Healthy Sperm: Improve Your Fertility

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Sperm plays an important role in successful conception. Infertility is a growing problem worldwide. While infertility is not always treatable, sometimes just improving a healthy diet and lifestyle can improve male fertility.

1. What factors determine healthy sperm?

Sperm health depends on many different factors, including quantity, motility and structure:
Quantity: You are most likely to conceive if an ejaculate contains the least 15 million sperm per ml. Too few sperm in each ejaculation can make conception more difficult because there are less sperm available to fertilize an egg. Degree of mobility: To reach and fertilize an egg, sperm must travel and swim through the cervix, uterus, and to a woman's fallopian tubes. Sperm motility is measured as the percentage of motile sperm cells in a semen sample. There must be at least 40 percent of the sperm moving in order to get pregnant.
Structure (morphology): Normal sperm have an oval head and long tail, these two parts work together to push them to meet the egg. While not more important than quantity or motility, the more sperm you have with normal shape and structure, the better your chances of conceiving.

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2. Causes of male fertility problems

Various health problems can contribute to male fertility, including:
Diseases of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland - the parts of the brain that signal the testes to produce testosterone and sperm Sperm (secondary hypogonadism) Testicular disease Sperm transport disorders Age can also be a factor in male reproductive difficulties. Sperm motility and normal sperm ratio tend to decrease with age leading to effects on fertility, especially after the age of 50.

3. What is the best way to help produce healthy sperm?

You can take the following simple steps to increase your body's ability to produce healthy sperm. Example:
Maintain a healthy weight: Some studies show that an increase in body mass index (BMI) is associated with a decrease in sperm count and sperm motility. A healthy diet: Choosing plenty of fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in antioxidants can help improve sperm health. Preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause infertility in men. To protect yourself, limit the number of sex partners and use a condom every time you have sex or stay in a monogamous relationship so you don't get infected.

Sử dụng bao cao su khi quan hệ tình dục giúp giảm nguy cơ nhiễm trùng sinh dục
Sử dụng bao cao su khi quan hệ tình dục giúp giảm nguy cơ nhiễm trùng sinh dục

Manage stress: Stress can decrease sexual function and interfere with the hormones needed for sperm production. Exercise: Moderate physical activity can increase levels of antioxidant enzymes that help protect sperm.

4. What should be limited?

Sperm can be vulnerable to environmental factors, such as exposure to extreme heat or toxic chemicals. To protect fertility, men:
Don't smoke: Men who smoke are more likely to have a low sperm count. If you smoke, you can see your doctor or a smoking cessation counselor to help you quit. Limit alcohol use: Heavy drinking can lead to decreased testosterone production, impotence and decreased sperm production. If you drink alcohol, use it in moderation. Avoid Lubricating During Sex: Although more research is needed on the effects of lubricants on fertility, you should therefore consider avoiding the use of lubricants during intercourse. If necessary, consider using canola oil, egg whites, or a fertility-friendly lubricant.
Talk to your doctor about medications you are taking: Calcium channel blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, antiandrogens, Anabolic steroids, and other medications can contribute to fertility problems. Avoid exposure to toxins: Exposure to pesticides, lead, and other toxins can affect sperm count and quality. If you must work with toxins, wear proper protective clothing and equipment and avoid exposing your skin to chemicals. Stay cool: Increased scrotal temperature can interfere with sperm production. Although the benefits below have not been fully proven, according to experts, men should wear loose underwear, avoid sitting a lot, limit sauna and hot tub baths, and limit exposure to the scrotum. Warm objects can help improve sperm quality.

Sử dụng đồ lót rộng rãi giúp giảm nhiệt độ vùng bìu của nam giới
Sử dụng đồ lót rộng rãi giúp giảm nhiệt độ vùng bìu của nam giới
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer can decrease sperm production and cause infertility, possibly even permanently. Therefore, to avoid this situation, men should ask their doctor about methods of collecting and storing sperm before undergoing treatment. Despite adopting healthy lifestyle measures to promote fertility and avoiding factors that can reduce the chances of successful conception. However, if you and your partner haven't gotten pregnant after a year of having sex without any birth control, consider seeing your doctor for an evaluation for infertility. Your fertility specialist will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the right treatment to help you conceive successfully.
Customers can come to the Center for Reproductive Support - Vinmec International General Hospital. This is the leading center in Vietnam, which has developed and applied a comprehensive medical examination and treatment process, combining both gynecology and obstetrics and gynecology to provide the optimal method for each patient's case.

Advantages when customers choose Vinmec fertility center:
Equipped with modern equipment, clean air system according to international standards to ensure lab quality, single cabinet system to optimize quality embryo, improving the success rate for each cycle of artificial insemination. Implement most advanced assisted reproductive techniques in the world: ICSI (injection of sperm into the oocyte cytoplasm); support embryo escape membrane; Reproductive reserve: embryo freezing, sperm freezing, oocyte freezing to help customers take the initiative in giving birth at will, transferring embryos on day 5, minimizing pregnancy; male infertility techniques (PESA, MESA, TEFNA, TESE) Besides advanced reproductive support methods, a team of excellent doctors in the country and the world, with prestige and long-term experience in the field of infertility . To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source:

What are the normal semen analysis results? How does sperm formation take place? Male infertility AZF deletion test
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