Home Tag Coronary artery stent placement

Articles in Coronary artery stent placement

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An overview of arteriosclerosis
Arteritis is a slow progression, difficult to diagnose and easily confused with other diseases, so if not treated promptly, it will lead to serious consequences such as systemic infection, amputation of a necrotic limb, or even amputation. even death.
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Advantages of coronary artery angiography, dilation and stenting techniques
Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in many countries around the world. In which, mainly coronary atherosclerosis leads to coronary artery occlusion. Therefore, the advantages of coronary angiography, dilation and stenting techniques have solved the problems of coronary artery disease.
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How is coronary artery stenting performed?
Coronary artery stenting is also known as coronary angioplasty. This is a minimally invasive, relatively safe and highly effective surgical procedure in the treatment of coronary artery disease.
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Is open 1⁄4 heart valves dangerous? How to treat?
Hi doctor. During the past 2 months, I often have mild chest pain, about 30 seconds. I went to the doctor, the doctor said that it was due to open 1⁄4 heart valves. Ask the doctor if this disease has any effect? What is the best treatment? Please advise doctor, thank you doctor.
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What is the diet for heart surgery people?
Hi doctor. My mother is 74 years old this year, just 1 month after heart surgery. I want to ask about the diet after surgery? Does eating a lot of sweets have any effect? Please advise me, thank you doctor.
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How is coronary artery disease diagnosed?
Hi doctor. Doctor let me ask, how is coronary artery disease diagnosed? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. I sincerely thank.
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How is coronary artery disease treated?
Hi doctor! A few days ago I took my mother to the doctor and she was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. The doctor asked me how to treat coronary artery disease when the disease has been diagnosed? Hoping to get a response from the doctor soon. I sincerely thank.
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How long does a coronary stent last in the body?
It is difficult to predict how long a coronary stent will last because the life of the stent depends on the type of drug-coated or conventional type, but surely the stent will last a long time without having to be replaced, if the patient uses the drug regularly, results with good diet and exercise.
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Peripheral artery occlusion: What you need to know
Tắc động mạch ngoại biên, bệnh lý gây nhiều hậu quả nghiêm trọng, có thể dẫn tới tàn phế, hiện chưa được nhiều người biết đến.
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Indications for coronary angioplasty and stenting
Coronary artery disease is a disease caused by the accumulation of "fat" (cholesterol) that creates plaque that narrows or blocks one or more arteries. Complete blockage of a coronary artery will lead to a heart attack. At this time, angioplasty and coronary stenting will help treat stenosis or obstruction.
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Are drug-eluting coronary stents safer than other stents?
Catheter coronary intervention with drug-eluting coronary stenting technique has become one of the widely used procedures today. According to the results of many studies, drug-eluting stents are safer than other types of stents.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics