How does weather affect asthma?

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Changing weather is an obsession of asthmatics. They cause difficulty breathing and some symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, affecting work productivity, daily activities as well as quality of life.

1. The link between weather and asthma

In asthma , the airways narrow along with the body secreting mucus making it difficult to breathe. Asthma occurs for many different reasons, in which weather plays an important role. Some types of weather can trigger asthma symptoms including:
High temperature Low temperature High humidity Sudden change in weather Rain thunder Severe weather can irritate the airways more than time. temperate weather. This can trigger asthma attacks in people with seasonal allergic asthma.

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2. Weather patterns affect asthma

High temperature Inhaled hot air can narrow the airways. Before going out on the street, you should check the air quality and weather forecast to protect your nose and mouth and take measures to limit going out if the weather is bad. Instead, in hot weather, you should sit in an air-conditioned room and filter out respiratory irritants.
Low temperature When the temperature drops, asthma symptoms may get worse. Cold weather dries out respiratory tissues, making them more sensitive and constricting blood vessels. To reduce the risk of an asthma attack, a scarf can be the solution because they work to warm the air before breathing it into the airways.
Humidity Humid air can also cause respiratory irritation because it is a favorable environment for mold and dirt to grow. To reduce humidity, you should use an air conditioner or dehumidifier. If you need to go outside on a humid day, you should try to get outside in the morning or evening, when the humidity is lower.
High Pollen Concentration Pollen concentration in the air will be higher on windy days. High levels of pollen can cause allergies, which in turn trigger asthma for many people. An allergist can help you find the exact cause. To control asthma caused by pollen allergies, you may be prescribed an allergy nasal spray.

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Phấn hoa có thể gây dị ứng và kích hoạt hen suyễn cho nhiều người

Thunderstorms accompanied by thunder and lightning can threaten people with asthma. That's because rain and thunder hit the pollen, turning them into smaller pieces than usual. Spread by the wind, these pollen particles enter the lungs and cause symptoms. Therefore, if pollen is an asthma trigger, you should not leave the house on rainy days.
Sudden weather changes Sudden weather changes are a condition that triggers an asthma attack. Some experts attribute the cause to changes in atmospheric pressure, while others suggest it is due to changes in humidity and air temperature. You should check the weather forecast to determine the severity of your asthma attack when the weather changes.
Showers can have a two-way effect on asthma. Moderate rain can wash away pollen, reducing the risk of an asthma attack. However, a downpour will break the pollen and carry it everywhere. Dust mites and mold are two other agents that can thrive in wet weather. To improve air quality, you should install air conditioners and make sure humid rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms are well ventilated to prevent mold growth.
Winter Not only asthma, winter is also a favorable time to develop colds and flu. Getting a flu shot will reduce your risk of an asthma attack. You should not use a heater to warm the air, but using electricity or gas in the house will be better for health.

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Thời tiết lạnh tạo điều kiện thuận lợi để phát triển các bệnh cúm và hen suyễn

Summer Summer is the time when many respiratory irritants appear such as kitchen smoke, strong chlorine smell from swimming pools, chalk dust on fabrics when drying, road pollen on clothes and hair. The best way to protect the body is to wash up after coming home, and remember to wear a mask when going out.

3. What medicine should people with asthma take?

You should plan to visit your doctor to prepare for asthma when winter arrives. When your doctor prescribes it, you have the choice of taking it every day (for long-term control) or only when needed (rapidly reducing inflammation).
A long-term controller is a medicine you take every day to control your asthma symptoms, including:
Inhaled corticosteroids such as fluticasone (Flovent Diskus, Flovent HFA) Long-acting beta agonists, such as salmeterol (Serevent) Diskus) Leukotriene receptor blockers, such as montelukast (Singulair) However: Long-acting beta-agonists are always used with inhaled corticosteroids.
A quick-relief is a medicine that you take only when you need it, such as before exercising when it's cold. Short-acting bronchodilators and anticholinergics are examples of these drugs.

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Sử dụng các loại thuốc hỗ trợ hen suyễn theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

4. How to avoid asthma attacks in cold weather?

To prevent asthma attacks, try to stay indoors when the temperature is low. If you must go outside, cover your nose and mouth with a towel to warm up the air before breathing in.
Here are a few more tips for managing asthma attacks in winter:
Drink more water in winter: Helps keep mucus in the lungs thinner and easier to remove. Try to avoid contact with people who have the flu Get a flu shot in the fall. Vacuum and mop regularly to remove indoor allergens. Wash sheets and blankets weekly in hot water to remove dust mites. Here are some ways to prevent an asthma attack when you exercise outdoors in cold weather:
Using a nebulizer 15 - 30 minutes before exercise helps open up your airways so you can breathe easily than. Bring your nebulizer in case you have an asthma attack. Warm up at least 10-15 minutes before you exercise. Wear a mask or scarf over your face to warm the inhaled air. Asthma is a dangerous disease, so it is very important to take care of, treat and pay attention to the pathogens that affect the symptoms of the disease. Especially when the weather changes, patients need to pay attention to well control asthma attacks, minimizing the risk of complications.

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Tiêm vắc-xin cúm vào mua thu để tránh các cơn hen suyễn

Vinmec International General Hospital is a general hospital with the function of examining and treating respiratory diseases, including asthma. At Vinmec, we have also performed the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and screening of asthma with modern medical methods, which not only bring high efficiency but also minimize the complications of recurrent disease. The great success is because Vinmec is always fully equipped with modern facilities, examination and treatment procedures are performed by a team of doctors with many years of experience and expertise. in the profession.
To register for medical examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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