How is coronary artery disease treated?

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Hello doctor! A few days ago I took my mother to the doctor and she was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. The doctor asked me how to treat coronary artery disease when the disease has been diagnosed? Hoping to get a response from the doctor soon. I sincerely thank.
Anonymous question
Treatment of coronary artery disease has two treatment directions: Medical treatment and coronary intervention.
Medical treatment When the patient has new signs of the disease: Use drugs to dilate coronary artery disease, prevent atherosclerosis, narrow coronary artery occlusion If hypertension, lower blood pressure to stable and diabetes 2. Coronary intervention
Medical treatment is not what we want to switch to: Coronary artery stenting, coronary artery surgery
Thank you for your trust in Vinmec Health System, looking forward to meeting you in person to can be consulted in more detail. Best regards!
Consulted by Associate Professor, Doctor, Specialist II Chu Hoang Van - Department of Examination - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
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