How many kg should a 4 year old baby weigh?

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Many parents are always interested in the issue of how much a 4-year-old baby weighs. However, weight is not necessarily the only factor, so parents do not need to be too heavy on the weight of their children, but try to find ways to help children develop comprehensively both physically and mentally.

1. 4-year-old child is the golden time of weight development

According to experts, for young children, weight is probably considered an important factor not only to assess nutritional status but also to help determine whether the child's development level is in line with the recommendations or not. are not. Therefore, many parents are always concerned about how much weight a 4-year-old child is. However, weight is not necessarily the only factor, so parents do not need to be too heavy on the weight of their children, but try to find ways to help children develop comprehensively both physically and mentally.
Most children at the age of 4 go to school, so their development is also very fast both physically and in necessary skills. Physically, at this age, the growth rate of weight increases quite rapidly. Because the child's diet at this stage is more diverse and the child is also used to a lot of foods. In order to have a nutritious diet according to development needs, the number of meals for children at this age usually applies 3 main meals and can add 2 snacks.
To know the body mass "how much weight a 4-year-old child is enough", in addition to paying attention to the diet, 4-year-old children also need to be guided in motor skills such as running, jumping, sliding, learning. swimming, cycling... And parents should create conditions for children to be able to carry out these activities.
Furthermore, the quality of a child's sleep also contributes to how much a 4-year-old child weighs. Because sleep will help children develop better in weight. For a 4-year-old child, on average, children need enough sleep each day with an interval of 11 to 12 hours. To help children have a good night's sleep and sleep deeply or children are not awakened in the middle of their sleep, parents need to form scientific sleep habits, be on time and go to bed early to get up early... for children. In addition, parents should give their children a nap with a period of 1 to 2 hours to help them recharge their energy and serve activities in the afternoon.

Giải đáp bé 4 tuổi nặng bao nhiêu kg là vừa?
Giải đáp bé 4 tuổi nặng bao nhiêu kg là vừa?

2. How many kg should a 4-year-old child weigh?

According to the weight statistics table for children up to 5 years old applied to children in Vietnam in particular and children in the world in general, the data published by the World Health Organization is as follows:
If it is a girl, The standard weight is about 14.5 - 17.3 kg If it is a boy, the standard weight is about 15 - 17.6 kg. The child's body mass depends on the current condition, for example, if the child is obese or malnourished, parents can find ways to control the child's weight at the most appropriate and standard level.
Children's weight is considered an indicator of nutritional status. However, parents should not rely on this parameter to put pressure on the child. Because in addition to weight, the assessment of a child's development also needs many decisive factors, including physical, mental and intellectual.

Chăm sóc dinh dưỡng khoa học có vai trò quan trọng đối với sức khỏe và thể chất của trẻ
Chăm sóc dinh dưỡng khoa học có vai trò quan trọng đối với sức khỏe và thể chất của trẻ

3. Some problems related to the weight of 4-year-old children

Scientific nutritional care for children is considered to have an important role in children's health and fitness. When children are supplemented with a variety of nutrients, they will help children develop comprehensively, be healthy and rarely get sick. But on the contrary, if children eat less, do not ensure enough nutrients or use unhealthy foods, it can cause many consequences and hinder the growth of children.
Parents can use a number of healthy foods to help children achieve the required weight goal:
Fresh milk is classified as a food with many benefits for the physical and intellectual development of children. young. Ingredients in fresh milk contain quite a lot of protein, fat, along with vitamins and minerals. Milk is also considered as the food that provides the most nutrients to help mothers save time in raising children while the children are still healthy and smart. Salmon contains high nutritional content, including protein, omega-3, calcium, vitamin D ... all help promote child development. Tofu: Made from soybeans, it is a rich source of vegetable protein along with high levels of iron and vitamin B1. Fiber along with copper, magnesium, zinc ... in tofu helps promote health and promote the development of children. Eggs are rich in protein, fortified with vitamin D and calcium, along with other important minerals. Protein in eggs is quite good because it provides all the necessary amino acids for the body. Shrimp is rich in protein, iron, magnesium, potassium... Parents should choose this food for their children's meals to meet their children's nutritional needs. In the case of overweight and obese children, parents should:
Take the child to see a doctor because obesity can be caused by many causes and in which nutrition is considered as a key factor determining this condition. Parents absolutely must not arbitrarily reduce the child's diet or use complementary products to help improve the child's condition. Because children at this age need a lot of nutrients to grow. And if the child is malnourished - a condition that can make the child underdeveloped both physically and intellectually. It even causes serious problems affecting the health of children. When necessary nutrients are not provided for children, children cannot develop in a comprehensive way. At that time, parents need to:
Take the child to the doctor for advice on building a reasonable menu for the child. This diet must ensure that it contains all 4 food groups rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to provide fat for children at this stage in the range of 30 to 40% of energy content per day. The number of meals for children should be divided into 3 main meals and 2 snacks. In snacks, parents should add fruit and milk for children, while in main meals, add fiber and whole grains. Limit your child's intake of foods that are high in sugar, salt, or solid fats. Do not give children too much soft drink. Because this is a drink that contains a lot of sugar and colorants. These types of water make children full, leading to a lack of appetite. Not only that, drinking too much soft drink will cause calcium excretion out, causing the child's body to lack this micronutrient. In summary, the child's weight is considered an indicator of nutritional status, but parents should not rely on this parameter to put pressure on the child. Because in addition to weight, the assessment of a child's development also needs many decisive factors, including physical, mental and intellectual.
Children need to provide enough elemental zinc/day for them to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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