How is brown fat different from other fats?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Ho Viet Le Diem - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Comparing the function of white fat and brown fat, brown fat breaks down blood sugar and fat molecules to generate heat to help maintain body temperature, while white fat is responsible for storing extra energy.

1.The difference between types of fat

1.1 Brown fat (brown fat) In recent studies, scientists have found that thin people tend to have more brown fat than overweight and obese people. When brown fat is stimulated it can burn calories.
Scientists are looking at brown fat as a potential obesity treatment by increasing brown fat or stimulating existing brown fat in the body.
It is known that children have more brown fat than adults, brown fat helps children keep warm.
When activated, brown fat burns white fat. Thinner adults have more brown fat. A 150-pound person may have 20 or 30 pounds of fat. And they will only have 2 or 3 ounces of brown fat. But those 2 ounces if maximally stimulated, it can burn 300 to 500 calories a day, enough to lose up to a pound in a week.
1.2 White Fat (White Fat) White fat helps in energy storage and hormone production which is then secreted into the bloodstream.
Small fat cells produce a hormone called adiponectin, which makes the liver and muscles sensitive to the hormone insulin , in the process making us less prone to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
When people become fat, the production of adiponectin slows down or stops which should make them sick.

Sự khác biệt giữa tế bào mỡ nâu và mỡ trắng
Sự khác biệt giữa tế bào mỡ nâu và mỡ trắng
1.3 Subcutaneous fat Subcutaneous fat is found directly under the skin. It's the amount of fat measured with a skin caliper to estimate your total body fat.
In terms of overall health, subcutaneous fat in the thighs and buttocks, may not be bad and may have some potential benefits. It may not cause as many problems as other types of fat, especially deeper visceral fat.
1.4 Visceral Fat Visceral fat is bad for your health. If you have a large waist or belly, of course you have visceral fat. Visceral fat increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even dementia.
Visceral fat is thought to have a greater effect on insulin resistance - increasing diabetes risk than other fats.
1.5 Belly fat Belly fat is an unhealthy fat. Belly fat is a combination of both visceral and subcutaneous.
Belly fat is considered a higher health risk than hip or thigh fat. And that could mean that belly fat can increase insulin resistance, increase the risk of diabetes and worsen dyslipidemia, increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

2. Importance of general health check

Khám sức khỏe tổng quát để phát hiện sớm và điều trị bệnh kịp thời
Khám sức khỏe tổng quát để phát hiện sớm và điều trị bệnh kịp thời
Belly fat not only causes you trouble to make clothes but it also causes many serious harm to health. Belly fat includes subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, which is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions.
Many health organizations use body mass index (BMI) to classify weight and predict metabolic disease risk. However, this is absolutely true because people with excess belly fat also have an increased risk even if they look thin overall.
Therefore, to accurately assess the risk of disease in people with large belly, you need to go to reputable medical facilities and have current equipment to accurately assess how much excess fat is. and how excess fat affects your health.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is implementing a general health checkup package. With diverse examination packages and serving different types of customers, Vinmec's experienced doctors will carefully examine and screen for risk factors that are affecting the health of customers. Based on the results of examination and testing and based on the preferences of the customer, the doctor will recommend an appropriate treatment plan.
Doctor Ho Viet Le Diem has more than 10 years working in the Department of Resuscitation - Cardiac Surgery at Cho Ruong Hospital with the position of cardiologist and Open Heart Resuscitation. And has more than 03 years as a General Internal Medicine doctor at Family Medical Practice in Ho Chi Minh City. Currently, Dr. Diem is working at the Internal Medicine Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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