How do I know if my baby is constipated?

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Change in diet or use of formula, illness, dehydration can also cause constipation. Early detection when children have constipation will help improve the effectiveness of treatment.

1. Signs of constipation in babies

Constipation occurs when a child has difficulty having a bowel movement. Signs of constipation include:
Having fewer bowel movements than usual, especially if the child has not had a bowel movement for three days or more and the child feels really uncomfortable having a bowel movement. Hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass - no matter how often. Straining for more than 10 minutes without a bowel movement. Soreness or spitting up more than usual. Note: Newborns often strain during bowel movements. If your child has a bowel movement and his stools are soft, he or she is not constipated.

2. Normal state of the child

If you are concerned that your child may be constipated, consider the child's normal pattern first. The frequency of bowel movements depends on factors such as what the child eats and drinks, the child's activity level, and how quickly food is digested. Your baby may have a bowel movement after each feeding, or he may wait a day or more between feeds.
Exclusively breastfed babies rarely get constipated because breast milk has a natural balance of fats and proteins, so it produces stools that are almost always soft, even if your baby hasn't had a bowel movement for several days. It's not unheard of for a breastfed baby to have a bowel movement a week.

Trẻ bú mẹ hoàn toàn ít khi bị táo bón
Trẻ bú mẹ hoàn toàn ít khi bị táo bón

If your baby drinks formula or eats solid foods, he or she will probably poop at least once a day.

3. Causes of Constipation in Babies

Possible causes of constipation include:
Solid foods: Your baby may be mildly constipated when eating solid foods, especially if they are low in fiber. (Skip traditional low-fiber foods first, like rice cereal, and switch to higher-fiber options like oatmeal.) Formula: The protein in formula can cause constipation in some babies. If you are concerned, see your pediatrician for advice and choosing the right formula for each child. Iron mineral content: While a formula that is too low in iron can cause constipation, a higher iron intake can minimize it. Dehydration: If a child is dehydrated, his organ systems will respond by absorbing more fluid from whatever he eats or drinks and also from waste in the intestines. The result can be dry, hard, and difficult stools. Weaning: Reducing the amount of breast milk in a baby's diet can sometimes lead to dehydration, which contributes to constipation. Illness or a health condition. Although uncommon, constipation can be caused by an underlying medical condition such as hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis or botulism, food allergies, and metabolic disorders. If there's no reason for your baby to have hard and painful stools, see your doctor to rule out these conditions.

Thành phần protein trong sữa công thức có thể gây táo bón ở một số trẻ sơ sinh
Thành phần protein trong sữa công thức có thể gây táo bón ở một số trẻ sơ sinh

4. Some remedies for children's constipation

Here are some home remedies parents can apply:
Help your baby exercise: If your baby is crawling, encourage her to do it over and over again. If your baby hasn't made it to crawling yet, try doing leg exercises. While your baby is lying on his back, gently move his legs in a forward circular motion as if he were riding a bicycle. Baby belly massage. This is also one of the measures to help support your baby's digestion. If you're formula feeding, ask your pediatrician if you'd like to choose or change your baby's formula. If your baby is old enough to eat a variety of solid foods, you should cut back on foods that can cause constipation, such as rice and bananas. Try more fiber-rich foods like pureed prunes, peas, apricots or pears, or whole grains to help ease bowel movements. If your child has stools that are dry, hard enough that you see some blood or even have a slight tear (crack) in the delicate skin near your baby's anal opening, you can apply an ointment such as kerosene or unpainted jelly on the spot to help the wound heal. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the area as clean and dry as possible. In case the wound does not heal, parents should take the child to see a pediatrician for timely examination and treatment.

5. Should let your baby use juice or filtered water

Although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not giving any fruit juice to babies under 12 months, a little prune, apple, or pear juice in addition to regular meals will help relieve constipation in children. young. These fruits contain sorbitol, which is a sweetener that acts as a laxative. However, parents need to make sure that the juice is 100% fruit and has no added sugar.

Nên cho bé sử dụng nước trái cây hoặc nước lọc để giảm tình trạng táo bón
Nên cho bé sử dụng nước trái cây hoặc nước lọc để giảm tình trạng táo bón

If your baby is 4 months or older, you can give him 56 -113 ml of juice per day, but no more than a week or two. If your baby is 1 to 4 months old, talk to your doctor before giving him juice.
You can give your baby water when he starts to eat solid foods. For babies 6 to 12 months old, the Centers for Disease Control recommends 113 to 148ml of water per day.

6. Should children use laxatives?

Never give your baby laxatives without a prescription and without consulting a doctor. However, in certain cases, your doctor may recommend one of the following laxatives:
Stool softeners draw water into the stool, making bowel movements more comfortable. Glycerin suppositories relieve severe constipation by stimulating your baby's rectum. It's okay to use suppositories from time to time, but don't do it often as your baby may rely on them to have a bowel movement.

7. Some conditions should call the doctor

Call the doctor if your baby is under 4 months old and has the following signs:
Very hard stools. Not having a bowel movement within 24 hours of when he usually has one. Call the doctor if your child is of any age and has the following signs:
Do not eat. Weight loss. Vomit. There is bloating or swelling in the abdomen. There is blood in the stool.

Mẹ nên theo dõi triệu chứng của bé và gọi ngay cho bác sĩ chuyên khoa khi cần thiết
Mẹ nên theo dõi triệu chứng của bé và gọi ngay cho bác sĩ chuyên khoa khi cần thiết
In order to limit the child's constipation as well as the use of antibiotics, parents should pay attention to the diet to improve the child's resistance. At the same time, supplementing with supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins, etc., helps support the immune system, strengthens resistance so that children are less sick and less likely to have digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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