2-year-old children have trouble sleeping, anorexia, what to do?

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Hello doctor, my son is 2 years old, weighs 12 kg and is 88 cm tall. Recently, I have trouble sleeping at night, moreover, when I sleep, I toss and turn, waking up to ask for breast milk continuously (I have not weaned yet). In addition, he does not eat very well, 3 main meals a day include: porridge, noodles, or rice (but the amount eaten is not much) and 2 snacks (1 box of yogurt, fruit or formula about 150ml). ). The doctor asked me if my child is eating too little? And how do I get a good night's sleep? Thank physicians sir!
Nguyen Thi Huong (1986)
Hello doctor, the 25-month-old baby recently anorexic, stopped drinking milk (formed milk, has not been breastfed since the baby), often wakes up at night, sleep is not deep and prolonged. The baby wakes up once every 2-3 hours, I don't know what's wrong, the baby weighs 11kg (from 13 months to now, only ranges from 10.5-11 kg, because he eats little)
Anonymous question
Hi, baby 2 years old, weighs 12 kg, and height 88cm is standard. If your baby has trouble going to sleep at night, you should let him sleep less during the day. Moreover, from 5pm, you should let your baby listen to soft music, limit running and playing a lot. When coaxing the baby to sleep, the bedroom should only have someone to comfort the baby and baby, turn off all electronic devices, turn off the lights, or let the light be dim, do not shine in the eyes, pay attention to noise, the temperature is too hot or too cold. , strangers carry, lull them to sleep... These stimuli make the baby toss and turn, having trouble sleeping, not sleeping well, crying at night.
Besides, sleep disorders in children also come from causes such as:
When the body is deficient in calcium, children not only have rickets, but their central nervous system is also affected due to calcium deficiency. neurotransmitters are blocked, less active. Since then, sleep is disrupted, children have difficulty sleeping at night, tossing and turning when sleeping. Not having the habit of sleeping at the right time, on time. Young children often have respiratory diseases such as cough, runny nose, which leads to wheezing, a thick throat with phlegm, which causes airway obstruction, making children uncomfortable and crying at night. Therefore, you should adjust the environmental factors around the baby. If the insomnia does not improve, you should take your baby to a pediatric specialist to know the exact cause, thereby taking appropriate treatment.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Doctor Nguyen Thai Ngoc Chau - Pediatrician - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
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