How does the emergency contraceptive pill work?

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Emergency contraception is used by women after unprotected sex or having trouble using other methods of contraception. By using emergency contraception within 3 days of having sex, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

1. General operating principles of emergency contraceptive pills

Emergency contraception contains hormones or chemicals that work to prevent pregnancy. One of them is the combined oral contraceptive pill, which has a hormone composition similar to that of the daily pill.
The main effect of the emergency contraceptive pill is to delay ovulation. Once the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, emergency contraception is no longer effective.
Emergency contraceptive pills have a good contraceptive effect. The earlier the pill is used, the more effective it is at preventing pregnancy. Preferably within 24 hours of having unprotected sex. Birth control pills are also known as "after-morning" pills. Studies show that, if you take birth control pills within 72 hours of having sex, you have only a 1-2% chance of getting pregnant.

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Thuốc tránh thai khẩn cấp giúp ngừa thai hiệu quả nhưng cũng là con dao hai lưỡi vì có thể gây ảnh hưởng tới khả năng sinh sản của người sử dụng. Theo dõi bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây để biết thuốc tránh thai khẩn cấp có những tác dụng phụ gì?

The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Tạ Quốc Bản , Sản phụ khoa , Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Phú Quốc

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Tạ Quốc Bản
Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa,
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Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Phú Quốc

2. How do emergency contraceptive pills work?

There are 3 types of emergency contraception that can be used with or without a prescription. If you want to use prescription birth control pills, you must be at least 17 years old. Depending on the brand and dosage, take 1-2 pills.
2.1 Levonorgestrel Levonorgestrel is a type of birth control pill that contains hormones. Some levonorgestrel birth control pills are trusted on the market such as My Way, Plan B One-Step, Preventeza, Take Action.

Thuốc tránh thai Levonorgestrel
Thuốc tránh thai Levonorgestrel

You should take this medicine within 72 hours of having sex. The pill is still effective within 5 days after sex, the further away from the date of intercourse, the lower the effectiveness of contraception. Dosage is different between drugs. Plan B One-Step and My Way take 1 pill. Some other medicines require 2 pills in 1 dose. Currently, according to the FDA, Plan B One-Step is available to all ages without a prescription. Note that the effectiveness of oral contraceptives will be reduced in people who are overweight and obese.
2.2 Birth control bills The composition of combined oral contraceptives includes progesterone and estrogen. This drug is commonly used in daily contraception. The pill will work as emergency contraception if you use it at a higher than usual dose for 3 to 5 days. The effectiveness of the combined oral contraceptive pill is lower than that of other drugs and is more likely to cause nausea. You must not use combined oral contraceptives more than once for the purpose of preventing pregnancy without consulting your doctor. Combination birth control pills are prescription drugs.
2.3 Ulipristal (ella, ellaOne) Ulipristal is a hormone-free birth control pill. Instead, the composition of the drug contains ulipristal acetate, a substance that blocks the action of the hormone progesterone, preventing ovulation. The drug takes effect within 5 days of having sex and is available with a doctor's prescription. If you think you are pregnant, you should check with your doctor before taking this medicine.

3. Some types of emergency contraceptive pills are safe

3.1 Levonelle Levonelle is a levonorgestrel drug. The drug is produced as a synthetic fiber from the hormone progesterone found in the ovaries. Medications that prevent or slow down ovulation. Levonelle is effective at preventing pregnancy for 3 days after sex. It does not affect the effectiveness of oral contraceptives used every day.
3.2 ellaOne

Thuốc tránh thai ellaOne
Thuốc tránh thai ellaOne

ellaOne contains ulipristal acetate, which blocks the action of progesterone, slowing down ovulation. ellaOne works to prevent pregnancy for 5 days after sex.
If you have unprotected sex after using Levonelle and ellaOne, you can still get pregnant. Because these drugs do not have the same long-term contraceptive effect as conventional birth control pills. However, you can still use emergency contraception more than once in a menstrual cycle if needed.
Emergency contraceptive pills bring high effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, but can also affect the fertility of the user if used for a long time. Therefore, women should apply safer methods such as using condoms, placing an IUD, taking oral contraceptives every day, etc. If taking emergency contraceptive pills due to force majeure, Ms. You should carefully read the instructions for use of the drug, take it as soon as possible after sex, take the full dose and at the prescribed time.

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