How much does a 23 month old baby girl weigh?

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23-month-old babies have amazing physical and verbal development and parents can be amazed at the progress your baby is making. However, there is a difference in weight between boys and girls. Girls are usually slightly lower in weight than boys. So how much does a 23-month-old girl weigh?

1. How much does a 23-month-old girl weigh?

23 months old is a very important milestone because at this time babies not only develop physically but also develop motor skills, speech, teething, ... However, weight and height are always the same. A measure taken by the parents to make sure that the child is developing normally. Therefore, the question that is most concerned by parents with a daughter at this stage is "how much does a 23-month-old girl weigh?". The height and weight of the 23-month-old girl increased significantly compared to a year earlier. Children look much more agile and active. According to the average height and weight chart of toddler girls in different months, the 23 month old girl's weight is 11.7kg and the average height is 85.1cm.

2. How to take care of a 23-month-old baby girl?

Health is always the top concern of parents, so recording your child's weight and height will help you keep track of your child's development. Besides, for children to develop well and maintain a reasonable weight, parents need to build a suitable nutrition and sleep care for children. In addition, it is necessary to give children more physical activity to help them become strong.

2.1 Proper nutrition for 23-month-old children

Children aged 1-2 years should eat three meals a day and two extra snacks. Give your child a variety of foods in all of the food groups such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and milk. 23 months is the toddler stage, so babies typically eat about 3⁄4-1 cup of fruits and vegetables, 1⁄4 cup of whole grains, and three tablespoons of protein per day. However, unlike adults who often eat out of habit or anorexia, toddlers tend to eat only when hungry. Therefore, children should not be forced to eat because this can lead to a fear of food in children.

Trẻ 23 tháng tuổi cần ngủ khoảng 11 đến 12 giờ vào ban đêm
Trẻ 23 tháng tuổi cần ngủ khoảng 11 đến 12 giờ vào ban đêm

2.2 Sleep for a 23-month-old baby

Most 23-month-olds need about 11 to 12 hours of sleep at night, plus a nap of about 1.5 to 3 hours. So the total time is about 13 to 14 hours per day. Some children may wake up at night and fall asleep for reasons such as teething, separation anxiety, or a change in sleep habits. Therefore, parents should find out the cause so that they can help their children overcome, help them adhere to a regular bedtime routine.

2.3 Activities for 23-month-olds

23 months old is the stage when babies can walk masterfully. Physical activities will help children become stronger and develop physically more comprehensively: Parents can do together with their children:
Walking: a walking game like “try not to step on the cracks" can keep your baby walking on her own two feet without the need for a stroller. Pull toys: Your child is walking more rhythmically than in previous months and may be ready to pull a wagon or a toy like a wheel with a handle. Tricycle or balance bike. Look for a tricycle or 2-year-old bike so your child can learn to ride or ride. In summary, according to the height and weight chart, the 23-month-old girl has an average weight of 11.7 kg and a height of 85.1 cm. 23 months old is an important milestone because children not only develop physically but also develop motor skills, teething,... Therefore, parents should take proper care of their children, build a healthy diet and exercise routine. reasonable activities so that children can grow up healthy. Besides, parents also need to pay attention to supplement the necessary micronutrients: Selenium, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... Especially the biological zinc to improve taste, help children eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.

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