How does liposuction work?

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Abdominal liposuction is a method of removing excess fat, making the abdomen slimmer and firmer. This method helps to get in shape, but this is also a form of intervention, so there can be dangerous complications. Therefore, it is necessary to perform abdominal liposuction according to the safest and most effective procedure.

1. What is Abdominal Liposuction?

Abdominal liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to quickly remove excess fat in the abdominal area from the body. This method is often used when measures such as diet, exercise are not effective or people want to get rid of belly fat quickly.
This method is indicated for those who have a large belly and are eligible to perform abdominal liposuction.

2. What is the process of liposuction?

Abdominal liposuction usually takes place quickly, within about 1-3 hours depending on the amount of excess body fat and the method of implementation.
Abdominal liposuction procedure goes as follows:
Step 1: Clinical examination and preoperative consultation This is a very important first step in the process of abdominal liposuction. Through the examination, the doctor will determine the belly fat status of each customer and decide whether the abdominal liposuction method is suitable or not. Exploiting medical history, current health status and medications being used to advise patients. Aspirin-containing medications should be discontinued at least 10 days prior to the use of abdominal liposuction. Step 2: Check health through paraclinical tests In addition to examining and taking medical history of the person performing abdominal liposuction to ensure safety, it is necessary to perform some more paraclinical tests such as: blood test, abdominal ultrasound.

Bước đầu tiên của quá trình hút mỡ bụng là thăm khám lâm sàng
Bước đầu tiên của quá trình hút mỡ bụng là thăm khám lâm sàng
Step 3: Mark the area of ​​fatty tissue in the abdomen Based on the status of each person's belly fat, the doctor will draw circles and lines, marking the fatty tissues so that the liposuction process takes place quickly and accurately. corpse.
Step 4: Anesthesia During liposuction, the patient is in a coma. Before performing anesthesia, it is necessary to test the reaction with anesthetic so that the liposuction process is safe and will not feel any pain. If you are allergic to anesthetics, the entire process of abdominal liposuction will be stopped to ensure the safest for your health and you should choose a few other more suitable methods of reducing belly fat.
When qualified to administer anesthesia, the doctor will pre-anesthetize the patient with drugs that have anesthetic effects.
Step 5: Carry out abdominal liposuction After being anesthetized, depending on the method of abdominal liposuction, the intervention steps are different. There are many methods used to liposuction such as:
Tumescent liposuction technique: This is the most widely used technique. The doctor injects a sterile solution into the treated area to remove fat, minimize pain, and constrict blood vessels to prevent bleeding. This mixture causes the intervention area to swell and harden. The doctor then makes a small incision in the skin and inserts a catheter connected to a vacuum to drain fat and fluid from the body. The amount of fluid removed is rehydrated through the intravenous route. Ultrasonic Liposuction: This method can be performed in conjunction with Tumescent liposuction. During the procedure, the doctor will insert a metal rod to emit ultrasound energy under the skin. Ultrasonic energy can help break down fat cell wall and liquefy fat cells in a simpler way, thereby making fat removal easier. Laser liposuction: This technique uses high-intensity laser light to liquefy fat, thereby making it easier to remove fat. Finally, the fat is removed from the body through the catheter. Force liposuction: When performing this technique, the doctor will move a catheter back and forth at high speed. The vibration makes it easier for the doctor to remove the solid fat. This method can cause less pain and swelling, and removes fat with greater precision. Step 6: Shaping the abdomen after liposuction if necessary After completing the removal of excess fat in the abdominal area, the process of abdominal liposuction moves to the next step of tightening and toning the abdominal skin. In case of being too fat, liposuction will make the skin loose and saggy, it will be combined with the method of abdominoplasty by cutting excess skin to help the abdomen become slimmer and smoother.
Step 7: Post-operative care After performing abdominal liposuction, the patient will rest at the hospital for 1-2 days, depending on the method chosen. After that, the doctor will guide you on proper care, rest and eating at home so that the wound can recover quickly and achieve the best fat loss effect.

Sau khi hút mỡ bụng, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu đeo nịt bụng trong 1-2 tháng
Sau khi hút mỡ bụng, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu đeo nịt bụng trong 1-2 tháng
Some notes after performing abdominal liposuction
Care and change the wound dressing regularly once a day to avoid infection. Use the medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Note that it is necessary to wear a belly band after liposuction as indicated for about 1 to 2 months to shape the waist area. Patients are completely at risk of gaining belly fat again, so it is necessary to well control a healthy diet and exercise to avoid gaining weight and losing the desired shape. Abdominal liposuction is considered as an important surgery that can cause many complications if safe steps are not taken from the time of receiving and examining the patient. So to ensure the safest, you should choose a reputable facility and a doctor with high expertise and experience to make liposuction safe and effective.
If you need in-depth advice on any issue, customers can send questions via the website of Vinmec International General Hospital or contact directly to get information from the medical staff.

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