What level of astigmatism should I wear glasses for?

The article was professionally consulted by an eye doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital 

Astigmatism is a refractive error in the eye. When the eyes is impaired, the patient's ability to focus light and images is diminished to varying degrees.

1. Causes of Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a condition in which the shape of the cornea is irregular. In cases of normal people, light rays pass the cornea then focus on one single point on the retina so they can see a clear image. However, in astigmatism people, light rays scatter to multiple points, which results blurred vision. Beside, astigmatism people have other symptoms: eye strain, headaches, and watery eyes.
There are some types of astigmatism:  

  • Astigmatism
  • Myopia
  • Astigmatism
  • Astigmatism
  • Mixed astigmatism

2. What level of astigmatism should you wear glasses for?

Using glasses intended to assist in the treatment of astigmatism. Usually more than 1 diopter astigmatism causes many visual disturbances. If your vision significantly impacted, you should wear glasses to reduce the strain on your eyes from excessive focusing
For people with mild myopia or slight nearsightedness, if there are no symptoms of eye strain or dryness and their vision remains clear, wearing glasses regularly is not necessary.
If there was any symptoms of eye strain or dryness, you need to wear glasses regardless of the extent of your myopia.
Using glasses depends on the severity and the patient's condition.

Usually more than 1 diopter astigmatism causes many visual disturbances
Usually more than 1 diopter astigmatism causes many visual disturbances

3. Adjusting to Glasses for Astigmatism

When you wear astigmatism glasses for the first time, your eyes might feel uncomfortable, even if the glasses are perfectly made.
However, if you wear glasses persistly for about a week, your eyes will adjust, and the feel of discomfort will go away.

4. What Type of Glasses Should People with Astigmatism Choose?

There are many type of glasses, like regular glasses, contact lenses, or even hard contact lenses (overnight orthokeratology lenses). Depending on your needs and preferences, you can chooes the best option. Before deciding, you should consult with an eye doctor to get the most accurate recommendations.
Furthermore, choose relieble places for crafting your glasses. Poor-quality or ill-fitted glasses not only fail to correct astigmatism but may exacerbate the condition and, in severe cases, contribute to amblyopia

5. Preventing astigmatism

Sit in the correct posture and in a well-lit area to prevent myopia and astigmatism.
Sit in the correct posture and in a well-lit area to prevent myopia and astigmatism.

You should pay attention these thing to prevent astigmatism:
Studying and working with enough light environment, avoid looking at too dark or too bright areas. Using protective eyewear as necessary. Maintain proper posture while writing, avoiding slouching. Limitting screen time under 1 hour when working or watching TV, let your eyes relax by standing or looking into the distance periodly. Let your eyes relax by spending time  outdoors instead of being on screens all day. Eat a nutritious diet, especialy vitamin A-rich foods like carrots, fish, and green vegetables. Avoid lying down for reading and writing on buses, trains, or planes. If you have any eye problems, visit a trusted clinic for diagnosis and treatment. For astigmatism, early diagnosis and treatment  are essential to avoid complications. Do not use unprescribed or inappropriate glasses Only use glasses prescribed by a specialist and follow their advice.

If you have any vision problems, come to medical center as soon as possible for an examination and treatment. Vinmec International General Hospital currently offers services such as:

  • Refractive error screening packages
  • Consultation and cataract surgery examination packages
  • Ortho-K packages

Why should you choose to have eyes care and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital?
Simple and fast procedures. Enthusiastic and supportive consultation, with a reasonable and convenient examination process. Comprehensive infrastructure, including clinics, consultation rooms, blood collection rooms, dining rooms, and waiting areas for customers.A team of doctors with high expertise, working professionally and wholeheartedly.

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