Substances with the potential to cause liver damage are produced during metabolism. The more alcohol you drink, the greater the chance of liver damage. However, how much alcohol is too much, and what is alcohol abuse is a question that many people care about. The effects of alcohol on the liver as well as the development of liver diseases are related to the amount and duration of alcohol use. The volume of alcohol in a drink is estimated by multiplying the volume of the drink (in mL) by the percentage of alcohol. For example, the alcohol volume of 45 mL of an 80 proof drink (proof is a commonly used unit of alcohol strength in the United States, 2 proof = 1% alcohol, 80 proof is equivalent to 40% alcohol) is 45 x 40% = 18 mL. Each mL contains approximately 0.79 g of alcohol. Although the value can vary, normally in the market the alcohol content of beer ranges from 2% to 7%, the alcohol content of alcohol ranges from 10% to 15%, and thus a cup 12 ounce beer (oz, with 1 oz ~ 29.57 mL, 12 oz ~ 355 mL) contains approximately 5 g to 20 g alcohol, a 5 oz cup (~ 147.85 mL) contains approximately 12 g to 18 g alcohol , while a 1.5 oz (~44.36 mL) cup of spirits contains about 14 g of alcohol. According to US government recommendations, men should not consume more than 28 g of alcohol per day and women no more than 14 g of alcohol (if you only drink alcohol occasionally, men should not exceed 56 g of alcohol per day). drinks, women no more than 42 g alcohol).
Eat a healthy, balanced diet, exercise regularly: maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only helps protect the liver but also helps in all aspects of health. Weight control is also an aspect to consider, as it helps prevent nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), one of the leading causes of cirrhosis.

Thường xuyên luyện tập thể dục thể thao để duy trì lối sống lành mạnh
Thường xuyên luyện tập thể dục thể thao để duy trì lối sống lành mạnh
Be careful when using certain medications: some medications for high cholesterol sometimes cause unwanted effects on the liver. Excessive use (overuse) of pain relievers containing acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) can also cause liver damage. Acetaminophen is a common ingredient found in a wide variety of medications, from over-the-counter cold symptoms to prescription pain relievers. Many therapeutic drugs, if used in combination, or mixed with alcohol (or alcoholic beverages) will cause great harm, so patients need to follow the instructions for using the drug as prescribed by the doctor. Prevention of viral hepatitis: There are many types of viral hepatitis, the most common being hepatitis caused by hepatitis A, B and C viruses. Hepatitis A is an acute disease transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract, the vast majority of cases are not dangerous and can be prevented with a vaccine. However, hepatitis B and C viruses are hepatitis viruses that need to be carefully guarded, because they are very easily transmitted through blood and body fluids, most infected people do not show symptoms for many years, there is a risk of progression. cirrhosis and liver cancer in the future. To determine viral infection, testing is required, so far there are vaccines against hepatitis A and B viruses (hepatitis C virus has no vaccine). Avoid harmful chemicals: such as tobacco, tobacco smoke, pesticides,... Beware of herbal products and supplements: a wide variety of herbal products, supplements Supplements have no evidence of any specific benefit, but also have the potential to harm the liver. Some products are advertised as being good for the liver but there are no reliable studies to back that up, so consult your doctor before using any product. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has Hepatobiliary Screening packages, which help detect Hepatitis Virus at an early stage even when there are no symptoms. In addition, the comprehensive hepatobiliary screening package helps customers:
Evaluate the liver's ability to work through liver enzyme tests; Evaluation of bile function; vascular nutrition; Early screening for liver cancer; Perform tests such as total blood cell analysis, blood clotting ability, screening for hepatitis B, C. Assessment of hepatobiliary status through ultrasound images and diseases that have the potential to affect liver disease/exacerbation of liver disease. In-depth analysis of parameters to evaluate hepatobiliary function through laboratory and subclinical tests; the risk of affecting the liver and early screening for hepatobiliary cancer.

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